How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 9

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1. Eat no sweets, candy, or cake between meals for three months.

2. Drink nothing but water, chocolate, or cocoa for a year.

3. Walk a mile daily for three months.

4. Sleep with open window.

5. Take a bath daily for a year, or sponge bath.

6. Write a statement of the care of the teeth, and show that her teeth are in good condition as a result of proper care.

7. Tell the difference in effect of a cold bath and a hot bath.

8. Describe the effect of lack of sleep and improper nourishment on the growing girl.

9. Tell how to care for the feet on a march.

10. Describe a good healthful game and state its merits.

11. Tell the dangers of specialization and over-training in the various forms of athletics, and the advantages of an all-around development.

12. Give five rules of health which if followed will keep a girl healthy (page 96).

20. Public Health. (U. S. A. Flag.)


1. Write an article, not over 500 words, about the country-wide campaign against the housefly, and why, giving the diseases it transmits and make a diagram showing how the fly carries diseases, typhoid, tuberculosis and malaria. (See _Public Health Service Bulletins_ on these subjects.)

(Also see page 117.)

2. Tell how to cleanse and purify a house after the presence of contagious disease.

3. State the laws of her community for reporting contagious disease.

4. Tell how a city should protect its supplies of milk, meat and exposed foods.

5. Tell how these articles should be cared for in the home. (See _Farmers' Bulletin_--"Care of Food in the Home.") (Also see pages 115 and 116.)

6. Tell how her community cares for its garbage.

7. State rules for keeping Girl Scout camp sanitary--disposal of garbage, rubbish, etc.

21. Horsemans.h.i.+p. (Spur.)


1. Demonstrate riding at a walk, trot and gallop.

2. Know how to saddle and bridle a horse correctly, and how to groom a horse properly.

3. Know how to harness correctly in a single or double harness, and how to drive.

4. Know how to tether and hobble and when to give feed and drink.

5. State lighting up time, city law.

6. How to stop run-away horse (page 135).

22. Home-Nursing. (Red Cross, Green Ring.)


1. Must pa.s.s tests recommended by American Red Cross Text Book and Elementary Hygiene and Home Care of the Sick, by Jane A. Delaro, Department of the American Red Cross. These tests may be had from Headquarters, upon request.

2. Know how to make invalid's bed.

3. Know how to take temperature; how to count pulse and respirations.

4. Know how to prepare six dishes of food suitable to give an invalid.

23. Housekeeper. (Crossed Keys.)


1. Tell how a house should be planned to give efficiency in housework.

2. Know how to use a vacuum cleaner, how to stain and polish hardwood floors, how to clean wire window screens, how to put away furs and flannels, how to clean gla.s.s, kitchen utensils, bra.s.s and sinks.

3. Marketing.

Know three different cuts of meat and prices of each.

Know season for chief fruits and vegetables, fish and game.

Know how flour, sugar, rice, cereals and vegetables are sold; whether by packages, pound, or bulk, quarts, etc.

4. Tell how to choose furniture.

5. Make a list of table and kitchen utensils, dishes for dining-room and necessary for a family of four people.

6. How to make a fireless cooker, small refrigerator and window box for winter use.

7. Prepare a budget showing proper per cent of income to be used for food, shelter, clothing, savings, etc.

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How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 9 summary

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