How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 8

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13. Invalid Cooking. (A palm leaf.)


1. How to make gruel, barley water, milk toast, oyster or clam soup, beef tea, chicken jelly.

14. Cyclist. (A Wheel.)


1. Own a bicycle.

2. Be able to mend a tire.

3. Pledge herself to give the services of her bicycle to the government in case of need.

4. If she ceases to own a bicycle, she must return the badge.

5. Read a map properly.

6. Know how to make reports if sent out scouting on a road.

15. Dairy. (Sickle.)


1. Know how to test cow's milk with Babc.o.c.k Test (p. 119).

2. To make b.u.t.ter.

3. How to milk.

4. Know how to do general dairy work, such as cleaning pans, etc., sterilizing utensils.

5. Know how to feed, kill, and dress poultry.

6. Test five cows for ten days each with Babc.o.c.k Test and make proper reports.

16. Electricity. (Lightning.)

To obtain a merit badge for Electricity, a Scout must:

1. Ill.u.s.trate the experiment by which the laws of electrical attraction and repulsion are shown.

2. Understand the difference between a direct and an alternating current, and show uses to which each is adapted. Give a method of determining which kind flows in a given circuit.

3. Make a simple electro-magnet.

4. Have an elementary knowledge of the construction of simple battery cells, and of the working of electric bells and telephones.

5. Be able to replace fuses and to properly splice, solder, and tape rubber-covered wires.

6. Demonstrate how to rescue a person in contact with a live electrical wire, and have a knowledge of the method of resuscitation of a person insensible from shock.

17. Farmer. (Sun.)


1. Incubating chickens, feeding and rearing chickens under hens.

2. Storing eggs (p. 116).

3. Knowledge of bees.

4. Swarming, hiving and use of artificial combs.

5. Care of pigs.

6. How to cure hams (p. 120).

7. Know how to pasteurize milk (page 116).

18. Gardening. (A Trowel.)


1. Partic.i.p.ate in the home and school garden work of her community.

2. Plan, make and care for either a back-yard garden, or a window garden for one season.

3. Give plan of her work, the flowers or vegetables planted, the size and cost of her plot and the profit gained therefrom.

4. She must also supervise or directly care for the home lawns, flower beds; attend to the watering, the mowing of the gra.s.s, keeping yards free from waste paper and rubbish, to the clipping of shrubbery and hedges.

This test is open to scouts already in the Girls' Garden and Canning Clubs throughout the country and a duplicate of their reports, sent in for their season's work, to the state agricultural agents, or agricultural colleges, in co-operation with the Department of Agriculture of the United States, may be submitted as their test material for this badge.

_Farmers' Bulletins_, 218, 185, 195.

19. Personal Health. (Dumb-bells.)


To obtain a badge for personal health, a Scout must:

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How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 8 summary

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