Negro Migration during the War Part 20

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The 1917 Report of the Chicago Branch of the National League on Urban Conditions among Negroes.

Negro Migration: What Does It Mean? Gilbert N. Brink (pamphlet issued by American Baptist Home Mission Society, New York).

Negro Migration. _New Republic_, January 1, 1916.

How the War Brings Unprophesied Opportunities to the Negro Race.

_Current Opinion_, December, 1916.

Negro Moving North. _Literary Digest_, October 7, 1916.

Cotton Pickers in Northern Cities. H.B. Pendleton, _Survey_, February 17, 1917.

Exodus in America. _Living Age_, October 6, 1917.

Lure of the North for Negroes. _Survey_, April 7, 1917.

Negroes Come North. K. Moses, _Forum_, August, 1917.

Negroes Go North. R.S. Baker, _World's Work_, July, 1917.

Negro Migration. P.H. Stone, _Outlook_, August 1, 1917.

Negro Migration as the South Sees It. _Survey_, August 11, 1917.

Pa.s.sing of the Jim Crow. W.E.B. DuBois, _Independent_, July 14, 1917.

Reasons Why Negroes Go North. _Survey_, June 2, 1917.

South Calling Negroes Back. _Literary Digest_, June 23, 1917.

Southern Negroes Moving North. _World's Work_, June, 1917.

Welcoming Southern Negroes; East St. Louis and Detroit a Contrast.

F.B. Was.h.i.+ngton, _Survey_, July 14, 1917.

When Labor Is Cheap. B.M. Edens, _Survey_, September 8, 1917.

Interstate Migration. W.O. Scroggs, _Journal Political Economy_, December, 1917.

Negroes Move North. G.E. Haynes, _Survey_, May 4, 1918.

Negroes a Source of Industrial Labor. D.T. Farnham, _Industrial Management_, August, 1918.

Negro Welfare Workers in Pittsburgh. _Survey_, August 3, 1918.

Negroes and Organized Labor. _Survey_, February 9, 1918.

Negro and the New Economic Conditions. R.R. Moton, Proceedings National Conference of Social Workers, 1917.

Migration of Negroes into Northern Cities. G.E. Haynes, National Conference of Social Workers, 1917.

Progress of Work for the a.s.similation of Negro Immigrants in Northern Cities. F.B. Was.h.i.+ngton, National Conference of Social Workers, 1917

Negro Migration. Ralph W. Tyler, _Pearsons_, November, 1917.

Southern Labor as Affected by the War and Migration. Monroe N. Work, Proceedings of Southern Sociological Congress, 1918.

The Duty of Southern Labor during the War. R.R. Moton, Proceedings Southern Sociological Congress, 1918.

The Foundation (Atlanta), May-June, 1917.

A.M.E. Church Review (Philadelphia), January, 1917; April, 1918.

Voice of Missions (New York City), June, 1917.

Causes of Migration from the South. W.T. Andrews, Address at Race Conference, Columbia (S.C.), February 8, 1917. Specially printed.

The Ma.s.sacre of East St. Louis. Martha Gruening and W.E.B. DuBois, _The Crisis_, September, 1917.

_The Crisis_, October, 1916, page 270; June, 1917, pages 63, 65.

_The Nation_, September 6; December 7, 1916.

The Problem of the Negro Laborer. _Iron Trade Review_, April 12, 1917.

Negro Migration Ebbs. _Iron Trade Review_, December 13, 1917.

Proceedings of Annual Convention of Federation of Labor, 1916, 1917, 1918.


(References for 1915, 1916. 1917, 1918)[1]

Akron (Ohio) Press, July 12, 1917.

Albany (N.Y.) Argus, Nov. 12, 1916.

Albany (N.Y.) Journal, August 6, 1917.

Albany (N.Y.) Knickerbocker Press, Dec. 21, 1916; Mar. 11, 26, 1917.

Amsterdam (New York City) News, May 28, June 18, 1915; Apr. 17, July 14, Aug. 18, Oct. 1, Dec. 13, 1916; Jan. 24, Aug. 1, 1917; Apr. 10, May 1, June 5, July 10, 24, Sept. 18, Oct. 2, 1918.

Artisan (Jacksonville, Fla.), Aug. 5, 1916.

Ashland (Ohio) Press, Aug. 22, 1917.

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