How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 10

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24. Interpreter. (Clasped Hands.)


1. Be able to carry on a simple conversation in any other language than her own.

2. Write a letter in a foreign language.

3. Read or translate a pa.s.sage from a book or newspaper in French, German, Italian, or in any other language than her own.

25. Laundress. (Flatiron.)


1. Know how to wash and iron a garment, clear starch and how to do up a blouse.

2. Press a skirt and coat.

3. Know how to use soap and starch, how to soften hard water, and how to use a wringer or mangle.

26. Marksmans.h.i.+p. (Rifles.)


1. Pa.s.s tests in judging distances, 300 to 600 yards and in miniature rifle shooting, any position, twenty rounds at 15 or 25 yards, 80 out of 100.

2. Know how to load pistol, how to fire and aim or use it.

3. Or be proficient in fencing or archery.

27. Music. (Harp.)


1. Know how to play a musical instrument. Be able to do sight reading.

Have a knowledge of note signs and terms.

2. Name two master composers and two of their greatest works.

3. Be able to name all of the 25 instruments in the orchestra in their proper order.

4. Never play rag time music, except for dancing.

Or, as an alternative:

1. Have a knowledge of singing. Have a pleasing voice.

2. Know two Scout songs and be able to sing them, or lead the Scout Troop in singing.

3. Be able to do sight reading.

4. Have a knowledge of note signs and terms.

Or, as an alternative:

1. Sound correctly on a Bugle the customary army calls of the United States.

28. Naturalist. (Flower.)


1. Make a collection of fifty species of wild flowers, ferns and and correctly name them. Or,

1. Fifty colored drawings of wild flowers, ferns or drawn by herself.

2. Twelve sketches or photographs of animal life.

29. Needlewoman. (Scissors.)


1. Know how to cut and fit. How to sew by hand and by machine.

2. Know how to knit, embroider or crochet.

3. Bring two garments cut out by herself; sew on hooks and eyes and b.u.t.tons. Make a b.u.t.ton-hole.

4. Produce satisfactory examples of darning and patching.

30. Pathfinder. (Hand.)


1. Know the topography of the city, all the public buildings, public schools, and monuments.

2. Know how to use the fire alarm.

3. In the country know the country lanes and roads and by-paths, so as to be able to direct and guide people at any time in finding their way.

4. Know the distance to four neighboring towns and how to get to these towns.

5. Draw a map of the neighborhood with roads leading to cities and towns.

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How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 10 summary

You're reading How Girls Can Help Their Country. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Juliette Low and Agnes Baden-Powell and Robert Baden-Powell. Already has 539 views.

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