Shoujo Grand Summoning Chapter 1673

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Chapter 1673

Not far from the main lecture halls was a building that looked like a palace.

It is where the stayed. The home of the 19th century strongest wizard.

There are many guards with white automata patrolling the area.

The automata had different sizes from kid-sized to giants near 3 meters tall (10 feet).

The automata also had different equipment like spears and swords.

These are the ma.s.s-produced automata known as the Heimguarders.

These automata lost to the quality dolls the students had.

However, they're still on par with the automata from the Garm series.

It is just that these automata required more control than the dogs.

There are close to 30 patrol robots here.

This place is on the highest alert ever since the almost got killed last night.

Without the no.1 student to help, the might have been a goner.

Naturally, the security had been raised after that.

Moreover, Scarlet Eyes is famous for being as powerful as the Marshal. This is just the bare minimum security.

A few figures emerged on top of a building not far away.


Nagisa counted.

"27 automata, are we really barging in like this?"

"We could try teleporting past the guards."

Natsuki said with her parasol on her shoulder.

"But, that looks impossible."

They could feel a giant barrier covering the palace.

The sigils on it rippled with a magical force.

"A barrier?"

they frowned.

"A mana isolation barrier."

"Outside mana can't go in while inside mana can't go out. Magic can't penetrate into that barrier."

Natsuki said.

"I can get us close to the barrier but not inside."

Natsuki continued.

"The moment we hit the barrier, we will be forced out of our teleportation."

"Hmm, I see, so we will be exposed either way."

Wu Yan rubbed his chin.

"I guess that also means we can't blast the whole thing away with the same stunt as last night."

"So, are we going to infiltrate it?"

Nagisa is nervous but strangely excited.

"Then, don't we have to..."


Natsuki nodded.

"We have to go through those guards to find the"

"Okay, it's settled. Let's say hi."

Wu Yan decided.

"Put them down."

Ikaros and Astrea nodded.

Nagisa and Kanon gave Wu Yan nervous looks.

Natsuki is the only one to retort.

"Why do you sound happy?"

"I do?"

Wu Yan asked.

"That can't be true. After all, I am being used to the"

"You have some kind of plan?"

"It's nothing."

Wu Yan grinned.

"This 19th century strongest wizard is so kind that he wouldn't pursue his and is waiting for me in his palace? No, this is a laughable attempt at normalcy."

Ikaros, Astrea, Nagisa, and Kanon were puzzled but Natsuki got the gist of it.

Wu Yan told them to move forward.

"Let's roll out."

The palace is off-limits to almost everyone. Only security members and Discipline committee people may enter.

The guards had simple orders.

No one other than the security team and the may pa.s.s.

They have the authority to detain anyone who approaches.

However, the façade is simple; they forgot that the intruder might just attack them.


A cold storm appeared out of nowhere.

With the temperature dropping like a ball, the sunlight dimmed and permafrost appeared on the ground.

"What the h.e.l.l?!"

"What's going on?!"

The guards were taken by surprise. Ice crystals danced down.

When a petal touched them...


The petals spread out very fast like a blooming flower.

The guards were frozen in ice in no time at all.

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Shoujo Grand Summoning Chapter 1673 summary

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