Reflections Of A Man Part 7

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you an incredibly beautiful woman who is unique

and deserving of all the love and attention

that a good man has to offer.

A Strong Womans Smile A strong woman with a beautiful smile is attractive,

but a strong woman with a beautiful mind

is addictive.

In The Lake There Lies A Reflection In the lake there lies a reflection, a mere perfected

image of you.

If you sit quietly by her bedside, sh.e.l.l move closer

and closer to you.

If you smile, sh.e.l.l smile back. Whenever you touch

her, sh.e.l.l react.

In the lake there lies a reflection, if you love her, she will

always love you back.

Just a reminder, no matter what you are going through, love yourself first and you will always be loved; no one can take that away from you.

A Strong Womans Walls Around Her Heart I love a woman who has built up strong walls around her heart. It tells me that youve been through some things and, not only are you a survivor, but from those experiences, youve learned how to better protect yourself. Youve also learned the true value of your love and now getting close to your heart is not that easy. If a man wants your love, hes going to have to prove himself worthy before you give him the honor of replacing that wall and a.s.suming the role of your hearts protector.

In my opinion, there are mainly three types of people who would criticize you for having a strong wall around your heart: Those that are too lazy to work for your love, those that have never been through the lesson, and those that have been through it but still havent learned.

A Strong Woman Is Self-Defined A strong woman is self-defined. She knows that the only definition of her that matters is her own.

You define yourself. You have total control over who you are as a woman; no man has the power to take that from you unless you give it to him.

To My Beautiful Strong Woman You know you are beautiful, not because he tells you, but because ever since you were a young girl, you have always known that you would someday grow up to be a beautiful, strong woman. Youre not arrogant or conceited; youre humble, yet confident. Theres a certain strength about you that cannot be ignored.

Strong, confident men find your strength to be incredibly attractive while weaker, less confident men find it to be intimidating and feel threatened by it. Your strength is both your greatest blessing and your greatest curse. Your greatest curse because many men have fallen short causing you to spend countless nights alone wondering if you were asking too much but youre not. In fact, it is your strength which allows you to maintain your high standards, through all those lonely nights, because you know that one day, the right man will reveal himself to you. Then and only then, will you lower your walls and allow yourself to become vulnerable to fall hopelessly in love without fear or pause.

To my Beautiful, Strong Woman: Be strong Be patient. The right man is out there searching relentlessly, through all the nonsense, looking for you. Give him time.






The quality of the man you choose will only be as good as the standards by which you use to choose him.

Never Lower Your Standards Dont ever think that you will avoid being disappointed by lowering your standards for a man. In the end, not only will you still be disappointed by him, but you will also be disappointed in yourself for ever having lowered your standards in the first place.

Be selective. Every man should not meet your standards. Theres nothing wrong with you deciding not to waste your time on a man that youve determined is a waste of time.

Having standards doesnt mean youre stuck-up or conceited, it means youre a strong woman, who knows what she wants and is not willing to settle for anything less. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, as a manI respect that.

Never feel bad for having high standards; its part of your process for weeding out the wrong man.

Be The Only One Why settle for being a side or a main when there is a good man out there waiting to make you his only.

Dont make yourself unavailable for the right man because you became impatient and settled for the wrong man.

Think about it for a minute; if he doesnt value you enough to commit to making you his only, he most certainly is not emotionally wealthy enough to be able to afford your love.

You Are Extraordinary When you are extraordinary, ordinary just wont do.

You are an extraordinary woman who is capable of accomplis.h.i.+ng anything and everything you set your heart and mind to. You should settle for nothing less than a man who, not only recognizes this, but also encourages you at every opportunity to be the absolute best you can be. He should also be a man who is secure enough in himself and the relations.h.i.+p to be able to take a step back and be your biggest fan when it finally comes time for you to s.h.i.+ne and do your thing.

Friends With Benefits Friends with benefits is a creative way of him saying he thinks youre good enough to sleep with, but not worthy of his loyalty and commitment.

No matter how you look at it, for you as a good woman, there are no long-term benefits to this type of relations.h.i.+p. I dont care how Acceptable Hollywood tries to make it seem. In the end, what do you have: no commitment, no loyalty, no lovenothing. All the things that really matter to you, as a good woman, you dont get. All you have is the instant physical gratification and when thats gone, youre left with nothing. You deserve better.

Strong, Single And Happy Shes single, not because she cant find a man, but because shes waiting for the right man to come along and make her feel so secure in the relations.h.i.+p that loving him just comes natural and easy.

Dont ever let anyone make you feel like being single is a bad thing. Take your time, be patient, and wait for the right one.

Its almost like buying fruit at the grocery store. You dont just walk up, grab the first piece of fruit you see and put it in your basket. No! You pick it up, squeeze it, look it over and if its not what you want, you put it back. Besides, everyone knows that the best fruit is on the bottom. You have to dig a little to get to the highest quality fruit.

Well, men are kind of the same. You have to take your time, check them out and if you dont like him, put him back! Why? Because at the end of the day, if you rush and take the wrong one home, youre the one that has to deal with him!

Be Patient Somewhere out there, theres a good man just as frustrated as you are that he has not found you yet; be patient. He wont give up on youdont you dare give up on him.

If youve ever been somewhere and were lost and needed someone to come find you, youd know that one of the first things they tell you is stay right there. Im on my way. The reason they say that is because if you keep moving, it makes it more difficult for them to find you. Well, the same applies here. You have to stop moving around and wasting all your time on men that you know cant or wont meet your emotional needs and sit still and be patient long enough to be found by the right man who can and will.

Too Many To Settle There are too many men out there for you to settle on one that doesnt make you happy. If hes not acting right, let him know. If hes not willing to fix it, let him go.

Even a good man can have issues, but as long as hes willing to work through them with you, to move the relations.h.i.+p forward, theres still the possibility of things working out.

On the other hand, if hes not willing to work with you to fix the problem, then sometimes, you even have to let the good ones go.

The Same Applies To You In your relations.h.i.+p, never settle for less than what you deserve. At the same time, never think you deserve more out of a relations.h.i.+p than you are willing to put into it.

Be realistic in your expectations. When I say you should never settle, that doesnt absolve you of your responsibility to meet the same expectations that you set for them. If your expectations are high, then your own level of performance and commitment should be equally as high. You should expect to get out of it what you put into it. Nothing more, nothing less.

The Ticking Clock Dont ever let the ticking of the clock force you into settling for a man you know isnt right for you. In the end, is it not better to be single and happy for 5 years, than to wake up one morning and realize you have wasted the last 5 years of your life with someone you knew would never make you happy in the first place?

This is just a different way of looking at things. Whatever you do, makes sure its right for you: not your friends, not family, not anyone else do whats best for you.

Time To Choose The more time you take, in the beginning, to choose the right man, the less time youll waste, in the end, dealing with the wrong one.

You have worked too hard and come too far, to get where you are today, to let a man with no vision or no direction slow you down. Take your time.


Your New List Use the following page to write down your new standards. Dont focus on financial or physical attributes, those are things you want. I want you to concentrate on writing down what you need emotionally, as a woman, from a man.

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Reflections Of A Man Part 7 summary

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