Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 833 The Dragon God Of Harvest

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Chapter 833 The Dragon G.o.d Of Harvest


Aside from the training montage with my whole family, there's Miranda, which I almost forgot. Well, I had mentioned her with Benladann, but she got her whole other playstyle. She had managed to develop a greater ability to do her "Chimera Transformations" as she calls them, where she can shapes.h.i.+ft into different forms depending in what she becomes and shape each form separately. But that still only makes a mismatch of things, her ultimate goal is to take the best of each creature and combine them flawlessly into something purely new, not something with just pieces of other monsters attached to it. It is certainly a hard and arduous task, but she looks quite promising as she is putting all the effort she can muster into the task of learning this.

Aside from this, she's developing more Mold and Chaos Magic, and can raise Mold Zombies better, taking over living beings and turning them into zombies infected by Mold, and even mutate them so they can special abilities is possible. Ultimately she wants to master this power until she can infect people and give them powers without any drawbacks of being a zombie… but that seems super hard right now, however, I wish her the best of lucks in that regard! …And taking that into consideration, isn't she like a way better necromancer than me? …No, more like a viral virus I guess. She could probably infect an entire country by transmitting the mold everywhere. Not like she'll do it, but… there's the possibility.

There's also the ability to simply Create Mold Monsters made out purely from Mold, they're strong on their own, but Mold can only show their true power by infecting others. Miranda has managed to get past that by absorbing several corpses and fusing them with her, attaining shapes.h.i.+fting abilities of amazing capabilities. But the other molds got a harder time doing this. Nonetheless, she can also create clones of herself that carry part of her powers, kind of like my own Slimes I guess. She can fire magic with them and even allow them to shapes.h.i.+ft, but she's not as ultimate with them, and cant make too many clones, sadly. Miranda is growing pretty strong; I am kind of prideful of her growth too. She's also growing more and more accustomed to us, and being part of the family, she's opening more, so I am naturally glad for that.

Moving on there was something else I've been trying to do, get Kate and Benladra to connect to the Draconic Records (and also Benladann). But it has been impossible for the moment. I asked my parents and my grandmother about this, and the three said that Dragon G.o.ds all could enter… that's right, Dragon G.o.dS. Even the smallest of Dragon G.o.ds are born with divinity and are at least Rank 6 in their Divine Core Realm, none of my daughters nor my wife has reached that stage, so just like me before becoming a G.o.d, they cannot access to it and their powers. However, I've already found out all three of them are connected! Indeed, Benladann, Kate, and Benladra are all connected to the Draconic Records- ah, and even Miranda, who seems to be connected to Benladann. Others that had drank my blood don't seem connected though, so my family are the special ones.

Maybe my bond with Benladann has something to do with it, she has only drank my blood twice, once back then in our first days, and a second time a few weeks when I became a G.o.d, I've already shared my divine blood with others and they seem to not become dragons or something, so Benladann is special. There's something within her that might be connecting us together even deeper. Perhaps her bloodline connection with Benladra who is already a dragon? Well, I don't know but I am quite happy. The only thing to do is help them develop divinity quickly, so I've been infusing divine power into their food through my Cooking Divine Magic every day, this also helps them aside from the Divine Cultivation Potions, so they're getting very close! To think that it was so easy to turn others into G.o.ds by merely feeding them divine stuff, it is truly the thing of dreams!

…Anyways, when I woke up this morning, I was rather filled with enthusiasm, there were many things to do, one of them was turning into a stronger G.o.d, as I had decided that today I was going to Rank Up using Divine Power, I've acc.u.mulated a nice amount by training in my dreams with the Venerable. After a month she had slightly changed, but still takes time for her to get mellow with Belle, although she tolerates her better now. She also got ultimately bored of torturing me and just does it mechanically by now, so I guess I can meditate while having my soul tortured, reinforcing it, and gaining divine power in the sidelines.

Aside from that, I earn a few hundreds of Divine Power points through the prayers of mortals. I have set up some shrines all around my divine realm and several others within the lizardmen tribe settlement, another in the orange town shrine which is called the "Dragon G.o.d of Harvest", a new saint deity that lizardmen pray to that people begun to pray to get better harvest (me), and also I managed to sneak a dozen inside the big church through paying a lot of money, hehehe!

Praying to G.o.ds in this world seems rather normal, so people seem to be interested when old G.o.ds, especially some as rare as Dragon G.o.ds are introduced. I've been letting Benladra bless with her magic the crops of the fiefdom, so they had received the Blessings of the Dragon G.o.d of Harvest, and as they attributed the miracles to me, the belief increased, now I got several thousands of people praying to me and receiving my blessing every week, even politics are using my image as a way to convince people… Huh, I guess I am even being used as an idol. Now I simply must spread out my religion. The dragon G.o.d of harvest shall become the new G.o.d of this world!

Hm, maybe also adding food would be good…


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 833 The Dragon God Of Harvest summary

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