Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 557: Dangerous Beings

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Chapter 557: Dangerous Beings


Mythical Beast… Apocalypse Bringer…

They were not just t.i.tles given to Drake through the game-like System he had.

After all, his System didn't simply generated new powers out of thin air for him, t.i.tles were not just stat-boosting thingies he would get every now and then.

Each t.i.tle was an actual real t.i.tle, a thing that marked him amongst others all around the world.

The same way Skills were also Abilities that even other people could possess whenever he looked into their Status, even when they lacked a System, t.i.tles would also be present in certain individuals, even though they didn't had any game-like power attached to them.

In a way, the System helped Drake develop these abilities where other people would find limits and walls. He seemed to have no boundaries in this aspect.

But in a way, the System was also a way for him to see the world through easier to digest imagery, as if it were a game, even though it obviously wasn't a game.

People would be given t.i.tles depending in their actions in the world, and these t.i.tles held authority over what they did, and made them distinguished amongst others.

Drake held many t.i.tles, perhaps more than any mortal, or even most immortals. This is because he was often constantly defying the rules of the world.

Amongst these two t.i.tles, the newest ones were these two… Mythical Beast and Apocalypse Bringer. The moment he evolved into a Yamata No Orochi, the first of his kind, was when things ended escalating out of proportions and became something that was, perhaps, too much to handle to an extent.

Yggdrasil's Will noticed that she had overlooked him for too long. She had indeed checked on him when he was first born as small and young ice dragon.

Born from an ancient egg left inside a cave for hundreds of years, she saw him trying to survive against wolves, bears, and other beasts in the forest… and quickly thought he would die sooner or later.

Dragons were usually born not so strong in this world; they would often need the extensive care of their dragon mother. However, certain races of dragons treasured gaining strength even as little children and left them alone even when they were born.

Instead of having bene nurtured by a loving and caring dragon mother, Drake ended going through trials since he was a little infant, and because he was born in an area with stronger than usual monsters everywhere, Yggdrasil's Will had seen him as a goner from the get-go, especially because unlike most reincarnated souls, he didn't had a family to take care of him as he grew.

But at the end this was completely wrong, these trials only made him grow stronger faster, at the end, he ended becoming someone capable of even evolving into greater forms, and using his powers, he reached a state where not anything could easily budge him.

And when she least expected it, he had already acquired such hideous-sounding t.i.tles!

She wished she could curse him, but it was already too late, he had already been reincarnated.

Yggdrasil Will could only curse those that had yet to reincarnate, while their souls were still flying towards their bodies.

In the state that Drake was, there wasn't any possible way to curse him now… it was hopeless. If she tried doing so, it might not work properly because his soul had grown too strong now.

Maybe if she spent a lot of energy… but that would be violating the world's very rules she had already previously established.

Wouldn't that be too ironic? Going against her own previously established rules? If she did, she could even receive a backlash…

"He had evolved… into a completely unique and new Mythical Beast… I had never seen anything like this! Such a dragon has never been registered in the annals of history!"

The Yggdrasil Will was impacted, Drake had truly become someone that was completely unique now, although he was still an Ice Dragon, he had evolved to such an aberrant form that he was completely unrecognizable from any dragon.

"And… Apocalypse Bringer… so he had been marked as the one that would bring another apocalypse… the second? He?!"

Yggdrasil's Will continued with her own thoughts, as she was left shocked by knowing that Drake would one day bring the apocalypse to her… but how and when? It was still a mystery.

The first apocalypse wasn't even when the G.o.ds fought and killed each other, in fact, she had secretly benefited from all of them killing each other, and it would be an understatement to say that she was interested in the original G.o.ds aside from finding them as a nuisance.

No, the first apocalypse was after that, when the Realms formed into a new world, the enormous quant.i.ties of energy leftover by the Realms mixing with the hundreds if not thousands of corpses of G.o.ds and t.i.tans that had died… which corrupted themselves and turned into pure chaos, spreading miasma all over the world through a deadly rain of black color… that was the apocalypse.

In that time was when the world truly knew what fear was, the shadow of the G.o.ds ended biting her in the back, waves of miasma permeated the world and began to infect her roots, monstrous aberrations emerged from the miasma and the chaos, trying to devour everything and anything…

And the rifts opened, as s.p.a.ce and time distorted, aberrant beings from another plane came forward, these were the so-called Chaotic Aberrations… that had only made things worse.

She didn't wanted to even recall in detail all the horrible things that happened in such an era, and only desired to maintain the world in stability, because the world itself was she…

If the world grew unstable and began to die, she would also begin to die…

She couldn't let an Apocalypse Bringer suddenly bring a second apocalypse!

And she knew exactly… who would help him at doing that.

It was that mysterious young woman with him.

The wielder of Chaos.


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 557: Dangerous Beings summary

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