The Battaile of Agincourt Part 9

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[Stanza 155]

His glittering wings he gloriously displaies, Ouer the Hoste as euery way it lyes With golden Dreames their trauell, and repaies, This Herault from the Rector of the skies, In Vision warnes them not to vse delayes, But to the Battell cheerefully to rise, And be victorious, for that day at hand, He would amongst them for the English stand.

[Stanza 156]

The dawne sca.r.s.e drewe the curtaines of the East, But the late wearied Englishmen awake, And much refreshed with a little rest Themselues soone ready for the Battaile make, Not any one but feeleth in his breast, That sprightly fire which Courage bids him take, For ere the Sunne next rising went to bed, The French by them in triumph should be led.

[Stanza 157: _The great care of a wise and politike Captaine._]

And from their Cabins, ere the French arose, (Drown'd in the pleasure of the pa.s.sed night,) The English cast their Battailes to dispose, Fit for the ground whereon they were to fight: Foorth that braue King couragious Henry goes, An hower before that it was fully light, To see if there might any place be found, To giue his Hoste aduantage by the ground.

[Stanza 158]

Where twas his hap a Quicksett hedge to view, Well growne in height; and for his purpose thin, Yet by the Ditch vpon whose banke it grew, He found it to be difficult to winne, Especially if those of his were true, Amongst the shrubbs that he should set within, By which he knew their strength of Horse must come, If they would euer charge his Vanguard home.

[Stanza 159: _This Stratagem the ouerthrow of the French._]

And of three hundred Archers maketh choice, Some to be taken out of euery Band, The strongest Bowmen, by the generall voyce, Such as beside were valient of their hand, And to be so imployed, as would reioyce, Appointing them behinde the hedge to stand, To shrowde themselues from sight, and to be mute, Vntill a signall freely bad them shute.

[Stanza 160]

The gamesome Larke now got vpon her Wing, As twere the English earely to awake, And to wide heauen her cheerefull notes doth sing, As shee for them would intercession make, Nor all the noyse that from below doth spring, Her ayrie walke can force her to forsake, Of some much noted, and of others lesse, But yet of all presaging good successe.

[Stanza 161]

The lazie French their leisure seem to take, And in their Cabins keepe themselues so long, Till flocks of Rauens them with noyse awake, Ouer the Army like a Cloud that hong, Which greater haste inforceth them to make, When with their croaking all the Countrey rong, Which boaded slaughter as the most doe say, But by the French it turned was this way.

[Stanza 162: _The French mis-interpret the flight of Rauens houering ouer their owne Campe._]

That this diuyning Foule well vnderstood, Vpon that place much gore was to be spill'd, And as those Birds doe much delight in blood, With humane flesh would haue their gorges fill'd, So waited they vpon their Swords for food, To feast vpon the English being kill'd, Then little thinking that these came in deed On their owne mangled Carkases to feed.

[Stanza 163]

When soone the French preparing for the Field, Their armed troops are setting in array, Whose wondrous numbers they can hardly weeld, The place too little wherevpon they lay, They therefore to necessitie must yeeld, And into Order put them as they may, Whose motion sounded like to Nilus fall, That the vaste ayre was deafned therewithall.

[Stanza 164: _The Marshalling of the French Army, containing three stanzas._]

The Constable, and Admirall of France, With the grand Marshall, men of great command: The Dukes of Burbon, and of Orleance, Some for their place, some for their birth-right stand, The Daulphine of Averney (to aduance His worth and honour) of a puissant hand: The Earle of Ewe in Warre that had beene bred, These mighty men the mighty Vanward led.

[Stanza 165]

The mayne brought forward by the Duke of Barre, Neuers, and Beamont, men of speciall name: Alanzon thought, not equall'd in this Warre, With them Salines, Rous, and Grandpre came, Their long experience, who had fetcht from farre, Whom this expected Conquest doth enflame, Consisting most of Crosbowes, and so great, As France her selfe it well might seeme to threat.

[Stanza 166]

The Duke of Brabant of high valour knowne, The Earles of Marle, and Faconbridge the Reare, To Arthur Earle of Richmount's selfe alone, They leaue the Right wing to be guided there: Lewes of Burbon, second yet to none, Led on the left; with him that mighty Peere The Earle of Vandome, who of all her men Large France entytled, her great Master then.

[Stanza 167: _The Marshalling of the English Army ctaining fiue stanzas._]

The Duke of Yorke the English Vanward guides, Of our strong Archers, that consisted most; Which with our Horse was wing'd on both the sides: T'affront so great and terrible an Host; There valiant Fanhope, and there Beamount rides, With Willoughby which scowred had the Coast, That morning early, and had seene at large, How the Foe came, that then they were to charge.

[Stanza 168]

Henry himselfe, on the mayne Battell brings, Nor can these Legions of the French affright This Mars of men, this King of earthly Kings: Who seem'd to be much pleased with the sight, As one ordayn'd t'accomplish mighty things; Who to the Field came in such brau'ry dight: As to the English boades succesfull luck Before one stroke, on either side was struck.

[Stanza 169: _The brauery of King Henryes owne person._]

In Warlike state the Royall Standard borne Before him, as in splendrous Armes he road, Whilst his coruetting Courser seem'd in scorne To touch the earth whereon he proudly troad, Lillyes, and Lyons quarterly adorne; His s.h.i.+eld, and his Caparison doe load: Vpon his Helme a Crowne with Diamonds deckt, Which through the Field their Radient fiers reflect.

[Stanza 170]

The Duke of Gloster neere to him agen, T'a.s.sist his Brother in that dreadfull day, Oxford and Suffolke both true Mars.h.i.+all men, Ready to keepe the Battell in Array, To Excester there was appointed then The Reare; on which their second succours lay: Which were the youth, most of the n.o.blest blood, Vnder the Ensignes of their names that stood.

[Stanza 171]

Then of the stakes he doth the care commend, To certaine troupes that actiue were and strong, Onely diuis'd the Archers to defend, Pointed with Iron and of fiue foote long; To be remou'd still which way they should bend, Where the French Horse should thick'st vpon them throng Which when the Host to charge each other went, Show'd his great wit that first did them inuent.

[Stanza 172: _The scornfull message of the French to the King of England._]

[_The Kings answer to the French._]

Both Armies sit, and at the point to fight, The French themselues a.s.suring of the day; Send to the King of England (as in spight) To know what he would for his Ransome pay, Who with this answere doth their scorne requite: I pray thee Herault wish the French to stay, And e'r the day be past, I hope to see, That for their Ransomes they shall send to me.

[Stanza 173: _The Constables Oration to the French._]

The French which found how little Henry makes, Of their vaine boasts, as set therewith on fire, Whilst each one to his Ensigne him betakes; The Constable to raise their spleene the hyer, Thus speakes: Braue friends now for your Grandsires sakes, Your Country, Honours, or what may inspire Your soules with courage, straine vp all your powers, To make this day victoriously ours.

[Stanza 174]

Forward stout French, your valours and aduance, By taking vengeance for our Fathers slaine, And strongly fixe the Diadem of France, Which to this day vnsteady doth remaine: Now with your swords their Traytours bosomes lance, And with their bloods wash out that ancient staine, And make our earth drunke with the English gore, Which hath of ours oft surfited before.

[Stanza 175]

Let not one liue in England once to tell, What of their King, or of the rest became: Nor to the English, what in France befell: But what is bruted by the generall fame: But now the Drummes began so lowd to yell, As cut off further what he would declame: And Henry seeing them on so fast to make, Thus to his Souldiers comfortably spake.

[Stanza 176: _The King of Englands Oration to the English._]

Thinke but vpon the iustnesse of our cause, And he's no man their number that will wey; Thus our great Grandsire purchas'd his applause, The more they are, the greater is our prey, We'll hand in hand wade into dangers iawes, And let report to England this Conuey That it for me no Ransome e'r shall rayse, Either I'le Conquer, or here end my dayes.

[Stanza 177]

It were no glory for vs to subdue Them, then our number, were the French no more; When in one Battaile twice our Fathers slue, Three times so many as themselues before, But to doe something that were strange and new: Wherefore (I aske you) Came we to this sh.o.r.e; Vpon these French our Fathers wan renowne, And with their swords we'll hewe yan Forrest downe.

[Stanza 178]

The meanest Souldier if in Fight he take, The greatest Prince in yonder Army knowne, Without controule shall him his prisoner make, And haue his Ransome freely as his owne: Now English lyes our Honour at the stake, And now or neuer be our Valour showne: G.o.d and our Cause, Saint George for England stands, Now Charge them English, fortune guide your hands.

[Stanza 179]

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