Invincible Chapter 3525: Dark Shadow Race

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Chapter 3525: Dark Shadow Race

The old man couldn’t believe what he was seeing as the plaque was only possessed by the patriarch who created the race!

Even though he was the current patriarch of the race, the plaque in his hands was only a seven-colored fantasy b.u.t.terfly. Moreover, he only managed to obtain it from the previous patriarch.

“This is the token of our old ancestor!” the old man gasped in fright. “Why do you have it?!”

He knew that the old ancestor of the race wasn’t a female…

“w.a.n.g You is my father…” w.a.n.g Meiqi muttered softly.

“Father?!” The old man stared at her in shock. That would mean that the lady standing before him was the daughter of the old ancestor!

Hold up… It was recorded in ancient records that the daughter of the old ancestor was someone whose talent surpa.s.sed her father's! She was a super genius who would bring the race up to new heights!

“You… You’re the lady with the Ten-Colored Winged Bloodline!”

“That’s right.” w.a.n.g Meiqi released her wings one by one, and all ten of them sparkled in the light. They released a mult.i.tude of colors, and the old man felt faintly suppressed by her bloodline.

Without hesitation, he fell to his knees and roared, “The fifth patriarch of the Fantasy b.u.t.terfly Race, w.a.n.g Yi, greets Lord Ancestor!”

“Oh? Fifth patriarch?!” w.a.n.g Meiqi was slightly taken aback.

Huang Xiaolong and the others were equally confused. They didn’t think that there would be so many generations.

“Yes, Lord Ancestor! It’s great that you’re still alive!” the old man cried respectfully.

The records stated that the race suffered a threat of extermination. They sent the strongest genius away, but it was said that she was hunted down eventually. No one knew where she went, and it had been countless years since there was any news of her. According to them, she was dead!

“That’s right, but I’m still alive.” w.a.n.g Meiqi sighed.

She was, but her parents, siblings, and everyone she cared about had died at the hands of Mei Jie.

“Get up,” w.a.n.g Meiqi muttered.

Getting to his feet respectfully, the old man bowed when he got up.

“Lord Ancestor they…” w.a.n.g Yi asked.

w.a.n.g Meiqi quickly introduced them.

“This is His Highness.” w.a.n.g Meiqi introduced Huang Xiaolong first, and she explained, “When you see His Highness in the future, you need to show him the utmost respect.”

His Highness!

w.a.n.g Yi was shocked.

The lady in front of him should be even stronger than the patriarch who established the race! However, a young man like the one standing before him was her lord!

w.a.n.g Meiqi frowned when she saw w.a.n.g Yi’s reaction. “Why aren’t you greeting His Highness?”?ree?????ve?. co?

Snapping back to reality, he kneeled on the ground and greeted Huang Xiaolong.

“The other two are seniors of the Dragon Race. The two of them are stronger than me, and all three of us serve His Highness,” w.a.n.g Meiqi introduced Ao Guang and Ao Shenghai.

w.a.n.g Yi’s heart pounded in his chest when he heard what she said. The other two were stronger than his ancestor, and all three of them worked for the man they addressed as ‘His Highness’!

He greeted the other two without any hesitation.

“Why have you come to the Fantasy b.u.t.terfly Mountain Range?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Since w.a.n.g Meiqi had warned him, w.a.n.g Yi didn’t dare to hide anything, and he replied respectfully, “I return every once in a while to pay my respects to my grandfather, Ying Ling.”

w.a.n.g Yi choked a little when he spoke of his grandfather.

A look of pain appeared on w.a.n.g Meiqi’s face too.

“I retrieved many corpses in the past, and I made a simple altar among the rubble here. I'll pay my respects when I get the time.”

w.a.n.g Meiqi sucked in a long breath and sighed, “On behalf of the race, I thank you.”

Soon after, w.a.n.g Meiqi followed w.a.n.g Yi to the altar.

As it was located deep within the debris, w.a.n.g Yi had managed to lay down countless hidden restrictions to hide it well. If one wasn’t careful, one wouldn’t be able to locate the altar.

When they arrived, the G.o.d of Creation who had reached the grand completion stage, w.a.n.g Meiqi, got to her knees and kowtowed, “Father, Mother, everyone! Please rest a.s.sured that I, w.a.n.g Meiqi, will take revenge for all of you! Even if I fail to kill Mei Jie, I will kill everyone related to him! I will avenge our race!”

Killing intent surged in her heart.

Looking at her silently, Huang Xiaolong didn’t say a word.

After praying, they left the mountain range.

Along the way, she asked w.a.n.g Yi about the current situation among the disciples. When she heard about what had happened, a frown formed on her face. In the past, the Fantasy b.u.t.terfly Race was one of the strongest ancient races in the Six Dao Holy World, and they had no less than ten Dao Venerables who had comprehended more than ten elements. However, they had turned into one of the most ordinary creeds in the area.

At best, they were a second-rate power in the Six Dao Holy World. They didn’t possess a single expert who had comprehended the elements, and as the patriarch of the race, w.a.n.g Yi was a peak late-Third Esteem Dao Venerable! He was the third-strongest individual in the race!

They couldn’t even find a single expert at the high-level Dao Venerable Realm to hold the fort! The strongest among them was a Sixth Esteem Dao Venerable.

w.a.n.g Meiqi sighed. Back when they were hunted down, only a scarce few managed to escape. It was lucky that they weren’t killed down to the last man, and w.a.n.g Meiqi knew that she couldn’t ask for more.

“What is with the Dark Shadow Race you mentioned when you first saw us?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

w.a.n.g Yi attacked them previously when he thought that they were from the Dark Shadow Race, and from the looks of it, the two races should be enemies.

An awkward expression appeared on w.a.n.g Yi’s face when he heard the question. “Our lives have been tough, and we try to be careful when we’re going out. However, we can’t avoid offending other factions, and one of them is the Dark Shadow Race. They can’t wait to kill us all!”

A cold light flashed in w.a.n.g Meiqi’s eyes. “How many experts do they have?”

She might not be able to kill Mei Jie, but she refused to believe that she couldn’t deal with a mere Dark Shadow Race.

“Their patriarch is at the Seventh Esteem Dao Venerable Realm! However, they possess six experts at the high-level Dao Venerable Realm!” w.a.n.g Yi explained.

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Invincible Chapter 3525: Dark Shadow Race summary

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