Reflections Of A Man Part 12

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Make her smile. Make her laugh.

Make her feel so beautiful that all she wants

to do is hold you in her arms and dance all night.

What Does Love Mean To You Love is probably one of the most powerful and misused word in our vocabulary. If you ask 100 different people what love means to them, you would probably get 100 different answers. Heres my take: love is the indescribable way someone makes you feel inside. Its a feeling the grips you at the very core of your soul; one that makes you feel like nothing else. For a woman, its comforting, rea.s.suring and provides her with a sense of peace and security. For a man, it strengthens our resolve, gives us a sense of purpose, and the confidence to believe we can accomplish anything.

IF I were one of 100 asked, that would be my answer. Different people equate love with many different things. Some equate it with money while others may equate it to something else. Im not here to say which is right or wrong nor am I here trying to judge anyone. All I ask is that you take a moment and ask yourself what love means to you. Once you have your answer, youll know exactly what kind of love youd be willing to accept from someone else.

A Good Womans True Love When a woman truly loves a man, the only person who can mess that up is that man himself.

A womans true love for man is foolproof; sh.e.l.l be with her man, side-by-side with her man through anything and everything. If that ever changes, its most often based on something he did or did not do because no one else has that power; not her friends, not her familyno one. No one has the power to change a womans true love for her man except the man she truly loves.

Give Her 100% Or Nothing At All If you are going to love her, give her 100% or nothing at all. Anything less and you are, not only cheating her, but you are cheating yourself as well.

She Still Believes If she decides to give you a second chance, its usually not because you deserve it; but rather because she still believes in you and the idea that love, if given the chance, will somehow prevail in the end.

Dear Love Dear love,

you are her greatest addiction,

one for which she desires no cure.

And she will never need rehab

as long as you keep it 100% pure.

A womans greatest addiction is not her shoes, handbags, or shopping, but rather its the feeling she gets when she knows shes truly loved; that isher greatest addiction of all.

Old Way To Love With all the new and improved ways to do things in the world today, she still prefers your love the old-fas.h.i.+oned way. She doesnt mind reading your texts, but she would much rather hear your voice. Its okay to FaceTime, but she would much rather spend quality time with you. To be honest, she wants you to be so up close and personal with her that you leave no room for anything to come between the two of you not even technology.

Letting Go Of Everything You have to be willing to let go of everything to be able to hold each other forever.

Holding Hands Call it being old-fas.h.i.+oned, but she still loves it when you hold her hand. Theres just something about that physical connection that really does it for her. Somehow, it allows you to speak to her spirit and say in a firm, yet gentle voice, Relax, you dont have to worry about anythingI got you.

Hand Written Love Letters Handwritten love letters; the rare jewel of the past that somehow was able to convey emotions that todays text message cannot.

Theres just something about being able to pour your feelings out in a hand-written letter that adds something more to it than simply typing it out in a text message. Maybe, its the time spent; who knows. All I know is that reading a letter, that was written by the one you love, just feels different. You should try it. You never know, you might just discover something incredible about each other.

Grandparents Style Of Love Think about it for a secondthey didnt have any email, cell phones, text messages, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and they made it work. Not because it was easier, but because, back then, they had to spend quality time with each other because there was no other way to make it work. Maybe thats a lesson from the past that we can all learn from. Take time to spend timeit works.

Appreciate Her Appreciate the beautiful woman she is and never let her fall asleep without knowing that she is truly loved and adored by you.

The Journey Of Love Love is less about the destination and more about the beauty of the journeymake it unforgettable.






Good company, good conversation, a nicely dim lit room, soft music and a gla.s.s of something smooth is all she needs right now.

Something Different 1 She wants you to burn candles that are scented;

She wants rose petals at her feet as she walks down the

hallway of pa.s.sion to ecstasy

She wants you to show her something different.

She wants to hear a different song

with a little more beat to it.

She wants you to, not only kiss it,

but to speak to it

She wants you to show her something different.

She wants you to make love,

not only to her body, but her mind too.

She wants to feel the antic.i.p.ation

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Reflections Of A Man Part 12 summary

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