System vs Rebirth Chapter 425 Important Piece

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Chapter 425 Important Piece

Both of them stared at each other. Despite putting a strong front, both of them thought the same thing.

'I only have one more piece of news. If he (she) still has more, I'll lose this battle.'

Anna and Noel smirked at each other.

Since she was confident, Anna was the first one to reveal her information.

"Alright. It seems the organization is the best place to gather the information. Due to the nature of the job, I can meet many n.o.bles.

"As soon as I can avoid all the people trying to get me, I can start visiting the n.o.bles that once supported the Third Prince. From the looks of it, the Third Prince hasn't given up yet, so I might be able to use the conflict between me and the Royal Family to get some information from them."

Noel closed his eyes for a moment. It was good information. If she played it right, there was a chance that she could investigate both the Royal Family and the Third Prince.

"Do you need their names?"

"No. I can simply get it from my father."

"I see." Noel thought for a moment. He didn't know Anna was out of the news.

There was a hesitation in his heart because he didn't want to lose. But it seemed he had to take the loss today since he hadn't met the Third Prince for too long.

He said his last piece, "The Third Prince is interested in the runes. I can take advantage of it to get him to reveal some information. Of course, I have to ask for your cooperation. The runes are too big for one person. That's why your role is important."

'You can use this kind of information as well?' Noel's words actually gave her some inspiration. However, she had to focus on the core of the discussion, so she asked, "What kind of role are you referring to?"

"Before I tell you about it, I have to know… How do you even know the runes? This knowledge shouldn't exist right now." Noel narrowed his eyes.

"Ah!" Anna immediately looked away as if she didn't want to answer.

Noel understood her and calmly explained, "Every time you told me about the culprits, it felt like you already knew what was going to happen. However, it didn't seem you could clearly see it as if you only saw it piece by piece.

"I don't know what your Spirit is, but that's the only thing I can think of. Does your Spirit allow you to take a peek into the future? Not the entire future but only a few images… It's more like a premonition."

Noel's expression became serious as he asked, "If that's the case, how much have you seen? Have you seen my future?"

Anna's body shook. Although it wasn't as much as reincarnation, it still had some relations.

"If you don't want to disclose it, it's fine. However, I need to know whether there is another person who knows the runes aside from you or not. After all, I'm planning to bait the Third Prince with the runes."

Anna paused for a moment before saying, "No. I'm the only one who knows about it."

"I see." Noel stopped asking. Anna was forced to respect his privacy by the Sword Saint, so he planned to do the same.

After the letter about his father's plan, he wanted to believe Anna for a bit. So, this was his decision.

Anna was thankful that Noel didn't plan to ask about her reincarnation. If she told him about it, she didn't know what kind of impact it would bring.

After getting the confirmation, Noel explained his plan. "I'm going to bait him with the runes, and you're needed here. I don't want him to monopolize the runes, so I'll spread it in another way."

"Are you planning to use me to spread it while you're giving the runes to the Third Prince?" After working as an inquisitor for a few months, Anna could grasp some of Noel's long term plans.

Noel even confirmed it. "Yeah. By spreading the runes to the entire kingdom and even the neighboring kingdom, we can stop the monopoly. This is simply too big to be kept as a national secret."

"No matter how scheming the Royal Family or the Third Prince is, it doesn't change the fact that our true enemies are the demons, huh…" Anna let out a sigh, knowing how hard it would be to completely rule the world. They couldn't even create a pa.s.sage that led to a different civilization, so how could they even think about the world's domination?

And by spreading the runes to all kingdoms, the expansion speed would be greatly affected.

Anna couldn't help but ask, "Noel. Why do you want to spread it? I'm sure with your brain, you can even monopolize it without the Third Prince."

Noel smiled and spread his arms. He spoke the words that Anna would never think of. "You said the kingdom in our south is covered in sand. You said the kingdom next to it has a pool of water covering the horizon…

"Don't you think there will be something more in this world like a mountain made of sand or a world under the water… I want to see them." Noel smiled brightly. It felt like they were outside and Noel would fly into the sky, exploring everything. He was free.

Anna's body s.h.i.+vered, not because she was scared, but because she was also curious about that possibility. That was right, they had been in this kingdom for their entire life. Even their parents or grandparents never set foot outside the demon border and beyond.

She knew the demons would be a huge threat, but they could find something no one had ever seen before.

A smile couldn't help but appear on her face. Her heart was beating loudly as if asking her to go. In her past life, she kept fighting Noel and died before she could do anything. But maybe, in this life, she could join hands with him and discover many things they had never seen before.

With Noel, she could do it. With him, she could do everything. She knew that feeling and that was why she was excited.

"That's an admirable vision. Do you think you… No, do you think we can do it?"

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System vs Rebirth Chapter 425 Important Piece summary

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