Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 2305 Help

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Chapter 2305 Help

Dyon examined the Dragon Ancestor's halberd for a moment, without a care for the fact the latter was being devoured by the Dragon King's corpse puppet. Though his screams and curses still reverberated, it was as though Dyon hadn't heard a single word.

'A Peak Immortal G.o.d treasure. It seems that it's a similar caliber of treasure to the G.o.d Stele.'

The G.o.d Stele was a treasure that, though technically ranked amongst the Peak Immortal G.o.d weapons, was much like the Ancestors who had appeared today in that it far surpa.s.sed other treasures of its ranks. It could be considered to be a half-step from being among those lofty 33 treasures and was thus known as a Quasi Heavenly Treasure.

This halberd, as a weapon of an Ancestor, was unsurprisingly ranked the same. However, Dyon didn't care about it for this sake at all, he was only interested in the materials it was made out

of. This was the only reason he said it was not bad.

For a person like him who had created so many Treasures of the 33 Heavens in the past, he utterly didn't take a Quasi Heavenly Treasure seriously.

With a thought, the halberd entered his inner world and he took a deep breath. He looked toward where his master was battling then back toward Ysabell and G.o.defray who seemed about to break his formation of corpse puppets. Then, he charged toward them.


"Haven, Haven. Is there a need to be so angry? I only said a few words yet you want to take my head off like this? What happened to our years of friends.h.i.+p?"

Ancestor Haven gritted his teeth, his hiltless sword swirling with four energies as he viciously

attacked again and again with Elsie as his support.

This pair of master and disciple was truly too infuriating.

A few words? If only things had really been so simple. Would a person like Ancestor Haven who had already long since come to control his emotions be so utterly infuriated if things were only like this? What an absolute joke. If it was up to him, he would wring Abraxus' body dry of all its blood then let it hang in a desert bubble world somewhere until all sorts of ferocious beasts had had their fill.

To the side, Elsie silently supported with her flames.

Though her hair was violet colored, just like Amethyst's, she was most definitely not a dual bloodline phoenix like the latter was. The truth of the matter was that, just like the Belmonts, she had artificially created her combined

bloodline. That said, her methods most definitely left the Belmont's own far behind. Not only did she not have a single red and single blue eye like they did, in addition to this violet flames came smoothly and naturally to her.

However, if this Empress knew that there was a naturally born violet phoenix… it was unknown how she would react. In all likelihood, she would drag up the corpse of the already dead retired Nightwell Clan patriarch and kill him again for good measure. The value of such a genius was beyond imagining.

"Haven? Haven? Why aren't you saying anything?" Abraxus sighed. "I thought we had something special. I didn't think our years of friends.h.i.+p would really come to an end over something so petty."

Abraxus disappeared and reappeared amidst the battlefield in all sorts of complex and random ways. To an outside observer, if one

could even keep up with the speed of such experts to the point of being able to observe to begin with, the battle seemed to be without rhyme or reason.

However, despite Abraxus' erratic movements, the two Ancestors always seemed to react to him appropriately. It was clear that alone the two of them simply were not his match, but upon working together, it was a hill difficult even for the legendary Time and s.p.a.ce Immortal G.o.d to climb.

"Abraxus! If you dare speak another word do you believe that I won't go all with you?!"

"Tsk." Abraxus shook his head.

At that moment, Elsie looked into the distance, a look of astonishment on her face. She felt that a gaze that could threaten her had locked onto her back. But when she looked, she actually found that it was Dyon's own and she couldn't help but s.h.i.+ver.

How could she have a mind to care and think about other battles when she was in the midst of fighting a monster like Abraxus? Let alone pay attention, she had practically thrown the thought of other battles themselves out of her mind before she began. However, she could have never expected that not only would a portion of that battle finish, but it would actually be done so quickly.

"… Atkin is dead?"

Astonishment colored her beautiful eyes. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Could it be that he was still that same monster? That was impossible! He was just a mortal. She was certain that he was just a mortal.

Suddenly, her expression changed once more. Before she could even react, a palm slammed on her chest, sending her flying down and into the ground.


The earth cracked and shattered. A seemingly delicate body was akin to a nail hammering its surface, piercing through it as though it was tofu despite the fact the all out attack of even a Lower Immortal G.o.d might not leave even a dent on its surface usually.

Elsie's eyes bulged before a projectile of blood shot from her mouth as her chest caved in. She knew how dangerous it was to lose her focus in the midst of a battle, but a deep fear had suddenly taken root in her heart.

When she saw that Abraxus was about to take hold of the opportunity to attack again, her expression changed. Then, a light fury colored her lovable features. It was only now she seemed to register that Abraxus had actually palmed her chest in such a way, causing her heart to blush with a hint of shame.

No matter what, her and Abraxus had a long history together. They had even shared a bed many times before. Despite the fact she looked like a teenage girl and he looked like an old man, this was only due to her phoenix bloodline keeping her youthful. In her mind, him humiliating her like this was a step too far.

It seemed that along with her appearance, she also had the temperament of a teenager because her logic was wholly lacking. It was almost as though she had forgotten that she had come here to kill this man she supposedly thought of as a past lover.

Seeing that Abraxus was about to attack again, Elsie panicked.

"Wait! Wait! We can talk, we can talk!"

What a joke. The terror of the Nameless Immortal G.o.d was known to all. At his peak, even his own master wouldn't last more than a handful of exchanges with him, let alone them.

Even if he wasn't back at his peak, the mere fact he killed an Ancestor, albeit one far weaker than her, in just a few hours was enough for that inborn fear of hers to resurface.

She found herself trembling uncontrollably. It was just a single look, but battle intent had already dissipated with the wind. She had no will to fight back.

Abraxus, who had been looking forward to another follow up attack on her chest, suddenly came to a stop. His palm hovered right above her fallen figure, a hint of unwillingness in his eye.

Seeing his expression, Elsie couldn't help but flush red with embarra.s.sment.

"Empress Elsie, you?!"

Even if Elsie no longer wanted to battle, that didn't mean that they was of the same mind. No

matter what, Abraxus had completely infuriated them by bringing up the matters of the past.

But, when they looked over toward where Elsie's gaze ventured, only to find the corpse of the Dragon Ancestor being devoured and the two Elven and Angel Ancestors being held down by a swarm of Immortal G.o.d corpse puppets, their expression went pale.

It didn't take a genius to know that it might not even be half a day more before those two Ancestors followed in Atkin's footsteps. By then, if Abraxus and Dyon teamed up… they would be finished.

Ancestor Haven grit their teeth, a deep unwillingness flickering in their eyes. But, there was nothing they could do. If things continued like this, they would all lose their lives here.

"Oh, the two of you are finally ready to talk? That's good then…" Abraxus said smilingly. "The issue is that even if you're willing, you'll have to

do a good job in convincing my disciple to be willing as well. I'm sure you all know his temper."

Elsie's expression flickered with rage.

"Even in this situation, you still want to be so unreasonable!?"

Abraxus raised an eyebrow as though hearing something amusing. If they were weak, wouldn't they be dead already, facing the a.s.sault of five Ancestors?

"Do you think that because I once took you to be my woman that you are allowed to be so willful and unreasonable?" Abraxus said plainly, his smile vanis.h.i.+ng.

However, while someone else would have been shaken by this sudden change, Elsie knew Abraxus too well. Dyon wasn't soft hearted to any woman he didn't love, but Abraxus considered himself to be a gentleman. He had

tried to ingrain this principle into his first disciple to no avail.

Not only did she not show fear, she even pouted somewhat adorably. If the members of the Phoenix Hegemon were to see this sight, maybe their eyes would fall right out of their sockets.

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Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 2305 Help summary

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