The Government Class Book Part 48

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--13. What is liberty of conscience? How is it secured?

--14. Is this right secured to the same extent in England?

--15. What is meant by the right of property? By what is it protected?

Chapter XLVIII.

--1. What is meant by the age of consent? At what periods of life is it fixed? At what in this state?

--2. What three requisites to a lawful marriage are next mentioned?

--3. May a person remarry who has a wife or husband living? What is the crime called? What cases are excepted?

--4. Are the marriages in these excepted cases binding? What is the common law on the subject?

--5. How, and by whom are marriages solemnized? What regulations exist in some states? Is a license or a notice required in this state?

--6. By common law, what right to the personal property does the husband acquire by marriage?

--7. Does he acquire an absolute right also to her real estate? How is his right limited?

--8. How has this common law rule been changed? Can you tell what the law is in this state?

--9. By common law, what liability does a husband incur by marriage? What is coverture? Is this now the law in all the states? Is it in this state?

--10. How far is a husband bound for the maintenance of his wife?

--11. May they be witnesses for each other?

Chapter XLIX.

--1. What are the obligations of parents? What is the age of majority? In law, who are infants, or minors?

--2. How far, or in what cases, is a father liable for the contracts of a child?

--3. Can a minor bind himself by contract? In what cases is he bound?

--4. How in cases of rent? How in cases of contracts which he avoids when he comes of age?

--5. Are minors answerable for crimes? How in cases of fraud?

--6. What right have they to bind themselves as apprentices and servants?

By whose consent?

--7. Who may bind pauper children? What provision is made for their education?

--8. What are the rights of the master and apprentice respectively?

--9. When may apprentices.h.i.+ps be dissolved?

--10. How may a hired servant forfeit his wages? For what may he be dismissed? For what cause released from his service?

--11. What are the mutual liabilities of master and servant?

Chapter L.

--1. By whom, and in what ways, may real estate be taken, held, and conveyed? Have aliens this right?

--2. What is it to _devise_ property? What is a or testamen? Define testator, and intestate.

--3. Who may bequeath property? What special rights to bequeath property are given in some states? What is a nuncupative will?

--4. How has the right of married women to bequeath property been extended?

--5. How is a will executed?

--6. In what different ways may a will be revoked?

--7. What is the effect of the subsequent birth of a child? What else have some states provided?

--8. What is a codicil? Its effect?

--9. How is a will proved? What are letters testamentary, and letters of administration?

--10. What is meant by the _descent_ of property? Is the rule of descent uniform in the states? To whom, generally, does it descend first?

--11. If any children of the intestate are dead, how does it descend?

Give an example.

--12. If all the children are dead, how do the grand-children share? Is this state an exception to the rule?

--13. Do real and personal estate generally come under the same rule?

Chapter LI.

--1. What is the benefit of a deed of real estate? What is expressed in a deed? How is it executed?

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The Government Class Book Part 48 summary

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