Knight: Over The Edge Part 9

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She is sitting up in the bed looking at me her face is contorted with disbelief.


"I warned you to stop. We are done find yourself another stud boy"

I waltz out of her bedroom never looking back.

She did try contacting me several times after I end things. On her third attempt I answered her call. I carefully explained that while we had a good time together it had played itself out. She tried arguing with me at first. She wasn't happy with me at all. Twenty minutes into the conversation she finally got that I wasn't changing my mind. It was then she backed off. I never heard from her again.

The next four months my world started changing. Jobs legit, or not where getting f.u.c.ked up. The word on the street was the Martins had something to do with it. Then I got the worse news possible. Sal Martin was being released from prison early. This p.i.s.sed me off. This man f.u.c.king kidnapped my brother and sister, and he was being allowed to walk free? It may be time for some justice, Knight Style.

For the first time in years, my thoughts turn to Kat Roberts. My Kitten, she was my everything; and I pushed her away. There is no doubt Sal Martin will be after her with a vengeance. Sal blames Kat for his imprisonment and vowed he would get his revenge on her someday. Over the years, we kept our eyes and ears open, but there was nothing. Until now, it seems Sal was going to enter the free world with a bang. I wanted to be two steps ahead of him.

Drew and I spend many days talking about the threat to his sister. One of the first things he did was to make a call to Rocco. Rocco was informed to be alert to any threats even though, for now, Kat was safe. She was also not to be made aware of any danger until such a time it could not be avoided.

The day Sal is released from prison does not go unnoticed. He made sure of it by sending one of his guys to pay me a visit in my office.

"Sal sends a message. Sweet revenge is going to be sticking his d.i.c.k deep in that p.u.s.s.y you call Kitten."

I see f.u.c.king red. My hands grip the arms of my office chair so tight I'm surprised the plastic doesn't crack. I keep an outward calm even though I'm dying to knock this mother f.u.c.ker out.

"Tell your boss that Kat and I've been done for years now. He's going to have to find some other way to get back at me."

I take great pleasure in delivering that message. If only the message held any truth. Once the little weasel leaves my office, I send a message to Drew asking him to meet with me ASAP. Drew shows up an hour later. He takes one look at my face, and sits down in a chair.

"What's going on?"

"I believe Kat is Sal's number one target right now."

I roll a pencil on my desk as I wait for Drew's reaction.

"Guess I need to call Rocco and make a trip to see my sister."

"Call Rocco, talk to him. Find out what he needs, or who he needs, I'll have them out there in less than 48 hours."

"Thanks Cole. I know this is hard for you."

Kat will always have my protection. Just like my father promised she would always have his.

"f.u.c.k that Drew. Your sister is and always will be a Knight."

That's as close I'll get to admitting that I still care about her. However, there is no denying she will always own a piece of me.

Drew and I part ways with both of us having our own agenda to make sure Kat is protected from Sal. We agree to meet later that night at a new club that opened in Belmont.

The Dot, is in an old warehouse that was converted and remodeled into a club. I love the vibe of the club as we pull into the parking lot and begin walking up to the front door. There are people in line wrapped around the building, but our names are on the VIP door list.

As we move past the girls in line, I note the different styles of dress. There are the girls barely wearing any clothes, always a guaranteed f.u.c.k. Then there are the girls who are tastefully covered, barely. Those are the girl you never know what you might get. She might say yes, or she might say no. Then there are those girls who are fully clothed and might as well hang a sign around their necks that say f.u.c.k OFF! They aren't going to give you the time of day. I have a knack for reading people, but I'm especially good at reading chicks. It's a skill that comes in handy with my line of work.

The bouncer at the door stops us.


Really, he has to know who I am at least, but I humor him, "Cole Knight" his head pops up a.s.sessing me closely.

"Mr. Knight welcome to the Dot," he says while messing with an earpiece. "If you give me a moment I'll have one of our hostesses come greet you and get your party set up inside."

"That's fine," I say. I will never turn down VIP treatment. The guys and I wait just inside the foyer when a beautiful red head walks up to us.

"Mr. Knight, I am Sabrina, and I'll be your personal hostess for the evening. If you follow me, I have a VIP lounge set up and ready for you."

I notice Pete eyeing the red head and fight the urge to laugh out loud. He has always had a thing for red heads. However, I don't blame him, as this one is a cute little thing.

Sabrina seats us at a table on the side of the room that is on a slightly higher elevation then the main floor. I like that we have a good advantage of seeing around us from this spot.

"What can I bring you gentlemen to drink?"

"Bring us a bottle of McCallan and three," I say to Sabrina She smiles, but her gaze lingers on Pete, which isn't surprising since he is still openly l.u.s.ting after her, "Coming right up fellas."

"Man really?" I give Pete a look of disbelief, "Why don't you just bend her over the table?"

"If we were back at Knight's Castle I might," he tells me while his gaze still follows Sabrina.

"Gracie is joining us," Drew says looking up from his phone. I shoot him a knowing smile.

When Sabrina gets back to our table, Drew gives her Gracie's name to be left at the door. I can't believe Drew is this whipped, but it's the time I guess.

We are all getting closer to thirty. My dad is constantly telling me it's my duty to produce an heir to the family business. However, my dad isn't willing to settle for just anyone as a daughter in law. He constantly gives not so subtle hints about winning Kat back. Offers to send me to California on business all the time. Always makes comments that it's time for Katarina to come home where she belongs. I just laugh at him and tell him that s.h.i.+p sailed a long time ago. To this day, my dad has no clue how bad I f.u.c.ked up things with Kat.

Gracie shows up with a friend and soon our partying is full out. Lots of liquor pours around the table. At one point, Drew and Gracie are all but f.u.c.king each other at the table.

"Get a room you two."

I smart off as I hold some leggy blonde in my lap playing with her inner thigh.

"Good idea" Drew retorts. As he begins to pull Gracie up with him. "I'll see you guys later" he begins walking away with his girl.

"Hey Drew!" I call out "Breakfast in the morning at the diner. We got to talk about Kat."

"Yea man text me the time."

I watch as Drew heads out with Gracie, smile and realize those two are the real deal.

The next morning Pete drives me to the diner so we can meet up with Drew. Drew is too d.a.m.n happy this morning it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that our waitress has to do a lot with his good mood. The urge to punch him for being so d.a.m.n happy is hard to resist. I'm hung-over like a b.i.t.c.h and I didn't even take home a girl last night. I did my blonde in the club bathroom.

"I don't want Kat left vulnerable," I mumble.

Gracie sets our plates in front of us. The greasy breakfast soaks up the alcohol left in my system, it was a blessing.

"I hate that she's alone with Rocco on the West coast, makes her too easy of a target for Sal."

"My sister isn't stupid," Drew says between bites of food "She's still the girl from Belmont."

I sigh. I can't help but worry about her.

"I hate that Rocco is on his own protecting her, he can't be on her 24/7. He needs trusted men to give him some time to recharge himself."

"So handpick a few guys," Drew pushes his empty plate away from him. "And I'll fly out there with them and get everyone set up and let Kat know that Sal is free. She needs to be told."

Drew's plan is solid and I am ready to put it into action. "Pete, who do we have that would be best suited to protect Kat. I want only the best."

"I've a few guys in mind. I will talk to them today, see who is free for an extended visit to Cali."

I throw money on the table as Pete heads out to grab the car. Drew walks out the door with me and we stand there talking. I feel better knowing he is going out to his sister and we are doing all that we can to protect her from Sal.

Then in a flash, everything changes. A car speeds by. Shots ring out. Drew pushes me out of the way. I'm holding him bleeding out in my arms while dialing 911, and why I worry about my friend laying dying in my arms, I can't help but think, s.h.i.+t just got real!

Chapter 10.

Kat "Kat!"

Hearing Luke's voice pulls me back to the present. My friend is watching me carefully, his eyes laced with concern.

I won't lie to him or myself. I'm not doing good right this moment. I am terrified that I'm going to lose my brother. The cross-country trip seemed take double the usual time. It's only seems that way because I need to get to my brother. I am scared to death that I am going to get to the hospital and Bruce is going to tell me that Drew didn't make it. I would be shattered without my brother. I still have the Knights, it's not as if any of them abandoned me over the years, nut it wouldn't be the same.

There were so many trips over the last five years that proved how much Bruce cared about me. He made sure that I was never forgotten or left out of anything. Bruce even made sure that Drew, and I got plenty of time to see each other. I love my Knight family.

After that first night in his frat room, Luke and I embarked on a four year friend with benefits relations.h.i.+p. It was only then I was able to ask about Cole. He was the only Knight I was not speaking to. It still hurt to hear stories about him, but at the same time, I needed those stories to remind me that my new life was the right one.

Julie said he used woman and discarded them as if they were trash. Drew told stories of a cold-blooded man. Not that Cole was innocent when I was with him, but it sounded like he was worse now. Each time I heard a story they seemed to get worse. I wasn't sure how Cole had managed to stay out of jail to be honest. Well yes, I did, because the police in Belmont had always been in the back pocket of the Knight Family.

The cab slows in front of the hospital and before it completely stops, I am throwing the door open and rus.h.i.+ng out of the cab. I leave Luke to handle the cab, there was a reason he tagged along. That thought was b.i.t.c.hy sounding, but I'm so scared and nervous. I went rus.h.i.+ng into the front door of the hospital. I zero in on the information desk nothing else around me registers in my mind.

"I'm looking for my brother."

The poor woman sitting at the desk is startled by my yelling at her.

"Name?" she asks. She is calm despite my outburst.

"Drew Roberts." A body moves up next to mine and realize that Luke has joined me.

The lady's fingers begin flying across a keyboard before she looks up at me.

"Mr. Roberts is currently in surgery, but you can go down the hall to the surgical waiting room and there'll be an information desk there that can help you more."


There is no time to wait as I take off in the direction she sent me. Luke struggles to keep up with me as I race down the corridor.

"Katarina slow down" Luke calls to me. I pause only a moment before continuing down the hallway as I walk into the waiting area I pull up short.

Bruce and Julie are huddled together. Their faces somber. They are the only two family members I see and I briefly wonder where the others are. Bruce moves his head, our eyes connect, he begins to stand. My body propels itself into Bruce's waiting arms. His eyes cut over to Luke silently acknowledging his presence, but he never says a word. His arms wrap tightly around me, holding me and bringing me the comfort I have been seeking since I talked to him this morning on the phone.

"He's been in surgery around five hours now. They come out every hour or so to update us," Bruce steps back facing me "So far things are going well. He had three bullets enter him and two splintered. They're trying to get all pieces they can."

My body sags. Bruce's grip tightens on me to support my weight. The relief of knowing Drew is still alive is enough right now.

Julie moves toward us, I see her out of the corner of my eye. I let go of Bruce and angle my body toward Julie when she engulfs me in a hug. We stand there hugging each other like we haven't seen each other in ages. Even though we had just spent a week in Vegas together last month.

"Well look what the cat dragged in," an annoying voice that I have missed more than I will ever admit too.

Justin walks into the waiting room. Even though his tone sounded light and joking his face is somber, his eyes not twinkling with their usual mischief.

"Justin" I exclaim throwing myself at him as he pulls me into him.

"Brought the replacement with you I see," he whispers quietly referring to Luke.

Justin thinks it's funny when he says things like that about Luke. He knows the truth Luke is nothing more than my friend. A friend with benefits, but still a friend.

"Someone want to explain to me now how my brother wound up with three bullets in him this morning?" I ask the group standing there, looks are exchanged. I eye them all carefully, waiting for someone to speak. Bruce clears his throat.

"He stepped in front of bullets meant for someone else."

"What do you mean?" My muscles tighten. Something tells me I'm not going to like what I am about to hear.


Julie's voice calls out, but my focus remains on Bruce. For the first time ever Bruce looks uncomfortable. My hand comes up behind my neck to rub the tension that is increasingly building.

"Who?" I demand.

My eyes dart from Bruce, Julie and Justin before I come back to Bruce.

"What the f.u.c.k did Drew do?"

My teeth are clenched as I speak. I direct my question to Bruce. I am hanging by a thread right now. I could explode any moment. Justin squirms next to his dad. He looks down at the floor, then looks back up to my eyes. Everything inside me tells me I already know the answer, but I want someone to say it out loud.

"Are you f.u.c.king kidding me? He jumped in front of Cole?"

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Knight: Over The Edge Part 9 summary

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