How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 7

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4. State directions by sun and stars.

5. Swim 50 yards with clothes and shoes on.

6. Box the compa.s.s and have a knowledge of tides.

7. Know rules of the road for steamers and power boats, also lights for boats underway. See Pilot Rules, Gov. Ptg. Office, Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C.

9. Child-Nurse. (Green Cross.)


To obtain this badge a Girl Scout must:

1. Take care of a child for two hours each day for a month, or care for a baby for one hour a day for a month.

2. Know how to bathe and dress a baby.

(Examination should be made with infant present, if possible.)

3. Should understand care of children, have elementary knowledge as to their food, clothing, etc.

4. Know three kindergarten games and describe treatment of simple ailments.

5. Be able to make poultices, and do patching and darning.

6. Know how to test bath heat and use of thermometer; count the pulse (p. 123).

10. Clerk. (Pen and Paper.)


1. Must have legible handwriting; ability to typewrite; a knowledge of spelling and punctuation; a library hand; or, as an alternative, write in shorthand from dictation at twenty words a minute as a minimum.

2. Ability to write a letter from memory on a subject given verbally five minutes previously.

3. Knowledge of simple bookkeeping and arithmetic.

4. Keep complete account of personal receipts and expenditure for six months, or household accounts for three months.

11. Civics. (Eight-point Star.)


To obtain this badge a Scout must:

1. Be able to recite the preamble to the Const.i.tution.

2. Be able to state the chief requirements of citizens.h.i.+p of a voter, in her state, territory or district.

3. Be able to outline the points in the naturalization laws in the United States.

4. Know how a president is elected and installed in office, also method of electing vice-president, senators, representatives, giving the term of office and salary of each.

5. Be able to name the officers of the President's Cabinet and their portfolios.

6. The number of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, the method of their appointment and the term of office.

7. Know how the Governor of her state, the lieutenant-governor, senators and representatives are elected and their term of office. Also explain the government of the District of Columbia and give the method of filling the offices.

8. Know the officers in her town or city and how elected and the term of office.

9. Know the various city departments, and their duties, such as fire, police, board of health, charities and education.

10. Be able to name and give location of public buildings and points of interest in her city or town.

11. Tell the history and object of the Declaration of Independence.

12. Cook. (Gridiron.)


1. Must know how to wash up, wait on table, light a fire, lay a table for four, and hand dishes correctly at table.

2. Clean and dress fowl.

3. Clean a fish.

4. How to make a cook place in the open.

5. Make tea, coffee or cocoa, mix dough and make bread in oven and state approximately cost of each dish.

6. Know how to make up a dish out of what was left over from the meals of the day before.

7. Know the order in which a full course dinner is served.

8. Know how to cook two kinds of meat.

9. Boil or bake two kinds of vegetables successfully.

10. How to make two salads.

11. How to make a preserve of berries or fruit, or how to can them.

12. Estimate cost of food per day for one week.

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How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 7 summary

You're reading How Girls Can Help Their Country. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Juliette Low and Agnes Baden-Powell and Robert Baden-Powell. Already has 647 views.

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