The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 738: I'm Not A Gentleman

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Chapter 738: I’m Not A Gentleman


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Pan Yu’s seemingly imposing sword technique was unable to withstand a single blow, and the hundred-foot long sword beam smashed into his body, creating a giant crater in the ground.

His protective spiritual artifact also shattered.


He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his aura plummeted.

“Your strength…”

The moment Pan Yu could move his body again, he quickly consumed a pill and tried to stand up. However, by that time, Ye Chen had reached him, and threw a punch, which created a b.l.o.o.d.y hole in chest, shattering bones along the way.

Ye Chen’s physical strength was not something an ordinary cultivator could withstand. This left Pan Yu in extreme pain.

This was the first time he had ever been in such a sorry state since he began cultivating.

His body crashed into the wall, but just as he was about to stand up again, a pair of hands seemed to appear out of thin air and grabbed his neck!

Yet Chen then proceeded to slam him into the wall, which caused Pan Yu to spit out mouthfuls of blood!

No matter what, he was still human. How could he endure such torture?

“Give me a swift death! Please…” Pan Yu’s weak voice rang out.

Ye Chen smiled and released one hand. At the same time, a suction force emerged, and the shattered swords on the ground began to float around Ye Chen’s body.

When Pan Yu saw this scene, he realized what was going on. His eyes widened.

“What are you doing?”

Ye Chen did not reply. Instead, he grabbed one of the broken swords and stabbed it into Pan Yu’ s arm!


The sword pierced Pan Yu’s arm and nailed him to the wall!

“This is what you owe Wen Lifeng!”

Another broken sword appeared in Ye Chen’s hand, and he once again pierced Pan Yu’s body and nailed him to the wall!

Broken sword after broken sword!

Ten seconds later, Pan Yu’s body was filled with broken swords. It was a shocking sight!

However, Ye Chen had avoided piercing any of his vitals, so he was very much still alive. Ye Chen even used silver needles to amplify the pain he felt by a hundred-fold!

Despite being alive, he wished he was dead!

“Please kill me, I beg you!”

The only thing Pan Yu could do was beg for mercy and groan.

Ye Chen sneered and silently lit a cigarette. He said calmly, “Answer two things, and I’ll consider granting you a swift death.”

“First, where is my master? You should have gotten some information, right?”

“Secondly, why are you so concerned about that evil treasure?”

Pan Yu glared at Ye Chen. However, he knew it was useless to struggle. The only thing he wanted now was to die!

“I don’t know where your master is now.”

As soon as he finished speaking, another broken sword appeared in Ye Chen’s hand and was promptly stabbed into his body.

“I’ll give you a chance to think your next words through.”

Ye Chen turned his back to Pan Yu and shook off the ashes from the cigarettes.

Pan Yu thought for a few seconds and said weakly, “I really don’t know, but I do know one thing about your master. Three days from now, your master is going to compete with a top-notch alchemist in the Land of Slaughter.”

“If your master wins, that alchemist must help your master do something, no matter what that something is.”

Ye Chen’s eyes narrowed when he heard this, and he vaguely figured out what his master was trying to accomplish.

Could it be that this top-notch alchemist was the reason why his master had entered the Land of Slaughter? Could this alchemist save the Medical G.o.d sect?

The alchemists of the Kunlun Mountains all had n.o.ble statuses!

After all, not only could pills heal injuries, but they could also allow one to advance their cultivation!

Those who supplied or distributed pills in the Kunlun Mountains were all highly-regarded.

“What if my master loses?” Ye Chen frowned and asked.

Hearing this, Pan Yu suddenly laughed sinisterly. “There are no ifs in this case. Your master bet it all on a single throw of the dice. He will definitely die. That alchemist has an extremely n.o.ble status in the Kunlun Mountains, so how could your master possibly defeat him?”

“Moreover, the theme of this compet.i.tion is ancient pills! Even if your master is the sect master of the Medical G.o.d sect, I’m sure that he has never seen an ancient pill!”

“Once your master loses, he will become a catalyst for that top alchemist and be refined alive!”

Ye Chen’s expression changed drastically when he heard this. This bet was too risky!

His master actually gambled his life!

If a living human body were to become a catalyst and be refined by the flames, the pain that person would have to endure would be worse than death!

Most importantly, although his master was the sect master of the Medical G.o.d sect, and was considered one of the foremost experts when it came to treating injuries in the Kunlun Mountains, alchemy skills were not his forte!

This was simply an unfair gamble!

“Who proposed this bet?” Ye Chen’s voice turned cold.

Pan Yu spat out a mouthful of blood and smiled sinisterly.

“Naturally, it was the top-notch alchemist. According to the Dao Sect’s investigation, this alchemist is an elder of the Kunlun Mountains’ Pill Alliance. More than ten years ago, he was invited by someone to oversee the Land of Slaughter. This person has a strange personality and is extremely cruel.”

After all, in the outside world, such cruel methods would definitely be criticized by others. However, the Land of Slaughter was different. It had no rules! Strength was the only rule!”

Ye Chen was furious, but he quietly calmed down and continued, “What does that evil treasure have to do with the Dao Sect?”

“That evil treasure appeared half a month ago, and garnered the sect master’s interest,” Pan Yu continued, “The sect master dispatched 3 men and paid them to search the Land of Slaughter for clues and information.”

“Recently, I followed some clues and traced it to this place, so I chose to deal withit personally.”

“This is everything you wanted to know.”

“Also, I might as well tell you that there are still forces outside watching this place. If I don’t come out alive, the consequences will be unimaginable!”

Ye Chen realized that he had unknowingly become embroiled in the conflict in the Land of Slaughter. However, he was not particularly bothered by this.

What he needed to do now was to stop the fight between his master and that alchemist!

Pan Yu glanced at Ye Chen and said, “I have told you everything I know. You must keep your promise and grant me a swift death!”

Ye Chen raised his head and glanced at Pan Yu. He sneered, “Promise? I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be a gentleman. I’ve never been merciful to my enemies!”

“You!” Pan Yu was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

“You despicable person! You will die a horrible death!”

A few silver needles appeared in Ye Chen’s hand, and without hesitation, he shot them out!

Pan Yu did not feel anything at first, but in the next few seconds, he realized that his body seemed to have been bitten by thousands of ants!

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The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 738: I'm Not A Gentleman summary

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