The Government Class Book Part 47

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--3. What is meant by the clause concerning the privileges of citizens in the several states? Without such provision, what might a state do?

--4. How is a fugitive from justice arrested and returned for trial?

--5. Who are meant by "persons held to service or labor, escaping into another state?" What provision of the common law induced the adoption of this clause?

--6. How are fugitives from slavery apprehended and returned? Is the law requiring the capture and return of fugitive slaves, in your opinion, morally binding?

--7. What induced the provision for admitting new states? What states have been formed from the north-western territory?

--8. What unsettled tract was south of the Ohio? Whose consent to the division of a state does the const.i.tution require?

--9. In the right to acquire territory, what other right is implied? Had the old congress this power? What has congress done under the power here granted?

--10. How is a republican form of government secured to the states? How are they to be protected against invasion and domestic violence? What is meant by domestic violence?

Chapter XLV.

--1. How are const.i.tutional amendments proposed? How ratified?

--2. What good is supposed to have resulted from so difficult a mode of amendment?

--3. For what reasons was the new government made to a.s.sume the debts of the old?

--4. Why is the const.i.tution of the United States, and the laws and treaties made under it, made binding above all state authority?

--5. Why are public officers bound by oath to support the const.i.tution, and to discharge their duties faithfully?

--6. What is a religious _test_? What was it in England? Why was it forbidden by the const.i.tution?

--7. What does the last article declare? Why was not the ratification of all the states required? Why was the ratification of so many as nine required?

--8. When did this state ratify? When did North Carolina and Rhode Island come into the union?

--9. When were electors of president chosen? When was the president elected, and when inaugurated? When did proceedings under the const.i.tution commence?

Chapter XLVI.

--1. How many articles of amendment are there? What is the nature of most of them? Why then were they added? When were the first ten proposed and ratified?

--2. What is forbidden by the first amendment?

--3. What right is guarantied by the second amendment? Why is this right necessary?

--4. What does the third amendment declare? What probably suggested it?

--5. What right is guarantied by the fourth article? What evil is it intended to prevent?

--6. What rights does the fifth article guaranty? Can you give any reason why a person fairly tried and acquitted should not be tried again? What does the sixth article require?

--7. What is secured by the seventh amendment? What is meant by suits at common law? What are courts of admiralty? How is the latter part of this article explained?

--8. What does the eighth article forbid? What evils was it designed to prevent?

--9. What is the ninth article? What evil was it designed to prevent?

--10. What does the tenth amendment declare? Explain it.

--11. When was the eleventh article proposed and ratified? What is it?

What was it intended to prevent?

--12. What does the twelfth amendment effect? When was it proposed and ratified?

Chapter XLVII.

--1. How are the or civil laws distinguished from the fundamental or political law?

--2. What are statute laws?

--3. What is the common law? Is it law in this country?

--4. What are the rights of person? Personal security? Personal liberty?

How are they guarantied?

--5. How may a man protect himself when in danger of personal injury?

What remedy for violence committed?

--6. How far may a man go in defending himself or his property? What is such killing called?

--7. How are we protected in our good names? What is slander?

--8. What is libel? Which is considered the greater injury? For which is a person liable in both a civil and criminal suit?

--9. What is the rule of the common law in the case of a criminal action for libel? What is the reason for this principle?

--10. What distinction do some make between cases of public and private prosecution for libel?

--11. Does the common law still prevail in this country? How has it been modified?

--12. How is personal liberty secured? What is the nature of the writ of _habeas corpus_?

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The Government Class Book Part 47 summary

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