Reflections Of A Man Part 6

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Never feel guilty for wanting to take time for yourself. After all you do for everyone elseyouve earned it. Take time for you.

Fall In Love With You Again Sometimesyou simply have to make time for you. Find the time to take yourself out on a date so that you can reacquaint yourself with who you are and what you want out of life. If you do this often enough, you never know, you might just find yourself falling in love with you all over again.


Keep track of all the things you do, that are just for you, and describe how they make you feel about yourself.






Theres nothing wrong with holding on and theres nothing wrong with letting go. The trick is deciding which one is best for you.

Shes Not Afraid To Love Shes had her heart broken, yet shes not afraid to love; what she is afraid of is wasting any more years of her life loving and supporting a man just to, in the end, have her heart broken and find herself having to start all over again.

The Fear Of Being Vulnerable The feeling of being vulnerable is one of the scariest things about falling in love. But the idea of putting it all out there and loving without pause or regretthats what makes it exciting.

With great risk comes either great sorrow or great reward. I say, trust your judgment and take a chance! If youre wrong, the pain will be only temporary. However, if youre right, you could find enough happiness to last you a lifetime.

Holding On To The Past As long as you hold on to your anger for the wrong man of the past, he will forever have control over your ability to be happy in the future.

A lot of you have moved on physically, but you still carry the pain and the anger that he caused you inside.

Give yourself a fair chance to find true happiness. Now is the time to finally let him go.

The Man Of Your Dreams Let go of your fears of starting over As a young girl, you dreamed of the man he would be. Some of you have found that man and others have settled. Those of you who have settled, late at night, still wonder what life would be like if you had not settled. Your dreams of happiness run down your cheeks and turn into tears of sorrow as you cry yourself to sleep.

Remember, in life you have choices; let go of your fear of starting over and do whats best for you. Its never too late to be happythe choice is yours.






You just have to say to yourself, Im not willing to accept anything less than what I deserve! I am smart! I am beautiful! I am a good woman, and I deserve to be happy! It all starts with you.

Take Control Today Today, take control of your life

and be the beautiful, strong woman you dreamed,

as a little girl,

you would someday grow up to be.

Some of you may have already forgotten that dream

and others may have settled.

Today, I am here to remind you of it.

Stop living someone elses dream and start living your

own. Remember, that little girl inside still

believes in youdont let her down.

Be You Be the woman you want to be, not the woman

everyone else expects you to be.

G.o.d makes no mistakes. If you look at it from that perspective, you will see that you are a perfect creation of what he intended when he created you. Be proud of who you are. After all, youre not only a one in a millionyoure a once in a lifetime.

You Are Beautiful You are beautiful just the way you are.

We all have those days when, for whatever reason, we just dont feel that beautiful and a reminder would be nice. If today is your day, let me remind youyou are beautiful just the way you are.

I Hope He Noticed More often than not, its the little things that

matter most.

I hope he noticed that you had your hair done in a different style or the fact that you painted your nails that new color youve been wanting to try. I hope he noticed that new outfit you bought to wear just for him. I hope he noticed and complimented you on them. If not, let me be the firstyou look amazing!

The Perfect You I hope when you woke up this morning, you looked in

the mirror and saw exactly what I see when I look at

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Reflections Of A Man Part 6 summary

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