Knight: Over The Edge Part 13

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Pete is sitting on a sofa, phone in hand furiously typing. He tucks his phone in his pocket upon seeing me standing in front of him.

"You ready man?"

"Yea... lets head to me dad's so I can be roasted."

Pete chuckles. I wasn't trying to be funny.

The drive to my dad's house is interesting to say the least.

"Maybe you shouldn't have f.u.c.ked Kat in the hospital."

My head whips toward him as my mouth drops a little in shock.

"I'm not stupid."

"How the f.u.c.k did you figure it out?"

"Easy man you were running scared with your tail between your legs."

How dare he say I was scared? I don't fear anything. Except for Kat getting hurt, that does scare the f.u.c.k out of me. I fiddle with the door handle.

"I wasn't. She's better off without me f.u.c.king up her life."

"Whatever man," he pauses "You know, Luke is sniffing around your sister."

Effective method of changing the subject.

"Are you sure?"

"Oh yea. You were so busy with Kat you had no clue what else was going on."

Pete's words ring true. From the moment I saved Kitten from hitting the ground I couldn't take my eyes off her. If we were in the same room I was focused on her. I couldn't help myself.

"What about Kat and Luke?"

I'm a p.u.s.s.y, fis.h.i.+ng for information from Pete. How the f.u.c.k did this happen?

"Luke and Kat are friends. I'm sure they're friends with benefits, but there've been several times Luke's dated other women seriously while he's been friends with Kat."

"How do you know this s.h.i.+t?

"Rocco!" he smirks with glee "Drew and I have been keeping tabs on Kat since she left Belmont."

"You investigated Luke?"

It begins to really sink in how much the guys respect Kat. My guys have been protecting Kat all along. It only has to do a little with me, it's obvious they care about Kat. I never realized how much until right this moment. Pete has been keeping tabs on her since the day she left. I had no doubts Drew was keeping an eye on her, I just didn't expect Pete's involvement.

"Of course we did. He was in your girl's life." He pauses.

"She hasn't been my girl for a long time."

"Kat'll always be yours. You two are both just stubborn idiots who haven't realized it."

I watch as we speed by the local high school. Pete doesn't say anything else, but I hear him sigh. I get the family wants Kat and I back together. It's just not a good idea. I want to keep her safe.

"Has everyone checked in for tomorrow?" I ask changing the subject.

"Yes," Pete replies "Everyone'll be at the warehouse tomorrow afternoon."

"Good. I don't want Sal getting the jump on us again. Finding the b.a.s.t.a.r.d selling us out is priority."

We lapse into silence both of us lost in our own thoughts.

I want to torture Sal. He will suffer. Not because he is after me, not because he shot Drew, it's because he threatened my Kitten. I would f.u.c.king kill anyone who f.u.c.ked with her. The war within my mind when it comes to Kat is a raging battle. There is a part of me that knows no matter where she is, she will always be a target; she is too closely a.s.sociated to my family. She is just safer away from Belmont. There are less threats to her in California.

We walk in the front door of my Dad's house. Voices travel into the foyer from the family room. Kat is sitting on the couch and Seth is curled up next to her. She looks tired and tense, but she has a smile on her face as she talks to Seth. It's good to see her and Seth together again.

Noticing me, Seth pipes up "get out!"

"Gee Bro glad to see you too."

"You'll just p.i.s.s my Kat off and she'll leave again. Stay away from her."

The rest of my family stand there quiet. Justin is shooting daggers at me. Julie looks wary. My dad as usual is unreadable. Luke though is the one who seems to have no problem as he grins from ear to ear while looking over at Kat and Seth.

Kat smiles softly at Seth. Wrapping an arm around him.

"Seth it's okay, Cole needs to be here too."

f.u.c.k my life, now Kitten is protecting me from my baby brother! What's next?

Chapter 14.

Seth continues to shoot mini daggers at me. Kat soothes him the best she can. Watching those two together, I'm hit hard with the knowledge that the Knight men all love Kat. Granted I'm the only one who is in love with her. There is no denying though that the Knight men had a thing for Kat each in their own way.

I'm glad Kat and Seth have one another. They understand what it's like to have f.u.c.ked up moms. The rest of us don't. It's going to be hard sending Kat back to California. One I don't want her to go, and two the family isn't going to want her to go.

Ms. Bea comes to the doorway.

"Dinner is ready Mr. Knight.

As we make our way into the dining room, I wonder briefly how they talked Kat out of the hospital.

I am the last one to enter the room.

Everyone is seated around the table. Seth is on one side of Kat, while Luke has her other side. The only open seat is one between Justin and Julie, which puts me directly across from Kat for the meal. This is my own personal h.e.l.l. Watching her and Luke flirt through dinner. Watching Luke flirt with my sister. Listening to talk about his brother Liam and his upcoming wedding to his childhood sweetheart Ali. The happy ever after s.h.i.+t makes me want to f.u.c.king throw up. Life is not, and will never be rainbows and unicorns for me.

"Everyone at this table needs to be on alert until we deal with Sal," my dad says. All eyes go to him as he speaks. "I don't want any chances. Everyone will have a guard. No one goes anywhere alone. Is that understood?"

Even though my dad is addressing us all I can't help noticing his eyes flick back and forth between Kat and me. My dad knows the two of us well. We are the two likely to sneak off alone to try and fix the situation on our own.

"Cole, what's the plan?" Justin asks.

"Tomorrow afternoon, I'll meet with the Circle. The one thing I know for sure is we have a traitor. We'll need to work on finding who it is."

"Can I be there?" Kat asks.

"Not tomorrow."

"Cole! I already told you I'll be a part with or without your permission."

She says straightening in her chair, her eyes boring into me.

I sigh. She will sneak around behind my back. I have to find some way to let her be a part while keeping her safe at the same time.

"Fine! But not tomorrow's meeting."


"The circle needs to be made aware that you're going to be involved before you show up."

"Cole, Kat, come to my office when dinner is over" my dad commands. f.u.c.king great, now what is the old man up too?

The word exchange between Kat and I stops with my dad's words though. That may have been his goal all along.

"Is there anything I can do to help? I do know the law," Luke says to me. It surprises me that he speaks up.

"I'm sure I can figure out how to use you. How long do you plan to stay on the east coast?"

"I'll be here for Kat until she no longer needs me." He says a little hint of challenge in his voice. "I work mostly on Knight business in the office anyway so it won't be hard to stay on top of things here."

I want to hate this guy, but I find I can't. He was f.u.c.king my Kitten. I would make sure he didn't touch her again while they are here at least. I am selfish that way. She is mine! It's obvious Luke is loyal to my family though.

"Think you could help with some tech stuff?' I ask him.

"Yea I'm sure I can," he replies.

"Hunter needs help with surveillance and tech stuff."


"Luke you'll love Hunter y'all will work well together," Kat says.

"Why because they both have f.u.c.ked you?"

f.u.c.k why did I say that? Oh yea because I'm an a.s.s.

Kat gasps.

"You a.s.shole!" her chair sc.r.a.pes back from the table.

There shouldn't be, but there is a smirk on my face.

"Cole! You're p.i.s.sing Kat off again. Why can't you be nice to her?"

Seth's voice pipes up. s.h.i.+t, I forgot he was sitting here at the table with us. A quick glance around the table I see the p.i.s.sed off looks on all my family's faces. I should probably apologize, but I won't I have to make sure Kat won't stay in Belmont.

"Y'all should form a club; you know exclusive members.h.i.+p and all. The guys who f.u.c.ked Kat," she spits out before storming out of the dining room. Julie shoots me a dirty look before jumping up and following Kat out of the room.

"That was disrespectful boy. What the f.u.c.k were you thinking?" My dad asks.


"What's your problem?" Luke shouts at me.

"Stay out of this pretty boy."

"f.u.c.k that man! I'm the one who held her while she cried over you for weeks. I was there to pick up the pieces after you sent her that f.u.c.ked up text. You've no clue the s.h.i.+t she went through for you, and because of you."

Luke is obviously p.i.s.sed. I want to ask Luke more, but I don't, I stick to operation send Kat back to Cali.

"Am I supposed to care?" I ask.

"f.u.c.k! No wonder she left you." He scoots his chair back; glances at my father "Excuse me, I have lost my appet.i.te."

It's just my dad and brothers left at the table with me.

"I hate you Cole! You're an a.s.s to Kat, she's done nothing to you."

I watch as Seth jumps from his seat and leaves the dining room. Seth doesn't understand the things I'm doing to save Kat right now.

"Way to clear a room," Justin says in a serious tone.

"Shut up" I tell him, I'm not in the mood for his sarcasm.

"Cole" My dad's tone of voice gains my attention. His face is contorted in anger. I may have taken things too far.

"What?" I snap.

"What the h.e.l.l was that bulls.h.i.+t? This is your chance to make things right."

"Maybe she is better off without me in her life, ever think about that?" I bellow.

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Knight: Over The Edge Part 13 summary

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