Knight: Over The Edge Part 22

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"She's going to be a problem" I say.

"Yea, we are going to have to figure out what to do with her."

"Not tonight though. Tonight I want you to take me out."

A plan formulating in my mind "Take you out?"

"Yes, we need to go home and get ready for our date."

"Where am I taking you?" he asks confused.

"Knight's Castle."

He swallows hard. His eyes bug out of his head a little. "Knight's Castle?"

"Yes dear, Knight's Castle."

Chapter 21.

Cole Once back at the mansion I sent a text to Marsha asking her to get my private apartment cleaned immediately by housekeeping. Marsha replies back she will get it done and this must be a special woman. I don't stop and take time to reply to Marsha. My mind is reeling. One, my Kitten knows about Knight's Castle and asked me to take her there. Two, what am I going to do with her. There is no way I can treat her the way I did the random girls I have encountered there.

She will be the first woman other than the housekeeper to have stepped foot in my place. I admit that I'm a tad nervous. I want everything to be perfect for Kitten tonight.

I find Rocco in the lounge downstairs and arrange for him to bring Kat to the club by eight. I head out of for Knight's Castle. I wanted to have plenty of time to prepare things in the apartment.

My apartment is the first place I head upon arriving. The housekeeper did an excellent job cleaning. I fumble with the keys in my hand as I walk to my private playroom. My only desire is to bring Kat sensual pleasure tonight. I grab a few things from my playroom and move them into the bedroom. My goal is to make sure Kat knows who she belongs too when the night is over. I am going to own her heart, mind, body, and soul when this is over. She will never doubt how much she means to me again.

After shower and dressing, I make my way downstairs realizing I only have about fifteen minutes before my Kitten arrives. I walk up to the bar, order my McCellon, and leave instructions to send Kitten a Malibu and Pineapple when she arrives. I find an empty table in the center of the VIP section and wait for Kat.

There is a visible s.h.i.+ft in the club. The atmosphere electrifies. All eyes turn toward the front doors including mine. There is a vision standing there in a red skin tight halter dress. Her beautiful black hair cascades down her back in curls, the urge to wrap my hands in that hair and get lost in it hits me hard. My Kitten is the sole focus of everyone in the room. Rocco stands behind her, I nod my head signaling he can leave Kat to me.

She is stunning. I feel my d.i.c.k stir just looking at her across the room. I watch her adjust to the dim lighting in the club and scan the room when her eyes fall on me, a smile lights up her face. A smile that I want her to keep forever. She makes her way toward me. I follow her as she moves across the room.

"Hey" she says as she gets close.

I reach for her, grab her close to me, and kiss her. No words leave my mouth in greeting. I just need to taste her and lay my claim on her in front of everyone in here. When I breakaway, I notice she is looking a little dazed and I need to adjust myself.

"Um, I happy to see you too" she lets out breathlessly.

I can't keep the small chuckle from escaping me, she is always the smarta.s.s.

"Hey Kitten,"

I say finally speaking to her. Hal walks up to our table with the drink I had pre-ordered for her and sits it down.

"Thanks Hal, that will be all for now" I dismiss him.

I want my girl all to myself right now. She has taken a seat in the chair I have pulled next to mine leaving her no room to guess where she is sitting. She is going to be by my side.

"So our first public date?"

She asks with a grin on her face.

"You gotta a problem with us going public?"

She fidgets in her chair like she is restless.

"No. For some reason I am okay with it."

I tug her chair closer to me. I lean and whisper by her ear.

"Just okay?"

She s.h.i.+vers as my breath and words touch her. I like knowing I have this effect on her. I kiss softly behind her ear. Her body falls into mine. I love how she completely relaxes when she is with me.

"Let's take this somewhere private."

I motion for her to grab her drink and I take her by the hand and lead her towards the stairs.

As we pa.s.s Marsha she says," I don't have a room on the book for you Cole."

I want to lash out at her, but I keep my cool.

"Don't need one. We'll be in my private apartment."

Marsha's face is priceless when she realizes this is the woman I was referring to when I called earlier.

We turn the corner on the first landing, which helps provide some privacy for what happens on the second floor. Kat is very curious and I wish I knew what was going on in her mind right now. As we reach the second landing there is a foyer with a set of black double doors leading into Knight's Castle. I take Kat's drink out of her hand setting it on the small table in the foyer. I pull her toward me, wrapping my arm around her waist. I hold her tight and whisper softly.

"If you don't like anything you see or you are uncomfortable in any way just say the word and we are out of here."

Kat's face betrays a wide range of emotions. Bewilderment, curiosity, maybe a little apprehension, but not much. However, the one that means the world to me is trust. The words don't need to leave her mouth.

I give her a feather light kiss on her lips before releasing her, taking her hand in mine and opening the doors.

"Welcome to Knight's Castle, Kitten."

I closely observe her reactions. Her eyes blink adjusting to the dark lighting. She glances around the main room, which is a series of staging areas with BDSM equipment for demos. Her eyes linger on each one, the cross, the kneeling bench, the pole; each one is taken in deeply by her. She has schooled her face so there is no outward reaction I don't know if she is shocked, horrified, excited, or what. I am nervous as I wait. However, this is all on her terms tonight.

I want her to accept this part of me. The man who likes to be a Dom in the bedroom. I don't expect it with her all the time. It would be nice to switch between what we already have and the play we could do here at Knight's Castle.

"Well now I have my answer," she says softly.

"What're you talking about Kat?"

"Remember the first time you brought me to this club?"


How can I forget, that was just the beginning of the f.u.c.k ups I made with her?

"I wondered what was upstairs that night, but never got to ask."

"Are you okay with things so far?"

There is a brief silence before she replies.

"Let's just say I'm keeping an open mind" she gives me a coy smile.

It's then I know that she is curious and willing to talk to me about the BDSM part of my life. Not even realizing I am tense until I feel my body relax I slip my hand from hers and put it around her waist.

"Kitten, this is where demonstrations take place down the back hall are private rooms that can be rented for people to play even more privately."

"Is that what that woman meant when she asked about a room?"

"Yes, the times I have played I always reserve a room on this floor for playtime," I hesitate before continuing, "I along with a few others have a private apartment upstairs."

"A private apartment?" she pauses looking around then back at me, "That's where you go when you don't stay at your dad's?"

"Yes, but you'll be the first woman who has ever been in my apartment."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Show me this private place," she purrs while placing a kiss on my cheek.

I waste no time leading Kat back out the double doors we take the final flight of stairs up to the floor with the private apartments. There are only five apartments on this floor. One belongs to me, one to my dad and the other three belong to some important government officials. Ones that stay in our back pocket because we have this secret on their lifestyle.

As we stop in front of the door to my apartment. I turn to look at Kat.

"You know you don't have to do this if you don't want?"

I want to make sure she is comfortable.

"Cole, I'm fine with it. Do I have experience with it? No, but I'm very curious."

"Really?" I laugh at her admission "Curious huh?"

I stick the key in the lock letting us into my apartment. Kat walks in before me. I close and lock the door behind me.

I step around her making me way to the mini bar pouring me a double shot of my malt whiskey.

"Take a seat."

I begin mixing her favorite drink. She kicks off her sandals, curling her legs under her as she sits down on the couch. She manages to get comfortable without giving me a tease of what is under that dress. I want to see up that dress.

Placing her drink in her hand, I take a seat next to her. I take a long drink of my whiskey watching Kat look around the living room. We sit there in a companionable silence.

"Is this where you lived after I left?" she asks quietly.

"In the beginning, yes. I couldn't stay with the guy's or at my dad's too many f.u.c.king memories. As time went on, I moved back into my room at the family home, realizing it's where I belonged."

Exhaling, my body relaxes and I mentally calm myself.

"f.u.c.k Kat, everywhere I turned in either place there was a reminder of you. I couldn't get rid of you"


"I don't mean that as bad as it sounds. I wanted to forget you yes, at the time, but now... Now whatever it takes to keep you, I'm doing it"

"I can't leave again" she says quietly.

She sets her drink down on the table and I take the opportunity to lean into her.

"You just made me one very happy man" then I kiss her soundly on her lips.

I begin nibbling and devouring her mouth. I want to relish every inch of her. I need to savor her. Not that she is complaining. In fact, she is meeting my kisses eagerly even though her eyes showed me earlier, she trusted me her mind is still catching up.

I smile, then I sweep her up into my arms pulling her into my lap.

"Kitten, feisty as ever."

Kat moves around until she is straddling my lap. Our lips meet again in a dance of two lovers. My lips feather across hers, my hand trails up her thigh to her breast, and I mold my hand around it squeezing gently. I hear a soft moan escape her as her back arches into my touch.

The need to consume her is overwhelming. I want our bodies as one as I drive my c.o.c.k deep into her tight p.u.s.s.y. It's been a couple days of days since we made love to one another.

With gentle hands I slide the top of her dress down revealing her plump b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Mmm no bra..."

Kat grins at me, but says nothing as she takes my mouth with hers. I let her silence me this way. I enjoy her mouth.

The longing I have for Kat is always there no matter how many times I have her, I want her again and again. I push her back, bend my head down, and pull a rosy red nipple into my mouth while supporting her back with my other hand. I begin sucking hard on the swollen flesh. Her body arches, as her hands move up my chest. Her fingers like hot branding irons against my skin as they dance across my pecs. How is it just her fingertips trailing across my skin make my c.o.c.k twitch? I'm losing control of this situation. I sit back abruptly leaving her panting on the couch.

"Stand up" I order her.

She obeys without hesitation.

"Lose the dress."

Her hands grasp either side of her dress where it has bunched up at her waist. She s.h.i.+mmies and shakes until the dress falls at her feet.

"Naughty Kitten, no panties..."

The fact she is standing there fully naked sends a wave of desire coursing through my body. My pants begin to strain under my hardening c.o.c.k.

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Knight: Over The Edge Part 22 summary

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