Shoujo Grand Summoning Chapter 1674

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Chapter 1674


They looked at the source of the noise only to find their comrades frozen in blocks of ice.

The look of dismay and confusion suggested they hadn't been given a long time to realize what is going on.

The Heimguarders were also frozen in blocks of ice.

Ding ting ding ting

Like a beautiful melody, the song of frost echoed in the air.

Petals of ice bloomed everywhere.

The guards couldn't react as they fell prey one by one.

"An E-Enemy attack!"

The guards cried out but it was too late.

ding ding ding ding

It didn't take long for all the guards to be frozen with looks of dread, shock, and panic on their faces.

In almost an instant, all the guards were subdued.

The white mist continued to linger around the mansion's exterior for a short while.

Then, from within, a few figures emerged.

Wu Yan curled his lips at the Heimguarders. The frozen statues around him made it look like he was strolling in a garden.

"Nice to see but poor capabilities."

27 guards, and 27 Heimguarders were all frozen in less than 1 minute.

The majority of these guards graduated here and had capabilities close to Rounds members.

These guards, according to Wu Yan's estimates, are at best no.70 in the Walpurgis rankings.

They were done in that quickly because they underestimated the threat. Even so, n.o.body could reasonably expect themselves to fall prey to ice so quickly, especially with nearly 30 people here.

Wu Yan's power is just that great.



"It's fine from my side."

Natsuki appeared in an instant.

"I checked the barrier. It looks like a normal isolation barrier type with no trap features built into it, we can trespa.s.s easily."


Wu Yan wanted to go into the mansion when a voice called out to him.


A giant dragon landed heavily on the ground after descending from the sky.


The metallic dragon shattered the ground with its descent.

A figure jumped down from the dragon.

It was the group consisting of Frey, Charlotte, Rais.h.i.+n, Yaya, Sigmund, and 5 Garm Series automata.


Charlotte is the first to reach out to Wu Yan after roaming her gaze over the frozen statues of guards.

"Are they..."

Frey, Rais.h.i.+n, Yaya, and Sigmund gasped in horror at the sight of the frozen security squads.

"Are they?"

"Oh, don't worry, give them a little fire and melt them out, they should be fine. Of course, the magical ice can't prevent colds and chills."

They sighed in relief.

Wu Yan looked like he didn't break a sweat at all. The ladies near him were also quite chill.

The 27 Heimguarders and trained staff are impressive foes.

They are automata on par with the Garm series.

Even Magnus couldn't deal with so many at once in such a short time.

Wu Yan handled them like he was just walking in the park.

He is like Magnus, a Demon King walking around as a student.

Charlotte, Frey, Rais.h.i.+n, Yaya, and Sigmund noticed something else.

the ladies wore white armor dresses with red frills while Wu Yan wore a black coat as his battle gear.

On closer inspection, One of the ladies was missing.

Nagisa, the cheerful lady was gone.

Instead, there was an elf-like lady with glossy blonde locks and s.h.i.+ning blue eyes.

Her hair fluttered with an invisible force. It also glittered an iridescent glow like that of a rainbow. Her white mist aura chilled the air while she looked like a phantom that could fade into a mirage.

Her powers looked like the source of this unusually frosty tempest.

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Shoujo Grand Summoning Chapter 1674 summary

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