Full-Level Rich Daughter Makes a Strong Comeback Chapter 746: The Mastermind Behind the Scenes

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Chapter 746: The Mastermind Behind the Scenes


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

After a considerable amount of time, Sun Wan’er gradually regained her composure. She looked up at Ye Leng’an and spoke, “Miss Ye, thank you for informing me of this today. However, I have an earnest request.”

Before Sun Wan’er could finish her sentence, Ye Leng’an already understood the situation. She nodded and said, “I know; I won’t divulge this matter to anyone.”

Without needing clarification, she knew what the other party wanted to discuss. However, it wasn’t surprising; such prominent families naturally wished to keep such matters confidential. Moreover, revealing the information prematurely would jeopardize the chances of apprehending the mastermind.

Sun Wan’er glanced at Ye Leng’an with grat.i.tude. “Miss Ye, I truly appreciate your help.”

Ye Leng’an nodded and proceeded to produce a small bottle, handing it to Sun Wan’er. “This medicine will help restore your body. Just take it.”

She then presented another bottle. “The medicine in this one is for your husband to take after your recovery. This will increase your chances of having a son. Make sure he consumes it before your intimate moments.”

Looking at the two small bottles before her, Sun Wan’er felt a sense of uncertainty. Ye Leng’an had only checked her pulse and provided the diagnosis without further inquiry. She even gave her these two bottles without much explanation.

Regardless of how she looked at it, it seemed somewhat unreliable.

However, recalling the herbal tea she had consumed earlier and how Ye Leng’an accurately a.s.sessed her condition through pulse diagnosis, Sun Wan’er acknowledged the genuine capability of the other party.

With these thoughts, she reached for one of the bottles. Upon opening it, a refres.h.i.+ng medicinal fragrance immediately filled the air. Taking a deep breath, she sensed a warm flow in her lower abdomen, making her feel significantly more comfortable.

Lowering her head, she was astonished at the contents of the bottle. “These are… medicinal pills.”

As the Second Madam of the Nangong family, she lacked a natural apt.i.tude for cultivation. However, she was familiar with the Hidden World. With just a glance, she identified the pill inside the bottle.

Without hesitation, Sun Wan’er poured the pills out and swallowed them directly.

Initially, she had intended to drink water along with it, but to her surprise, the pills melted in her mouth. Upon entering, they transformed into a warm stream, smoothly sliding down her throat.

Subsequently, she felt a warming sensation in her lower abdomen. Though it was warm, there was no pain – only a comforting feeling. It was akin to a warm current flowing in during the chill of winter.

In a brief moment, she experienced a distinct sensation. Though she had undergone no medical examinations, she felt her body had recovered.

Raising her head in disbelief, she looked at Ye Leng’an. “Miss Ye, is this…”

Despite deeming it unlikely for her body to fully recover with just some pills, she couldn’t deny the feeling.

Ye Leng’an was somewhat surprised by Sun Wan’er’s immediate consumption of the pills. She had a.s.sumed Sun Wan’er would take it back for examination before use.

However, appreciating Sun Wan’er’s trust, Ye Leng’an nodded and continued, “Your uterus has completely healed. If you desire a son, ensure your husband takes the other ones.”

Though mentally prepared, Sun Wan’er couldn’t help but shed tears upon hearing Ye Leng’an’s words. She harbored no doubts about Ye Leng’an’s words – there was no reason for the latter to deceive her.

She had never imagined having the opportunity to become a mother.

Contemplating this, Sun Wan’er stood up and bowed deeply to Ye Leng’an. “Miss Ye, I will forever remember your great kindness. When I become pregnant, I will properly express my grat.i.tude.”

“No need for that.” Ye Leng’an shook her head. “I a.s.sisted you solely to retaliate against Ye Xiyuan. Nangong Riming is merely incidental, so there’s no need for grat.i.tude. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement.”

Sun Wan’er shook her head. “Miss Ye, whatever grudges you have with Ye Xiyuan are your own. You healed me, making you my benefactor. As long as I can help in the future when needed, I’ll gladly do so.”

In contrast to Sun Wan’er’s excitement, Ye Leng’an remained composed. She nodded to indicate her understanding.

A while later, Sun Wan’er took the other bottle and left the villa contentedly.

Once Sun Wan’er departed, a faint smile appeared on Ye Leng’an’s lips.

Wasn’t Nangong Riming Ye Xiyuan’s primary leverage? With Sun Wan’er having a child, the Sun family’s influence would likely render Nangong Riming insignificant in the Nangong family’s second branch.

She wondered how Ye Xiyuan would react upon discovering that the supposedly wealthy husband she had struggled to obtain was on the verge of losing his power!

As for Sun Wan’er’s investigation into the mastermind, it wasn’t Ye Leng’an’s concern. If Sun Wan’er failed to identify the mastermind, even having a child wouldn’t secure her position.

However, Ye Leng’an believed in Sun Wan’er’s capabilities; she was confident that Sun Wan’er would promptly resolve the issue of the mastermind.

Days pa.s.sed, and Ye Leng’an found herself with ample free time. Huangfu Ruiling handled the engagement ceremony, leaving Ye Leng’an with no concerns. Thus, in her spare time, she dedicated herself almost entirely to the alchemy room, earning a bit of disapproval from Huangfu Ruiling.

Of course, she accepted the’s invitation and returned to the school to deliver a speech.

While the graduating students were already aware that this year’s top scorer was their junior from the first year, witnessing her in person prompted admiration. She was remarkably young! Not only had she partic.i.p.ated in the college entrance examination at such a young age, but she also became the top scorer, a feat unparalleled in many years.

Initially, they a.s.sumed a young top scorer like her might be a bookworm. However, to their surprise, she turned out to be such a beautiful girl.

Indeed, this was G.o.d’s most perfect creation. In every aspect, it was absolutely flawless.

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Full-Level Rich Daughter Makes a Strong Comeback Chapter 746: The Mastermind Behind the Scenes summary

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