Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 556: Yggdrasils Will Takes Notice

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Chapter 556: Yggdrasil's Will Takes Notice


When Black's last remnant died, Yggdrasil's Will immediately knew this.

After all, it was a powerful being that had marked Black's existence as something that had to be exterminated.

The moment it detected that he actually died, the Yggdrasil's Will immediately felt a dreadful feeling about this entire situation…

It looked down at what had happened with a lot of intrigue, and began to consider what might had happened as of now with everything going on.

The entire thing by itself seemed straight out of her wildest dreams, and even then, it was way beyond this.

Black… a fragment of the monster that had once dominated the world, a fragment of HIM.

A being of incredible cunningness, maliciousness, and all of what described evil was finally slain, the last bit of his soul, the last bit of his very being was finally destroyed.

Of course… there were still the other colors, the other fragments of HIM.

Him… The man that had reached the pinnacle, one of the first men that tasted what it was to be at the pinnacle.

But quickly realized that it was very unsatisfactory.

He quickly realized that reaching the pinnacle wasn't even that great, it didn't left any happiness.

It only left him more hollow as he realized that the world…

The world of Yggdrasil was a cage.

A cage which he desired to escape.

He quickly realized that his entire life has been a fa.r.s.e when compared to the truth about the outside of the world.

About the vastness of… the outside.


This is what it wanted to attain the most, even if the world was going against him despite having initially helped him raise to such a level of power… he was going to do everything he could to reach freedom.

Even if he had to do the unthinkable, abandon any humanity he had left, and become even worse than all the monsters he had destroyed.

Yggdrasil's Will still was shocked every time she thought about HIM… and how he ended evolving into the being he had become.

This aberrant… ent.i.ty.

After having helped him so much… things ended terribly at the end…

She always felt like she had been betrayed by him, that this wasn't… fair.

But things were never fair.

Life… was filled with unfairness, wasn't it?

Even for the being that represented the will of the world- or well, the will of the tree of the world, which had become the pillar of the new world, named after her.

The Realms were destroyed, and converged into this world she had to overlook.

Recalling the past made her dizzy, such times were better off to not being recalled.

However, it was still something she had to celebrate for, Black had finally been finished.

The last fragment of this aberration's sp.a.w.n that had tried to become a Venerable and completely defy the world… if she had failed on her task to stop him using her divine trials, what sorts of danger sand catastrophes would had happened?

The Era of Blood where the Vampires dominated the entire world was already something that left the entire world greatly impacted, if Black would had won and became a Venerable… an Era of Darkness would had begun.

…And perhaps the last one at that, as HIM would had finally attained this level of power once more through one of his fragments.

And using this fragment, he could had used his powers to help the others reach this level too, perhaps.

And if that were to happen… then the entire world would be on peril, and perhaps not even Yggdrasil's Will and the power of the ancient guardians would had been able to fight back anymore.

Just by thinking about this possible future, Yggdrasil's will couldn't help but feel exhausted… now, she felt thankful of Black dying.

But… were the circ.u.mstances in which he died good? Did he truly died against someone of good heart that desired to clean the world of evil?

Perhaps a powerful righteous immortal that was trying to protect the world? If it was done in Jotunheimr… perhaps a brave follower of the Ice Queen!

The Yggdrasil's Will checked through the Origin of her core, where all information was stored.

She looked into what… did this.

And when she found out… she couldn't help but feel… impacted.



She fell into silence after her initial shock.

"How could I had allowed this being… to be born? Is this really a dragon?! A descendant of Nifl, the Progenitor Dragon of Ice?!"

The Yggdrasil's Will couldn't believe it.

The being that had slain the last fragment of Black… he was an aberrant being!

An aberrant being… that had come out of a dragon?

"No… how could this be a n.o.ble dragon? Son of the elemental guardians of the world of ancient times…? Nifl's… no... I cannot really call this being Nifl's son."

Yggdrasil's Will felt so shocked she couldn't properly manage to muster many words, her mind was left shocked.

Why that was?

The ent.i.ty she saw through the information she was a.s.sessing… it was so aberrant it felt like it had come straight out of a nightmare.

Yet it was… somehow a being descending from Nifl, the n.o.ble Progenitor Dragon G.o.ddess of Ice?!

Dragons were highly regarded all around the world, they were the descendants of the powerful fallen Guardians of the world, each one wielding an element, these progenitors, often called the Dragon G.o.ds, had spread around the Continents to protect them in the first Era after the fall of the G.o.ds in Ragnar?k…

When Miasma fell into the world and Chaos spread everywhere, when endless tides of monsters threatened the entire world that had just formed… that was when the Dragon G.o.ds, survivors of the Ragnar?k, acted, using their great elemental powers, they helped the world survive in their direst moments.

Yggdrasil's Will had completely forgotten about this Unique Skill user amidst the many there were… she already had most of her hands full dealing with a million other things after all…

But now… this being had already become something that she could no longer overlook.


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 556: Yggdrasils Will Takes Notice summary

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