Knight: Over The Edge Part 8

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Her behavior toward me is strange. It's like she knows me, even though we just met one another.

"Funny story," she says standing up to look at the group of us. "I was just out visiting my brother."

"What does your visit with your brother have to do with me?" I ask my voice terse as my body tenses.

"Maybe a lot, he lives in California."

This is too much of a coincidence her describing the picture of me with the two blondes and then visiting her bother in California. This b.i.t.c.h knew who I was before I even introduced myself. She baited me and then reeled me in.

"f.u.c.k," Drew exclaims, "Did you meet my sister?"

"Is Kat your sister?" she eyes Drew carefully.

"Yes" Drew responds.

"Then Yes, I met her and we become very friendly on the visit. In fact, she shared a lot with me," Marisol is looking at me pointedly.

"Are you f.u.c.king kidding me?"

The last thing I need tonight is Drew finding out about that text. Pete has a smug expression. I am not getting lucky with Marisol tonight that much is obvious. How the h.e.l.l can Kat c.o.c.k block me from thousands of miles away?

Drew and Marisol are talking about Kat. I hear that a.s.shat Luke's name brought up again. I feel this jealous rage when I think about her with this guy. f.u.c.k him. She is my Kitten! Why did I send that f.u.c.king text? It is no surprise that Kat is moving on with a new guy.

"So much for getting laid tonight," I say resigned to my fate.

"My sister still has you by the b.a.l.l.s," Drew chortles.

"Nice meeting you Marisol" I say with sarcasm that can't be denied.

I get up and walk away from the table into the night air. I have no idea where I am going or what I am doing. I walk the sidewalk for half a block before hopping in a cab.

"Take me to the best tattoo artist in the area," I command.

The driver starts the meter and we take off down the street. I send a quick text to Pete letting him know I've left. It hit me in the bar tonight I needed this piece, and I hope it will bring me the closure on this chapter of my life.

The driver stops the car, I barely take in my surroundings. I hand him the fare and step out into the warm night air. The tattoo shop stands before me, an open sign blinking in the window. I step inside. The buzzin' of a needle is clear in the background. I love that sound. There is a pretty blonde girl working the counter. She looks up as I step in and gives me a big grin.

"How can we help you?"

As I speak to the girl behind the counter, I casually observe the scene around me. This is a biker shop the artist are all clearly bikers. The clients are mostly bikers. There is a MC that runs this area. I have heard my dad talk about them in the past. He has used them for extra man power when in this area working.

I sit down to wait for an artist to be free. I have to admit I'm excited to be getting fresh ink. It's been a while since I had anything done. Time quickly as I am lost in my own thoughts.

It's not long before my turn comes up and I sit down in the chair manned by a guy with long dreads, totally bada.s.s and even less friendly.

"Name's Diego," he briskly says "What're we doing?"

I explain to Diego what to do. He begins sketching the design for my approval. Neither of us is big on small talk. That suits me just fine. I can feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, but I ignore it. It's probably Pete or Drew.

Two hours pa.s.s, and I'm walking out of the shop with fresh ink. Not only that, but I made a few connections for the family while I was in there. I take another cab back to the hotel. I'm tired and just want to fall in bed and sleep at this point. I should have known it wouldn't be that easy for me.

Pete's very p.i.s.sed off face greets me as I walk back into my hotel room that night.

"Where did ya go man? It's not safe for you to take off like that."

I explain where I ended up, and the fact I needed breathing room.

"You sent that picture to Kat didn't you," he asks "I was hoping I was wrong about it."

"I f.u.c.ked up, but maybe it's for the best," I tell him as I sit on my bed and begin slipping off my shoes.

"What you talking about it's for the best?"

"She's better off without me. She'll never be safe if she stays with me. Look at what Deveroux just went through with Blair," I tell Pete.

"Man that's f.u.c.ked up. If I ever find a girl who's willing to stick around and put up with my s.h.i.+t, and can f.u.c.king be bada.s.s and shoot a man without blinking an eye I'm doing whatever it takes to keep the b.i.t.c.h."

I give Pete a look that tells him to shut up. Thankfully, he does shut up.

I lay back on the bed cross my hands behind my head and I close my eyes. I lay there realizing I have mixed feelings when it comes to Kat. I can't decide right now if I love or hate her more. I just know that I am done being p.u.s.s.y whipped over the b.i.t.c.h. The ink tonight was my way of saying goodbye to the love we shared.

Chapter 9.

Life goes on. Years pa.s.s. Time makes a difference. I no longer think of Kat and I haven't seen her since she left. I no longer date either. I love getting different p.u.s.s.y every night. Owning Knight's Castle makes it easy to get p.u.s.s.y. There is never a shortage of women who want to hook up with me. My name alone makes it easy for me.

The Family Business prospers. Our empire is growing. Each day my dad turns more responsibilities over to me. It feels good to be a man coming into his own. I may be Bruce Knight's son, but I have earned my place in the business.

My dad calls me to the house one day.

"Son I have big plans for you."

"What's up?"

My mind travels to a possible transport job like the many I have done since my trip to New Orleans a few years ago.

"Business is growing and I want you to take over the East Side office."

"No s.h.i.+t? It's about time."

I'm overcome with a mixture of excitement and awe. My dad is giving me a place in the upper management of the company. This is a big f.u.c.king deal.

"Don't get boy. That can be dangerous for men in our line of work."

My dad is correct. I must keep myself in check. That little conversation starts a new chapter in my life.

Drew and Pete go with me to the East Side. Drew has over the years proved his loyalty to the family. It makes him an easy choice to be my second in command on the East Side. Pete, as always is there for my protection. He is my friend, but he is also my bodyguard, the only man I trust completely to have my back.

There is always the real construction jobs going on. Mostly remodels in the upper elite homes of Belmont. f.u.c.king women with too much time on their hands and too much of their husband's money to spend. Of course, I get some great a.s.s from that too. In fact, that's how I met Lynn Bridgewater. She sauntered into my office one day, this woman was looking for more than just a construction crew.

"h.e.l.lo" she purrs while batting her eyes at me. I guess her to be in her early forties, it doesn't mean she isn't hot as h.e.l.l though. Not a hair is out of place on her blonde mane; her makeup is flawless without looking trashy. Her clothing screams that she has money and fas.h.i.+on sense.

"Morning" I greet back acting as if I am indifferent to her charm.

"I'm looking for the best to remodel my pool house and guest house," she sits crossing her legs.

I watch as those long velvety legs cross one another. It's hard not to admire how good her body looks. I can only imagine she pays a personal trainer mega money to keep her looking so young.

"I want only the best and in Belmont that's the Knights."

Our conversation moves forward from there. In the beginning, I maintain my professionalism. The room is filled with s.e.xual tension from the innuendos that pa.s.s between us. She leaves pictures and plans of the current structures with me along with some ideas of what she is looking to change.

Drew and I meet with her the next day at her house. The project itself is going to be easy. Basic remodel and upgrades of both her guest house and pool house. Our only job is making sure the structures are sound, and the rooms reconstructed to fit her big vision. Offering to go back to the office, and have an estimate to her in twenty-four hours is a waste of breath.

"Oh you're hired" she bats her eyes at me, her hand reaching out and stroking my arm "Money is no matter. I want you."

I get the double meaning behind her words. I fight back the smile that wants to cross my face.

"Really man?" Drew asks as we walk back out to the truck we rode over in. "Please tell me you're not going to sink your d.i.c.k in this one too?"

"What if I do?" grinning at my friend "I do love older p.u.s.s.y. It's not afraid to be wild and free and tell you exactly what it wants. Plus the married ones like her don't expect more than a stud boy."

"Man as long as I have known you, you've been a manwh.o.r.e, but these last four years beat all that you ever did when we were teenagers," Drew pauses and I can see his mind turning something over in it. "My sister f.u.c.ked you up good didn't she?"

I don't say anything, there is no need for me to say it everyone knows it's true. However, what I notice for the first time is Drew feels sorry for me. That me off. There is no reason to feel sorry for me. I still get plenty of p.u.s.s.y when I want it.

"Dude what the f.u.c.k?" I ask him "you sound like a f.u.c.king chick right now."

I note that Drew's face pinks a little. What the f.u.c.k? Is my boy going soft on me?

"Dude what's going on with you?"

"I've been seeing a girl. It's getting serious."

He s.h.i.+fts uncomfortably in the front seat of the truck. Inside I laugh at his discomfort even though I understand it all too well.

"Oh s.h.i.+t man, you're p.u.s.s.y whipped," I bust out laughing then.

"f.u.c.k off man."

"Oh this is priceless," I still laugh "Who is it? Someone I know?"

I try to think about if I have seen Drew with anyone lately. I can't recall seeing him with any chick. That doesn't mean much though as I have been too busy when we are out looking for my own piece of a.s.s to worry about what my boys are doing.

"Gracie Bauer," he says.

"From the diner? As in Gracie the nerd from high school?"

"Man don't judge, I'm finding out nerds are closet freaks in the sheets."

"You're telling me that Gracie is a freak in bed?"

This is priceless to me. I can't picture the sweet nerd girl from high school pulling out the whips and chains. Working in the diner over the years has made her a bit more outgoing but wild and free is not how I would describe her.

"We're not talking about Gracie that way," Drew says with some hardness to his voice. I glance over at him and see his jaw tight and I smile at him.

"You're more the f.u.c.king p.u.s.s.y whipped. You're in love aren't you?"

"f.u.c.k off man."

"Hey it happens to us all at one time in our lives," Kat's face enters my mind. "I wish you better success then I had."

"Yea, and when you going to f.u.c.k Mrs. Bridgewater?" he says effectively taking the spotlight off him.

"As soon as I can brother," I say with a mischievous smile.

Lynn and I began seeing each other once a week. This lasted for almost nine months. She was the perfect submissive. The best thing was she had her own playroom at her house with all the things she liked to do. It made it easier to bring out the dominate play I needed. She was far more into bondage and whipping then I would ever have imagined when I first met her. Often our play time was spent with me first tying her to a cross in her playroom. This was followed by half an hour of flogging her. She had a certain thing she liked. From there she wanted a plug in her a.s.s and a vibrator in her p.u.s.s.y while I continued to whip her with a thin whip. Then she would beg me for permission to c.u.m. I would torment her for about fifteen twenty mintues before I ever gave my permission. We didn't do it like that everytime but we did it that way quite often. Afterwards I would slowly calm her back down from her o.r.g.a.s.m. Then she would get on her knees and suck my c.o.c.k until I blew in her mouth.

She was the steadiest piece of a.s.s I had since Kat. I think it only worked because she was married. Neither of us was looking to fall in love or have a relations.h.i.+p.

Lynn started becoming demanding with me.

"When will I see you again? Tomorrow?"

"Um no why would you see me tomorrow?"

She sighs as she lays sprawled naked on her bed.

"I just thought we enjoyed this."

"We do enjoy this no more than once a week"

"What if I want more than once a week" she asks while propping up on her elbows.

"Not going to happen" I finish b.u.t.toning my pants and begin pulling my s.h.i.+rt back on as I speak to her.

"But I want more"

"I will end this right now" I'm not in the mood for a clingy married girlfriend now or ever.

'Cole I think we could do so much more"

"Stop while you're a head."

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Knight: Over The Edge Part 8 summary

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