My Husband and I Brought Hundreds of Millions of Supplies to Farm Chapter 996 Engagement

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Chapter 996: Chapter 996 Engagement


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Isn’t this a bit much?” Gu Wanning questioned. “Wouldn’t it be too flashy?”

“Nonsense,” the Emperor countered. “I’ve watched Chenglin grow up—he’s practically like a younger brother to me. Besides, the boy is upright, wouldn’t he be able to choose from the finest young ladies in the capital together with his wealth?”

“Then I shall defer to Your Majesty’s judgment,” Gu Wanning conceded.

“You’re just too cautious,” the Emperor chided playfully.

“I’m your wife, Your Majesty,” Gu Wanning reminded him. “You shouldn’t simply favor your family without considering my concerns. It would be disastrous if it caused problems within the court.”

“Of course, we can both agree that if Chenglin isn’t interested, we won’t force the issue.”

The Emperor was momentarily taken aback by her words. He playfully flicked her forehead. “Are you asking for a scolding? Do you truly think I’m that kind of person?”

“That actually hurt!” Gu Wanning exclaimed with a mock pout, standing up. “The Emperor only knows how to bully people.”

“Alright, alright, I apologize,” the Emperor conceded. “Can you go ahead and prepare a couple of dishes for me? I’m famished.”

“As you wish, Your Majesty,” Gu Wanning replied. “Please keep the Third Princess company for a while. The food will be ready soon.” With that, she called the two palace maids over and began bustling around the kitchen.

Meanwhile, once Zhou Ying received confirmation from Gu Chengrui, she gathered Sun Hongliang and Gu Chengxi in the capital to start preparing betrothal gifts for Gu Chenglin.

Back in the capital, Gu Chengrui began the process of handing over his duties at the medical center. He also took advantage of this time to teach Gu Chengxi everything he could. During his evenings and breaks, he focused on educating Gu Chenglin, striving to fill any gaps in his knowledge.

Half a month flew by in the blink of an eye.

After consulting with Gu Chenglin regarding their choice, the Emperor and Gu Wanning ultimately settled on Qin Xiushu, the daughter of the Empress Dowager’s nephew.

News of the imperial edict reached Zhou Ying, who promptly sent someone to gather information.

Qin Xiushu wasn’t strikingly beautiful, but she wasn’t unattractive either. Most importantly, she had a well-deserved reputation for exceptional household management skills. Despite her young age, she kept the Qin household running smoothly.

Additionally, the Qin family has maintained a low profile in recent years due to respect for Empress Dowager. However, this century-old clan boasted a deep- rooted reputation and a strong foundation.

Therefore, when the official engagement ceremony took place, they not only invited the official matchmaker but also enlisted the help of Consort An to accompany them in delivering the betrothal gifts. They had also meticulously prepared a substantial dowry, totaling two hundred thousand taels of silver. While not the most extravagant display, it certainly surpa.s.sed the offerings of ninety percent of previous engagements.

After reviewing the list of gifts, Mrs. Qin’s smile remained constant as she turned to Consort An, who sat at the head of the table.

“I understand Gu Chenglin doesn’t have his own residence,” Mrs. Qin asked, addressing Zhou Ying. “May I ask where they’ll be residing after the wedding?”

“There’s no need to worry about that,” Zhou Ying a.s.sured her. “The Emperor generously gifted us his mansion. However, since we wouldn’t be living there, we offered them the Emperor’s previous mansion as their marital home. Spring is approaching soon, and we plan to renovate the entire mansion when the flowers bloom. Please feel free to voice any concerns you may have.”

Mrs. Qin was quite pleased to hear this. The King’s Mansion was already considered a fifth-tier residence, and any renovations would easily elevate it to the top tier.

“However, it seems rather awkward,” she stammered. “After all, you’re the elders, and they’re the younger generation. Isn’t it inappropriate for you to take the smaller residence while offering them the grand one?”

“There’s nothing inappropriate about it at all,” Zhou Ying countered with a smile and a shake of her head. “The smaller residence offers its own advantages—less upkeep! Besides, we simply don’t have enough people to fill the larger mansion.”

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My Husband and I Brought Hundreds of Millions of Supplies to Farm Chapter 996 Engagement summary

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