Knight: Over The Edge Part 21

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An older woman stands there. She is gorgeous. Her hair is perfect, her clothing is stylish, and she screams money. Her personality is lacking the manners her appearance alludes to. She is talking to Gracie like she is totally beneath her. I don't like how degrading the woman is being.

"Can I help you?"

My arms move across my chest. This woman is making it hard for me to play nice.

"Who are you?"

She says as she eyes me up and down, it's clear she doesn't like what she sees immediately. The snarl on her face and the hate in her eyes are easy enough to read.

"You're in my office causing a scene. I'll ask the questions. Who are you?"

"I'm Lynn Bridgewater" she says this like her name is supposed to mean something to me.

I stare at her blankly "I'm a friend and client of Cole's."

f.u.c.k me! This is one of the woman Cole was f.u.c.king. It's all clear to me now. Her att.i.tude and cattiness come from surprise to find two young women now working in the office.

"Cole's not in the office right now. Is there something I can help you with?"

This woman is no threat to me. I'm ready to play ball with her.

"Where is he? I've been leaving him messages, and he's not returning them."

"Is there a problem with work that Knight Construction did for you?"

I try to maintain my professionalism, but this woman is crawling under my skin. Not because she slept with Cole, but because her whole att.i.tude sucks a.s.s.

"I only speak with Cole," she says haughtily.

"Well then I guess you'll have to wait for him to call you back. He's not in the office."

She sits down elegantly in a chair her legs cross "Then I'll wait."

Gracie and I share a look. Like what the f.u.c.k is this b.i.t.c.h tripping on.

"Gracie, get back to work and let Mrs. Bridgewater sit there and wait" I instruct.

I walk back into my office pulling the door closed behind me. I move around to my desk and send a message to Cole.

Kat: Mrs. Bridgewater is waiting for you in the office.

Cole: f.u.c.k! Get rid of her!

Kat: I tried, she insisted she is waiting for you since you have been ignoring her calls.

Cole: It's going to be an hour before I can get there. We are on a job site.

Kat: You know I may punch her if she talks down to Gracie one more time.

Cole: Kitten, behave lol I toss my phone on my desk. I sit back in my chair wondering what to do with the lady outside my office when Gracie knocks on the door sticking her head in slightly.

"You have visitors out here."

I walk out to the lobby again and am happy to see Luke and Hunter standing in the lobby.

"What are y'all doing here?"

"I haven't seen you since you came back in town a month ago." Hunter starts. "So I figured if I wanted to see you I better come to you."

"Plus, we wanted to see you in your new office" Luke chimes in.

"I'm so glad you did" I hug both guys warmly.

I notice the old bat is watching us closely. She especially eyes the two guys. Oh this woman is a cougar. She likes them young. Explains so much.

I take Hunter and Luke on a brief tour of the building that ends in my private office.

"Who's the cougar in the waiting room?"

Luke asks once we are behind closed doors. I laugh because he has been dying to say something since we were in the waiting room.

"I think she may be an ex-lover of Cole's, she seems very upset with him."

My shoulders move up as I shrug. I find the woman annoying.

"Upset with him?"

"Yes, apparently he's not returning her calls, and she's decided to wait until he returns to the office."

It's close to lunch time so I have Gracie order lunch for herself, the guys and me. Rocco stays out in the waiting room with Gracie. I'm overcome with a bit of guilt for leaving them to deal with the rich b.i.t.c.h.

It's great spending time catching up with Hunter. I knew that he went to work for the Knights shortly after I left. He told me that helped him move out of the s.h.i.+thole apartment he shared with his sleazy brother. Bruce set him up a state of the art home office so that he could do all kinds of geeky things I did not begin to understand.

During lunch, the topic of Luke returning to California comes up. He's been in Belmont with me for a month now. It's not like he's missing out on work since he handled Knight Business as well. He could do what he did from anywhere.

"Yea, I'll be headed home next week, but I'll be back" he pauses "Bruce has offered me a job here?"

"Really? Are you considering it?"

"I am actually, there's several reasons that moving here would be beneficial. But I'd miss my family."

"I miss them already. However I figure there'll be times for vacations to see one another."

I may miss them, but I am happy to be home in Belmont it's where I belong. There is no doubt about it. I belong with my family. I belong with Cole.

The door bangs open and slams shut quickly, all eyes turn to look at a very p.i.s.sed off Cole.

"Hey honey."

I smile brightly.

"Don't hey honey me. That woman... I had to fight her off to get in here."

Laughter rumbles throughout my office.

"I think she just misses you."

I probably should stop giving him a hard time. It's like kicking a wounded animal right now.

"I haven't been with that woman in over four months, why's she suddenly showing up?"

"What?" I ask.

I'm stunned. I thought by the way she was acting it was a more recent fling.

"We mutually broke off things months ago. Now she's in the office acting like a jilted lover, which is out of character for her."

"You think something is up?"

"Oh yes. She's not the clingy type she's pulling out there right now."


Is all I say I notice Luke and Hunter exchange a look.

"Want me to do some digging on her? See if it turns anything up?" Hunter finally asks Cole.

"Yea, you do that."

Cole is standing beside me. Suddenly I'm lifted up out of my seat and he plants a kiss on me. I don't care that we have an audience anymore then he does. My arms lock around his neck as we continue kissing. It's not until Luke clears his throat that we finally break apart.

"We get y'all are in love, but let's not put on a live p.o.r.n show."

"Get out then" Cole says.

I swat at Cole playfully.

"You better go deal with her."

We walk out of my office together. Hunter and Luke are headed back to Hunter's place to see what they can dig up on Mrs. Bridgewater. I am just there to be nosy, I won't lie. I want to see how this woman acts with Cole.

Cole is actually holding onto me as we come out of the office. Daggers are shot at me. Gracie turns toward us and her eyes widen as she takes in Cole and I, and looks back at the woman sitting in the reception area.

I'm not even sure why I'm so calm with everything, but for some reason I trust Cole right now. I know he's not lying about Lynn and that something is suspicious about her sudden appearance. I guarantee that when Hunter is finished digging that this will somehow be tied back to Sal Martin.

Sal is a real pain in the a.s.s. Over the last couple weeks the little stings that Cole set up have narrowed the list of suspects down to just a handful. It won't be long before Cole knows who the traitor is. No one has tipped their hand and Cole, Justin and Drew were the only ones with the final list of suspects. The guys decided it would give away what they were doing if they tried to narrow their pool down anymore. So for now all the guys are being watched closely.

"Drew called" Gracie grabs my attention.

"Oh and what did the bad patient want?"

She giggles. "He wanted to let us know that occupational therapy released him today."

"Oh goodie. That means we are going to have to watch him or he'll be trying to come back to work tomorrow."

"Lynn" Cole addresses the older woman "What can I do for you?"

"I was hoping we could speak privately." She trains her eyes on me.

"Whatever you need to say can be said in front of my girlfriend" he pointedly looks at me.

I'm not going to argue with him. I told him not to long ago I was okay with us being labeled as boy/girlfriend, but we would take everything else one day at a time.

"Girlfriend? Her?" her tone shows that she holds contempt for me. "I thought you didn't do relations.h.i.+ps because of the b.i.t.c.h who left you heartbroken."

Cole motions with his hand toward me "Meet the b.i.t.c.h who left me heartbroken."

Luke snorts as he walks past stopping quickly to kiss my cheek "I'll see y'all at the house tonight."

"I'll be in touch with the information you need later," Hunter says while kissing my cheek as well.

"Bye guys" I say while chuckling. "Gracie, why don't you take the car back to the house and spend the rest of the day with Drew. Cole'll give me a ride home."

"Sure Kat" She begins clearing up her desk and gathering her stuff. She wastes no time in leaving. Soon it's just three of us left in the office.

"Lynn, I don't have all day" Cole says.

"Well I never... I wanted to see about us getting back together. I've missed you. But since you are back with this b.i.t.c.h I guess it's a waste of my time."

"Pretty much" he replies.

"It's a shame we had fun last week when we met."

Cole's eyes go hard. I place my hand on his arm and squeeze. I try to rea.s.sure him and calm him in that one gesture. I know he wasn't with her last week. This woman is trying to start trouble. I also understand someone put her up to this. Her confidence is beginning to waiver.

"I don't know you or anything about you, but something tells me someone asked you to come here and do this."

I say to her my stance straight my confidence growing.

"You know nothing," she says denying my words.

"Go back and tell whoever it is that dividing Cole and I won't work. That they should actually be worried because Cole and I are a team. One that you don't want to mess with."

Lynn looks back and forth between Cole and me.

"I'll be back, you haven't heard the last from me."

Cole and I watch as she storms out the door of the building. Turning to each other once she is gone.

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Knight: Over The Edge Part 21 summary

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