Haste and Waste; Or, the Young Pilot of Lake Champlain Part 28

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"He's as obstinate as a mule; but I'll try," replied Ben.

"Offer him twenty dollars for his day's work," added Taylor.

"I may be able to compromise with him, if you're willing."

"Anything you please, if you can make him and the other fellow go with us."

"Lawry, Mr. Taylor will give you twenty dollars if you will pilot the steamer to-day," said Ben.

"I wouldn't go for a hundred," replied the young pilot. "I won't go with you at any rate."

"Don't be so obstinate, Lawry."

"I engaged the boat to Mr. Sherwood, and I will not go with anybody else."

"Mr. Sherwood won't care when he finds out that you are not to blame. You can't resist the law, and it isn't your fault."

"Ben, I wouldn't do what you have done for all the steamers on the lake. You have got this man to attach the property, and take the house away from mother, just because you wanted to be captain of this steamer."

"What's the use of talking about that, Lawry?" replied Ben impatiently. "I'm going to be captain of this steamer, anyhow; and the sooner you make up your mind to it, the better it will be for you."

"I can't help myself."

"I know you can't, and for that reason you had better submit with a good grace. If you will take your place in the wheel-house, Mr.

Taylor will remove the attachment."

"Will he?"

"I will," replied Taylor.

"And put everything where it was before?" asked Lawry.

"Of course I am to be captain, and Mr. Taylor is to have the boat to-day," added Ben.

"Mr. Taylor can't have her to-day," said Lawry firmly. "I engaged her to Mr. Sherwood, and if anybody has her to-day, he must. That's all I want to say about it now."

The young pilot turned on his heel and walked away. His brother and the creditor were conspirators, and he wanted nothing to do with them. He might have been less resolute, if he had not seen Mr.

Sherwood's carriage stop at the head of the wharf.

"Are you all ready, Lawry?" asked Mr. Sherwood.

The poor boy could make no reply; he burst into tears, and turned away from his kind friend.

"What's the matter, Lawry?" demanded Mr. Sherwood.

"I suppose he feels bad, sir," interposed the sheriff. "The boat has been attached for his father's debts."

"For his father's debts!" exclaimed the rich gentleman.

The officer gave him a full explanation of the case.

"This will never do," added Mr. Sherwood indignantly. "This boat is Lawry's property in his own right."

"I think not," added Taylor. "Here's my lawyer; he can explain the matter to you."

"No explanation is needed," replied Mr. Sherwood.

"The boy is a minor," said the legal gentleman.

"He may need a guardian, nothing more, to enable him to hold the property."

"Perhaps you are more familiar with the law than I am, Mr.

Sherwood," said the legal gentleman pompously. "You gave this boat to the boy."

"I did."

"While she lay at the bottom of the lake she was worth nothing. She was an abandoned wreck. If you had any property at all in her, it was subject to the salvage. Lawry Wilford raised her. I suppose you are willing to believe that the boy's father is ent.i.tled to his earnings?"

"I grant that."

"Well, sir, whatever the boy earned in the way of salvage belongs to his father; and we sue to recover that."

"This is a ridiculous suit!" exclaimed Mr. Sherwood.

"Perhaps it is, sir, but we shall hold the boat, subject to the decision of the court."

Mr. Sherwood was vexed and perplexed; for, whether the claim could be substantiated or not, the _Woodville_ could be held until a decision was reached. Lawry then took him aside, and told him what his brother had done, in order to make himself captain of the steamer.

"Is that it, Lawry? I'm more sorry for your brother's sake than I am for yours. I pity him, because he has been capable of doing so mean a thing. Don't distress yourself, my boy. We will make this all right in the course of ten minutes."

"But they have taken the steamer away from me, and given her up to Ben, who is to take charge of her."

"Never mind, Lawry. They shall give her back to you," replied the rich man, as he walked up to the lawyer. "How much is your claim against Mr. Wilford?"

"One thousand and sixty-four dollars," answered the legal gentleman.

"Will you take my draft or check for the amount?"

"No, sir."

"I see you are not disposed to be accommodating."

"We intend to have the first sail in this steamer," sneered Taylor.

"I intend you shall not," said Mr. Sherwood.

Unfortunately he had not money enough with him to discharge the claim against the ferryman, which, as it was a just debt, whatever might be said of the means taken to recover it, he had decided to pay, rather than give bonds for the steamer, and contest the attachment. He had invited several gentlemen to accompany him up the lake in the _Woodville_, who were now on the wharf, and from them he borrowed enough to make up the sum required. The money was given to Mrs. Wilford, with instructions to go to a certain lawyer and employ him to see that the mortgage on the house and land was properly canceled.

"When we get our money, the attachment on the boat can be dissolved, not before," said the lawyer. "Mr. Sheriff, the debt is not paid yet."

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Haste and Waste; Or, the Young Pilot of Lake Champlain Part 28 summary

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