Knight: Over The Edge Part 12

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"You seem a little angry there." he remarks.

Justin isn't wrong, I'm angry. There are so many reasons for it. The defining moment is realizing how angry I am with myself. Cole has every right to hate me. He had every right to go off and hook up with whoever he wanted. I walked out on him in the middle of the night. I have no one to blame but myself. I was selfish and immature.

Life with my mother did not make for a healthy environment. It did not foster my emotional growth. It only taught me how to survive the perils of life. How different would my choices have been if I had met the Knights more than six months before I graduated high school? Regrets fill me, I try to shake them off. I did a lot of growing up while in California.

Justin is waiting for me to answer him, but I am not sure what to say to him.

"Yes, I'm angry, my brother was shot. Sal must pay. I want my own revenge." my voice stays low. "He just f.u.c.ked with the wrong b.i.t.c.h again. You think he'd have learned the first time he dealt with me."

A voice interrupts my conversation with Justin.

"Roberts Family?"

"I'm his sister."

I'm staring into the eyes of a nurse who exhibits nothing but kindness through her eyes.

"Your brother's in his room. He is heavily sedated and will be kept that way for at least the first twenty four hours. It helps patients to rest comfortably in the beginning after a trauma," she pauses "Two of you may visit him at a time."

All eyes are on me. This group knows I'm going in to see Drew, and it's up to me who goes with me the first time. Despite the fact he has been acting like an a.s.s, there is only one person I will choose. He needs to see Drew as much as I do right now. I know that he has been worried about my brother.


My voice is testy, but I'm making the right choice. Cole doesn't hesitate before standing up and moving beside me. He and I follow the nurse into the ICU.

Apprehension creeps through me. I'm nervous about seeing Drew for the first time. The doctor and nursing staff have consistently rea.s.sured me my brother was lucky and with time would make a full recovery without complications. Until I see him with my own eyes I don't think I will fully believe the medical staff.

The nurse stops in front of a doorway.

"This is your brother's room."

My first glimpse of Drew and my knees buckle and once again, Cole is holding me.

"Kitten," I hear whispered right beside my ear.

Cole's arms holding me bring me the first real comfort I have had since I got the phone call this morning. Drew is hooked up to several machines, wires travel everywhere. My strong brother looks weak laying in that bed.

"Kitten, he's going to be fine," Cole whispers in my ear.

His breath fans across me as he whispers to me. My body involuntarily s.h.i.+vers. Every logical part of me says I should not be in Cole's arms. I'm playing with fire the longer I let Cole hold and support me. His breathing picks up telling me he is affected just as much as I am by the nearness of our bodies. The smart thing to do would be to separate us, neither of us moves though.

There is no denying I still love him. There is a part of me who wonders if he has lingering feelings as well. We have undeniable pa.s.sion love or hate. Yet, we are a toxic combination. We can barely talk to one another without taking each other's heads off.

I take a footstep toward the bed. Cole's grip loosens on me, but he doesn't let go completely. I am not alone. Cole is by my side every step of the way. I manage to sit in the chair beside the bed. I tentatively reach out and take Drew's hand, and tears pour down my face.

I lay my head down on the bed and let the sobs flow. Cole shuffles around behind me. Raising my head up, I swipe at the tears, they fall faster than I can keep up with. I give up. I let them free fall. In the midst of the tears, my body is lifted off the chair. I'm briefly suspended in the air as Cole sits down. I am in his lap and without thinking; I curl into him and hold onto him for dear life.

I'm embarra.s.sed I let Cole comfort me this way. Cole has seen my weakness. He is my f.u.c.king lifeline as I sobbed. Convincing him to let me, help with Sal may have just become a little harder.

"I'm sorry Cole." I sigh, "The relief of seeing him hit me harder than I thought it would."

"Don't apologize. You were ent.i.tled to that" his hand is stroking my hair as he speaks. The urge to kiss him is powerful. I can't make that mistake right now. I shoot off his lap and move across the room quickly. The loss of his touch leaves me cold and lonely. I want to run back to him. Cole's arms were safe and comforting. Exactly what I had been searching for all day. This is not good.

Looking over at Drew, "I want Sal to pay for this."

"You know I don't want you getting involved. I don't want you hurt. I can't risk it."

"It's my brother lying in that bed."

"Kitten stay out of it... please."

"I am part of this whether you like it or not, d.i.c.khead."

I pace the room as we have our heated exchange.

"Why are you acting so stupid about this?"

"f.u.c.k you, a.s.shole."

His words p.i.s.s me off. I don't know if it's a man thing, if it's just he really doesn't want to see me hurt, or some combination, but his trying to keep me away from Sal is making me furious. As I pace I steal glances at Drew laying peacefully in the hospital bed. I want nothing more than him to wake up, but they are keeping him medicated to help him heal.

"Kitten, stop pacing please" I ignore him and keep pacing. The douche trying to be sweet after he just called me stupid. Who does he think he is? f.u.c.king douchebag.

So busy pacing and thinking I don't realize that Cole has stood up and moved near me until I run into him. The force kicks me back. The only reason I don't fall on my a.s.s is strong arms reach out for me. Those arms don't just stop me from falling though, they also pull me in tight to his body. Holding me close like he did all those years ago. My body initially tenses being in his arms this way and then he says "Kitten stop" and with those, two words my body melts into his and I find myself holding onto him as if he is the only thing keeping me anch.o.r.ed.

"Drew's going to pull through this. I'm goin' to take care of Sal. This is not going to happen to anyone else."

Cole will keep his word and take care of Sal. There is no doubt in my mind about it. However, it's not his brother laying in that hospital bed right now, or the man he loves being targeted. This makes me stop in my tracks. s.h.i.+t! It can't be possible, are Cole and I fighting this for the same reason. I don't want Sal to touch Cole, but is it possible he doesn't want Sal to touch me for the same reason? Sal Martin was never my favorite person, but now I hated him with a pa.s.sion. He would regret the day he messed with my family.

I continue to let Cole hold me. I love being in his arms again. Cole's body has bulked up, become a grown man's body. His hand moves down and rests on my thigh. A simple touch makes my p.u.s.s.y heat up. The moisture is building between my legs. This is not the time or place for this to happen.

"Let me handle this Kitten" he nuzzles against my ear. His voice raspy.

I'm not the only one affected right now. He takes little nips at my ear lobe. Instead of being smart and moving away from him, I hold on tighter. Our bodies mold together. His lips brush against the back of my neck. My p.u.s.s.y clenches in response.

There is no time to protest before Cole's lips meet mine. I can't even pretend that I fought him. I caved to his touch. The kiss consumes me. It's better than anything I remember between us. The desire flowing through my body is like molten lava. There is a loud crash, but I ignore it as I focus on Cole. My only clear thought is "that's going to leave a mark" as my back is slammed against a wall.

My legs wrap around Cole in a death grip. One of his hands is twisted in my hair tugging at it roughly. His other hand snakes between my legs, he feels the moisture that has built up. A moan escapes me as his hand brushes against the material covering my p.u.s.s.y. His lips smile against mine as we continue to kiss. The hunger and pa.s.sion between us is animalistic. There is no logic to what we are doing with one another. His hand slips in the waistband of the yoga pants I'm wearing. He tugs them down. My underwear are his next obstacle until I hear him ripping them off me.

Should I be p.i.s.sed he just ripped my panties off me? I don't buy the cheap stuff.

Instead, my juices flow from me. Lost at the moment I don't even remember my name or where we are at. I hear his zipper being undone, he stops kissing me long enough to get his pants off his waist. Everything is happening at a super-fast speed. I barely blink when I feel his long thick c.o.c.k thrust deep into me. It's with that one hard plunge that my head falls back a moan escapes me, the feel of him stretching and filling me is almost more than I can stand. We are standing there with him deep in my p.u.s.s.y. Neither of us moves. We just bask in each other. I can't stand it anymore.

"f.u.c.k me d.a.m.n it!"

No time is wasted as he begins a steady pace of pus.h.i.+ng his hips and c.o.c.k deep and hard into me. Every sensation is magnified. Our bodies are made for each other; no one else has ever had the ability to make me feel the things Cole does. Having him inside me again makes me realize I did not make up the connection between us years ago. It's still there.

"f.u.c.k you're still so tight," he moans next to my ear.

I moan at his words and his c.o.c.k pounding in and out of me. He's building an o.r.g.a.s.m in me. It's not long before I will be falling over the cliff. He will have me screaming his name like a madwoman. The pace remains steady in and out. He's breaking a sweat and so am I.

"Mmmm Cole" I mumble before his mouth overtakes mine in a scorching kiss. His mouth moves to my neck, and he nibbles and then bites down on my shoulder sending me flying over the edge with a mind-blowing o.r.g.a.s.m. Thankful his arms hold me as my body feels like limp noodles. His hot c.u.m fills me. It drips down my leg. We hang on to each other panting as we recover from the wicked f.u.c.king we just did. As my mind slowly comes back to reality I realize I just f.u.c.ked Cole in my brother's hospital room, up against the wall, with Drew in a medically induced coma.

Cole pulls himself out of me, walks to the sink and begins cleaning himself. I move into the bathroom and begin the process myself. As I look through the open doorway I see Cole finish fixing himself. Without a glance in my direction he turns and walks out of the hospital room. I stand there looking at the door and all I can think is What the f.u.c.k just happened?

Chapter 13.

Cole This day has been f.u.c.ked up from the beginning. Sal being out of prison seeking revenge. Drew being shot, Kat arriving from California. Seeing Kitten for the first time in f.u.c.king five years. Sticking my d.i.c.k in her like her p.u.s.s.y still belongs to me. Walking out of that room was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it was the right thing to do. I want her. She belongs with me forever. Yet being around me will cause her misery, pain and danger.

I walk into the waiting room. I motion for Pete that we need to go. He gets up confusion clear on his face. He moves toward me. My dad's attention focuses on me.

"Son, go do what you need to do, but I expect you at my house in..." he pauses to look at his watch. " hour that's seven o clock. We're going to meet as a family and figure out how to handle the Martin situation."

I nod my head.

"Someone should go in there with Kat. She doesn't need to be left alone."

Pete follows me down the hall to the front doors of the hospital.

"Want to talk about whatever just happened?"

"No" The white sterile hallway is a contrast to the dark fiery emotions raging in me right this moment.

We reach the SUV and climb in.

"Head to the Yard."

It takes twenty minutes for us to get across town to the Yard. The ride is silent. I'm lost in my own thoughts. Pete is wisely quiet on the ride. There are so many things going through my mind. The past, the present, and the future.

Pete follows me into my old office. I still use it on occasion especially for times like this. I fall into my chair. I pull out a cigarette lighting and dragging deep.

"Get Hunter to start surveillance on Sal, Kat, Julie, the whole family."

Pete pulls his phone out and starts typing a text to Hunter. I want everyone traceable. Sal will not get the upper hand again. This is war. This is more than the family business at stake. This is personal he wants the woman I love.


"Everything ok?" Pete asks.

I didn't mean to say that out loud. I surprised myself by declaring that Kat was the woman I love as in still to this day. Even if I only admitted it to myself it was a shock.

"Call Rocco. Make sure he knows that Kat is to be guarded at all times. Find someone we can trust to help him.

My anger is beginning to reach a boiling point as I think about Sal threatening Kat. Control that's what I need. A hothead will not help solve this problem. A calm logical plan is the only thing that will not fail me at this point.

"Reach out to the circle. We meet at four tomorrow afternoon. Tell them to meet here."

Pete begins typing a message as I continue talking.

"We'll figure out how to take care of Sal Martin for good."

My phone buzzes. There is a message from Justin I swipe my finger across the screen.

JUSTIN: Seriously! You just f.u.c.ked her and walked out on her. a.s.sHOLE!

f.u.c.k! My little brother is giving me s.h.i.+t about Kat again. Not that I don't deserve it.

If Seth finds out I'm dead. Even at nine years old he thinks he is Kat's protector. If he thinks I hurt Kat he will be a pain in my a.s.s, literally. His pa.s.sion is admirable. He is a Knight through and through. The only good thing my stepmother ever did for our family was give us Seth. She is a major b.i.t.c.h, and too busy snorting up her nose to be of any use to her own son. One thing Kat did before she took off was get my dad to hire Ms. Bea. Ms. Bea was originally hired to be a nanny for Seth however; she became a support for our whole family. Dinner tonight at Dad's should be interesting if Seth is around Kat.

I focus back on the problem at hand... Sal Martin! That p.r.i.c.k has been a pain in the a.s.s long enough. This time I'm going to take care of him permanently. Since his release from prison, we had been having more and more troubles. Somehow, he was staying a step ahead, which meant that someone from our side was feeding him information. There was a traitor in our midst. It is the only thing that makes any sense.

I hurl a mug across the room. It shatters as it hits the wall. It's time to get myself in check. I can't act on emotion. I must remain calm and handle everything with care.

Our meeting this morning at the diner could have been deadly. I think back to this morning. We were laughing with each other. Pete had gone to get to the car from the lot around the block where he parked. Drew, and I were standing there shooting the s.h.i.+t, when a car rolled up the street slowly. I knew this was not a good thing happening.

Before I could react, bullets started spraying and Drew pushed me out of the way. Taking the bullets that were meant for me. Pete pulled around in the car, his phone already in his hand. He was calling help for Drew. Once they loaded Drew up in the ambulance. I called my father. I informed of him of all that happened, knowing he would be the one to call Kat. The police took me down to the station for questioning. As Pete drove us to the station, all I could think is Kat is going to kill me.

Arriving at the hospital this afternoon and seeing Luke's arms wrapped around my Kitten has me seeing red. Over the last few years I had heard about Luke. I knew he had become a good friend to Kat. There was a small part of me who was thankful she had a good friend. Yet at the same time I knew their friends.h.i.+p had other layers. Layers that p.i.s.sed me the f.u.c.k off.

By the way he held her, there is no mistaking a level of intimacy. At one point, with my fists balled up against my sides, I took deep breaths trying to avoid hitting him. My feelings for Kat hit hard when we walked into Drew's hospital room together. Taking her into my arms as she broke down looking at her brother was instinctive. I didn't know what the f.u.c.k I was doing. I just knew she needed me. When she curled up in my lap, my heart thawed. I allowed myself to feel. So much that my own body began betraying me. My c.o.c.k twitched coming alive for the first time in years without playing out a scene at Knight's Castle.

"Hunter says he is starting surveillance on everything. If we can send him some trusted help that'd be good too."

Pete breaks through my thoughts.

"See who you can round up to help him. We take no chances."

Katarina Roberts was bada.s.s! No doubt about it. I hate to admit it, but I admire her sticking to her plans even though it took her away from me for the last five years. Her loyalty to the Knights had remained steadfast.

Back when Sal kidnapped Julie and Seth, Kat didn't hesitate to go in alone. How she pulled it off without getting hurt still blows my mind. Then the guy who beat Julie walked in the room. Kat pulled a gun from her waistband and didn't even flinch as she fired a shot into each of his kneecaps. The only fear she showed was when she realized she might lose her dream of UCLA which was relieved when Pete was ready to take the fall for her.

The last five years Kat had become integral to the Knight Family. She watched over our family interests on the West Coast. She was disciplined, confidant, loyal, intelligent and protective of those she loved. The only difference between the two of us: I am a killer, she isn't. I wouldn't hesitate to kill someone who crossed me. I didn't want that for her, she was better than that.

She was better off in California. It was safer. She didn't need to be near Belmont or me. For once I wasn't going to be selfish. As much as I hated to admit it. Once Drew was on the road to recovery, I would do what it took to get Kat back to California. What just happened in that hospital room was all the proof I needed. I love her, but it's time to do right by her. I am going to let her go and this time with my blessing.

It's time to head to my dad's dinner. I wonder if Kat will be there. Will Bruce Knight be able to talk her away from Drew's side? She will listen to him before she will listen to anyone else. However, even that had its limits. Just another reason to admire the b.i.t.c.h. She has no problem standing up to my dad. She is never disrespectful, but she didn't let his status influence her either. Their mutual love and respect for one another always filled me with pride.

My dad and Kat bonded years ago. He even tried to talk her out of going away to college at one point, but she had worked her a.s.s off to get into UCLA. He sent her with his blessing and backing. He tried talking to me after she was gone, but I was young and stubborn. I didn't tell him I made sure Kat wanted nothing to do with me.

I love and respect my dad. There are times though I wonder if he didn't love Kat more than he did me. He was p.i.s.sed at me for months that I wouldn't go out to California and work things out with Kat. The conversations became less frequent as time pa.s.sed, but they never stopped completely. I always felt like an a.s.s after those conversations. Knowing that I made sure I ruined what Kat, and I had for good. There is no way she would ever forgive me. My dad never had a clue how badly I f.u.c.ked it up. If he did I would pay h.e.l.l for it.

A sense of dread overcomes me as I walk out front to find Pete. I'm hoping we can avoid any major drama tonight. Justin and I don't need to get in another fight over Kat in Dad's foyer. Justin's text made it clear he is p.i.s.sed at me. His feelings for Kat are sisterly, but he is protective of her just as much as Seth and my dad are. I wonder if Dad and Julie know what happened in the hospital today. This could turn out to be a very bad night for me. My family gives me respect when it comes to the family business. My personal life they all give me s.h.i.+t every chance they can, but at least they do it in private.

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Knight: Over The Edge Part 12 summary

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