How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 6

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To obtain an artist's badge a Girl Scout must draw or paint in oils or water colors from nature; or model in clay or plasticine or modeling wax from plaster casts or from life; or describe the process of etching, half-tone engraving, color printing or lithographing; or

Arts and Crafts:

Carve in wood; work in metals; do cabinet work.

3. Athletics. (Indian Clubs.)


To obtain this badge a Scout must:

1. Write a 500-word article on value of Athletics to girls, giving proper method of dressing and naming activities most beneficial.

2. Be a member of a gymnasium cla.s.s of supervised athletics or a member of an active team for field work.

3. Understand the rules of basket ball, volley ball, long ball, tether ball, tennis and captain ball.

4. Must be able to float, swim, dive and undress in water.

5. Know and be able to teach twenty popular games.

4. Attendance. (Annual.) (Badge, Silver Star.)

Must complete one year of regular attendance.

5. Automobiling. (A Wheel.)


1. Must pa.s.s an examination equal to that required to obtain a permit or license to operate an automobile in her community.

2. Know how to start a motor and be able to do it and be able to explain necessary precautions.

3. Know how to extinguish burning oil or gasoline.

4. Comply with such requirements as are imposed by body conducting the test for licensing drivers.

6. Aviation. (Monoplane.)


To obtain a merit badge for aviation, a Scout must:

1. Have a knowledge of the theory of the aeroplane, helicopter, and ornithopter, and of the spherical and dirigible balloon.

2. Have made a working model of any type of heavier than air machine, that will fly at least twenty-five yards; and have built a box kite that will fly.

3. Have a knowledge of the types and makes of engines used for aeroplanes, of the best known makes of aeroplanes, and of feats performed or of records made by famous aviators.

4. Have a knowledge of names of famous airs.h.i.+ps (dirigibles) and some of their records.

5. Understand the difference between aviation and aerostation, and know the types of apparatus which come under these two heads.

7. Bird Study. (Bird.)


To secure this badge a Scout must:

1. Give list of 30 well known wild birds of United States.

2. State game bird laws of her State.

3. Give list of 30 wild birds personally observed and identified in the open.

4. Give list of 10 wild birds sold as cage birds.

5. Name 10 birds that destroy rats and mice.

6. Give list of 25 birds of value to farmers and fruit growers in the destruction of insect pests on crops and trees.

7. Give name and location of 2 large bird refuges, explain the reason for their establishment and the birds they protect.

8. Tell what the Audubon Society is and how it endeavors to conserve the birds of beautiful plumage.

9. What an aigret is, how obtained, and from what bird. (_Land Birds and Water Birds_, C. A. Reed.) (The Department of Agriculture has a number of bulletins on birds. See list.)

10. What methods to attract birds winter and summer.

8. Boatswain. (Anchor.)


To obtain a badge for seamans.h.i.+p a Girl Scout must:

1. Be able to tie six knots.

2. Be able to row, pole, scull, or steer a boat.

3. Land a boat and make fast.

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How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 6 summary

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