I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced Chapter 493: Don't Worry, I'm Fine

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Chapter 493: Don’t Worry, I’m Fine


Translator: _Min_ |

The cold aura surrounding Song Ling dissipated, and the furrow in his brow eased. “It seems I need to figure out how to make Gu Dai love me more,” he mused.

Upon hearing Song Ling’s words, Zhou Ci couldn’t help but think that although that was the principle, Gu Dai was clearly not someone whose mind could be easily changed. Therefore, no matter how much effort was made, it would be futile. It might be better to give up.

Before Zhou Ci could voice his thoughts, Song Ling’s phone rang. After reading the message, Song Ling said in panic, “Something happened to Gu Dai.”

Zhou Ci, puzzled, asked, “What happened?”

He too took out his phone, only to see a news alert that had just gone viral.

#Miss Gu’s private plane suspected of cras.h.i.+ng due to a storm!!#

Zhou Ci hurriedly said, “Let’s go, we need to save them.”

Song Ling agreed, but just as he took a step forward, he stopped.

Feeling the absence behind him, Zhou Ci turned back, puzzled, to see Song Ling stationary. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

Song Ling had returned to his office chair, his gaze settling on a contract.

Seeing Song Ling’s actions, Zhou Ci became even more bewildered. “Why are you starting to work? Aren’t we supposed to save Gu Dai?”

Song Ling spoke indifferently, “No rush. We’ll go find her later. I want to appear at the moment Gu Dai is about to die. Only then will she be grateful to me, and then she’ll like me, no, love me, even more than she loves Su Ting!”

Zhou Ci was frozen, quickly realizing that now was not the time to discuss this matter with Song Ling.

He strode out of the office, contacting his subordinates to look for Gu Dai’s whereabouts.

In Country L.

Gu Dai anxiously tore open Su Ting’s s.h.i.+rt to check his wound, relieved to see it wasn’t affected.

Su Ting coughed lightly, turning his head. “Daidai, I’m fine, but it seems we’re stranded in the wilderness now.”

Gu Dai looked outside to see rain and thunder.

She called the pilot over and inquired, “How’s the plane?”

The pilot rea.s.sured, “Don’t worry, Miss. Since we landed in time, the plane wasn’t damaged. Once the storm clears, we can take off back home.”

Gu Dai nodded, “Good.”

She took out her phone to rea.s.sure her family, only to discover there was no signal.

Su Ting looked outside, estimating their location. “We shouldn’t be far from home.”

Gu Dai sighed in relief. “It’s the middle of the night back home. Even if I sent a message now, they wouldn’t see it. Let’s not worry about it then.”

Back in the Capital, the Gu household was brightly lit, everyone too anxious to sleep.

Meng Chuan lost his usual composure, eyes glued to his phone. “No reply, Daidai still hasn’t answered her phone.”

Meng Zhi added, “I haven’t found Daidai’s whereabouts either!”

Xu Huan incessantly refreshed the news about Gu Dai’s misfortune. “Daidai, Daidai, you must be safe.”

Meng Zhi gently said, “Grandma, let us handle finding Dai di. You should try to sleep.”

Xu Huan repeatedly refused, shaking her head. “No, I can’t sleep without news of Daidai.”

After she spoke, she turned to Gu Yin, who was curled up on the sofa, s.h.i.+vering, and gently rubbed her head. “Yinyin, stop worrying and go to sleep.”

Gu Yin cried, shaking her head. “No, I don’t want to, my sister, she…”

Xu Huan quickly said, “Daidai will be fine. The news online is just speculation, not confirmed. Daidai hasn’t replied, maybe because she’s still on the plane, so don’t worry, Yinyin.”

Gu Yin nodded.

Meng Chuan and Meng Zhi also affirmed, “It must be so.”

Though they tried to rea.s.sure each other, their faces remained fraught with worry.

Suddenly, Meng Chuan’s phone rang.

Seeing the caller ID, he exclaimed excitedly, “It’s Daidai, Daidai’s calling!”

They stood up eagerly, “Answer it, quickly.”

Meng Chuan answered the call, shouting excitedly, “Daidai, are you alright?”

Gu Dai’s voice came through intermittently, “I’m… don’t worry, I’ll… be back soon.”

They couldn’t make out the words clearly, but knowing Gu Dai was safe brought them immense relief.

Meng Chuan said, “We’ll wait for your return!”

After hanging up, Meng Zhi smiled, “Since Daidai is safe, let’s go rest..”

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I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced Chapter 493: Don't Worry, I'm Fine summary

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