The Villain's Story Chapter [606] War... and a trip!

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Chapter 606: [606] War... and a trip!

"What do you want?"

Ragnar Drakmor, dressed in a simple robe took a sip of red wine, his gaze out towards the sun he could see from his office window, his office was... Dirty.

Bottles of wine, red scales, and other things littered around it. It was a small garbage dump. There were two horns on Ragnar's head. Each as red as scarlet, and having a circular pattern. They weren't pointy, but blunt at the end.

His eyes also did not seem human.


Harrison first of all congratulated him, before trying to find a place to sit. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't. The sofas here were filled with dirty clothes and empty wine bottles.

He grimaced and decided to simply stand.

"On what?"

"On finally be coming the first human... No, the first being on Earth to reach the Epic rank." A crooked smile appeared on Ragnar's face, revealing his pointed teeth. A tongue of flame escaped from between the gaps of his pristine White teeth, and his eyes began to glow.

Indeed, Ragnar, after having taken Elijah's side had been elevated to the level of a true dragon. He was a drake no longer. But a true dragon.

"How could you tell I'm no longer human?"

"Oh please, I'm not as ignorant as every body thinks just because I stay cooped up in my lab."

Ragnar chuckled, but then a tired and sad expression appeared on his face, he gloomily turned to Harrison, and claimed.

"Why thank you, but I have not reached that level yet."

Harrison raised his brows, a curious expression appearing on his face.

"What do you mean?"

Ragnar explained, crus.h.i.+ng the gla.s.s in his hand. The red wine spilled onto his hands and to the floor, being absorbed by the carpet. Which already had it's fair share.

"I am still... In the beginning stages of it. No, I'm still reaching it. It isn't as sudden as other rank changes, I need... Time."

Harrison grimaced, an annoyed expression surfaced.

"We don't have time."

The dragon stayed silent, pouring an entire bottle of red wine in his mouth.

"I'm only a pseudo epic."

"How much time do you need?"

"I don't know..."

Harrison sat down on the dirty sofa, not minding the dirtiness any more. He was too disturbed by this sudden revelation that he didn't bother about his cleanliness.


A curse escaped his mouth, Ragnar was still occupied in the pursuit of getting drunk.

"The martial star is coming."

A grave expression finally appeared on his red face.

"He can't enter Earth... this planet simply can't hold him."

"Those restrictions are being removed. We are on a strict time limit."

He tried to make an excuse, a lie to hide his unease, but when faced with the cold hard truth, he could only have a grave expression on his face. He grit his teeth.

"How much time do we have?"

He asked with hesitation, Harrison responded with an equally grim look.

"At most... A year. At the very least five months. Whatever process you are going through, finish it. We need an epic being against an epic being."

"You want me to fight a being that's been in that rank for centuries, whilst I just achieved it?"

Harrison looked down, unable to meet his eyes. But a shocked look appeared in his eyes when he heard the sound of laughter.

And the ignition of fire.


Ragnar seemed to be smiling, his hand encased in fire. Even at a glance Harrison could tell it was no ordinary flame. He didn't want to get close to it at all!

"My blood is boiling just at the thought of it."

Harrison stayed silent, letting the man continue with his ramblings.

"Ah... To finally let loose as a dragon..."

"If you can manage to keep him occupied for a while, we will win."

Ragnar raised his brows and looked at Harrison, confused as to what gave the man that much confidence.

Not can! But will! He said the latter, not the former! He was absolutely certain of victory if the martial star was simply stalled.

Regardless, Ragnar didn't ask what the plan was. He had learned his lesson to let Harrison do what he wanted to do, and how he wanted to do it. Sometimes ignorance was bliss.

But... That did not mean he had no concerns.

"Suppose I can hold him off... What will you do about the other three? The demonic beasts, Behemoth, Leviathan, And gryphon? I don't want to fight a one versus four, mind you."

"Those monsters can be contained, they are simply not as intelligent as the martial star. Sir Oliver and the sword saint are enough for them."

"Oh? But I'm only counting two, how will you take care of the third? Who else is available?"

Harrison answered with a troubled expression.

"I'll take care of it..."

Ragnat laughed, it was so loud his office shook.

"Oh please! With that hungry b.i.t.c.h on your a.s.s? If war does break out Morgana will focus only on you, haha!"

Harrison stayed silent, not having any more words to say. Eventually, he admitted defeat and


"I'll... think of something when the time comes. We need to think about what will happen

after the war.

Ragnar signed, but he still didn't doubt Harrison at all. freё

'His confidence is amazing.'

Ragnar had to admit, he admired this part of Harrison's character. The man was adamant that

they would win the war.


"After we win the war, the other layers of the abyss will take notice, the other races as well. The demons will continue their attack, whilst we can't really depend on the other races in the

alliance. We need protection. A long war will be our doom."

Ragnar squinted his eyes, already aware of what Harrison was suggesting.

"Something that would make thoae unholy sc.u.m reconsider before attacking us, a power so great their might seventy two won't dare make a careless approach."

Ragnar spoke.

"Your walking on thin ice..."

His voice was low, already having been buried by Harrison's next words.

"The two apex papers, the G.o.d beasts and the Dragons, we need their power."

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The Villain's Story Chapter [606] War... and a trip! summary

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