Reflections Of A Man Part 18

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The Unwritten Love Letter To my love,

You are the most beautiful being

that I have ever seen in my entire life.

And no dream will ever compare

to the reality that we share

or the pa.s.sion on this moonlit night.

Now as for you, follow your dreams

when you see your vision is clear,

and worry not about companions.h.i.+p for I will always

be near. I am your friend, indeed, one whom you can

depend on when in need; Ill be your breath when you

cannot breatheIll be all youll ever need.

Through the good times and the bad,

through the happy times and the sad,

though Ill sometimes make you madIll be the best

friend youve ever had.


Note to self My woman is not a mind reader.

She spends an hour or more getting ready before we leave. She pays close attention to every detail, from the highlights in her hair to the shade she chooses for her nail color. I see shes wearing that new dress, and I must admit, I love the way it brings out the color in her eyes. Those shoes, I know theyre her favorite by the way she stands and smiles in front of the full body mirror right before we walk out the door. I also know that she only wears them if she knows she wont be standing long because they hurt her feet. I must say though, I do love the way they add several inches to her height and the way they accent her calve muscles. I know I dont always say it, but I think it all the time. So today, Im saying this as a friendly reminder to myself, as well as to everyone else who finds themselves forgetting this important fact: our women are not mind readers. Dont let one more second pa.s.s without letting her know just how beautiful and amazing she is.

Mac Or Maybelline.

Its not the Mac or the Maybelline.

that I see in my dreams,

but its the beautiful face that lies beneath it.

Its not the eyeliner or the blush that makes me feel like

a young boy with a crush its you.

Its that beautiful woman first thing in the morning

before you do what you doits you.

Every day you wear that mask

for the rest of the world to see,

but every morning I feel blessed because youve

saved your natural beauty just for me.

Something You Aint Used To.

I want to sneak up from behind you and grab you by the waistline and slowly guide you back towards me. I want you to lean your head back and close your eyes and be open to whatever comes to mind. You see, Im not afraid to color outside the lines and change every thing youve ever been used to. You would think Id be trying to and grind, like those other guys, cause thats something that youre used to. You would think that Id be trying to run my hands along your inner thighs, cause thats something that youre used to. But Im not trying to and grind nor am I trying to run my hands along your inner thighs, baby Im just trying to get inside your mind cause thats something you aint used to.

I Know Your Secret.

Most men, if you ask them what is the most sensitive part of a womans body, theyll most likely reply, Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her neck, her ear or maybe even her inner thigh. Ive realized that its not your b.r.e.a.s.t.s, your neck, your ear or your inner thighits your mind. So, if a man wants to really take you to that next level, h.e.l.l need to start there hours before he even touches you. To put it simply, its not just about the physical; its about creating an emotional experience that should take you to a place where pa.s.sions explode like fireworks in your mind leaving you physically and emotionally exhausted from the journey. Some may agree while others may not, but only those who have been there truly know.


I want to exhale your past;

So I can inhale your presence

and breathe life into our future.

The Mystery Of You.

I want to enjoy the mystery of not knowing you. Take in every exciting opportunity to learn you. Then, fall in love with the antic.i.p.ation of one day truly understanding you, so that I can become totally obsessed with the beauty of doing all the things that make you smile.

My Favorite Story.

Its not the cover of a book that makes it a keeperits the story.

If you were a book, I would describe you as one with a most beautiful cover.

One that was so s.e.xy and unique that it stood out from all the others.

Now, that may be enough for me to pick you up and peruse your pages

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Reflections Of A Man Part 18 summary

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