Behind The Tears Part 21

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He pulled a face. "Ewww."

She laughed. "Maybe, but it's still a good thing."

He wrinkled his nose. "Why? It's gross."

"Cos it means they might get back together."

His face brightened. "Really?"

"Yup. Would you like that?"

"Yeah! And Dad can come live with us."

"Um, I'm not sure 'bout that, he has his own home."

"But he should live with me."

"I agree, but we'll see what he says first, okay?"

"Nah ah, I'm gonna tell him now."

Juliet grabbed him as he went to run past her. "No, you don't, you'll see them kissing."

He wiggled free. "But I wanna tell him."

"Wait until they finish."

He scrunched up his face, like he was about to throw a tantrum, then planted his b.u.t.t on the gra.s.s.

Juliet sat next to him, watching as he started pulling out gra.s.s. "Whatcha doin'?"

"Making confetti for when they get married."

Smiling, Juliet started pulling out gra.s.s too. Although she didn't think Ash would ever get married, it didn't stop her from hoping that he would eventually ask Tiana. She liked Tiana, always had, and was annoyed when she'd left Ash. And when Beth had come along, it had annoyed her even more, because she could see that Beth wasn't right for him.

Her phone went off. She pulled it out of her jeans' pocket, checking who it was before answering. "W'sup, Aroha?"

"Not much, where are you?"

"At Tiana's. Guess what?" Juliet said, excited to tell someone the news, then barrelled ahead before Aroha could reply. "Ash and Tiana are kissing. I think they might get back together."

"But what about Beth?"

"He's broken up with her; she cheated on him with Dante."

"Yeah, I can believe that, Dante's a horndog."

"Don't call him that," Juliet said, not sure why she was defending him when Aroha was right.

"Well, it's true. He causes so much trouble. Ash does too. Those two are right a.r.s.eholes."

"Don't you dare insult As.h.!.+"

"Dante not worth defending?"

"Not at the moment." Juliet glanced down at Angelo. He looked up at her with a quizzical expression. "And Ash is a sweetheart," she said, pointing at the ground for Angelo to continue what he was doing.

"Don't make me laugh, he's a..." Aroha stopped.

"He's a what?" Juliet said, trying to control her voice, although she wanted to yell.

"Nuthin', I don't really know him that well."

"Yes, cos if you did you'd know he wuz lovely."

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Aroha said, sounding anything but.

"And so you should be, and why're you calling me anyway, is Corey okay?"

"Yeah, Naf told me all about the fight, shame I missed it. I would've loved to see your bro's face when Corey came out. It would've been cla.s.sic."

"Why're you being so horrible?" Juliet ground out.

"Sheesh, you're a bit touchy today. And Corey's fine, he's just got bruised ribs. Hardly sumpthin' I'd take him to the hospital for. Though, you're a right love to be concerned 'bout that li'l b.u.g.g.e.r..." She started sn.i.g.g.e.ring. "Shouldn't have said b.u.g.g.e.r with Corey. I wonder whether he's a top or a bottom."


"If he's after Sledge then I'd say a bottom, and a very sore one if he succeeds, cos your bro looks like he's got a third leg down there, it's so f.u.c.king huge. Got an eyeful once when I walked in on him while he wuz showering."

"Don't talk 'bout Sledge like that."

Aroha started laughing. "Sorry, can't help making a right a.r.s.e of myself, but gotta say he has the biggest slong I've seen hanging free. Wonder what it looks like hard?"

Juliet hung up. She went to pocket the phone, then grunted as it started ringing. She answered. "What do you want now?"

"Don't hang up again," Aroha answered. "I rang for a reason."

"Then stop grossing me out."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll watch my dirty mouth. I just needa know where Ash and Dante are staying."


"The cops wanna know."

"They can get stuffed, and why would they ask you?"

"They rang Sledge, but, as you know, he isn't home. Plus, I still needa know, cos I hafta give sumpthin' to Ash."

"Well, I don't know where Dante is, but I overheard Tiana ask Ash to stay with her. My guess is, with the way those two are kissing, he'll say yes."

"What's her address so I can bring this s.h.i.+t over?" Aroha laughed, then the phone went silent.

"Aroha? You still there?"

Sn.i.g.g.e.ring was heard again. "Sorry."

"What're you laughing at? And what do ya have for Ash?"

"You're a curious li'l birdie, but I can't tell you, cos it's not my place to go ruining surprises."

"Is it for his birthday?" Juliet asked, intensely curious. She loved birthday presents, and had spent ages looking for the perfect one for Ash.

"Yeah," Aroha said. "Look, I've got stuff to do, so can I just have the address? I've gotta get back to Naf. He gets so frickin' jealous when I don't pay him attention."

"Sure, it's 8 Stanley Road. It's not far from Sylvia Park."

"Ta, hun, and I'll see ya at dinner. Make sure you're not late cos I'm shouting pizza. Actually, turn up early otherwise Naf will b.l.o.o.d.y eat it all. He's a right pig."

"Don't call him that, he treats you with respect," even though you don't deserve it, "So, you should treat him the same way." Yeah, Ash was right, she did look for the good in people, but maybe some of them, like Aroha, didn't have enough. "And I'm not taking you to see..." Juliet stopped, realising she couldn't take Aroha to see Tama anyway.

"To see Tama?" Aroha said, her voice going soft, like she was upset.

"You know what happened to him?"

"No! He's not dead; I don't care what anyone says, he's too hot to die. So, you shut it now." Someone yelled behind Aroha. "And you shut the f.u.c.k up too!"

"Aroha! What has gotten into you?"

"Just don't mention Tama again. And you too, you a.r.s.ehole, or I'll rip you a new one," Aroha spat at whoever was on the other side, most likely Naf. G.o.d, the poor guy didn't deserve to be treated like that, especially since Tama was actually his friend and not Aroha's. Aroha should be supporting, not upsetting him. Now, all Juliet wanted to do was to get home to make sure that Naf was alright, because it must be tearing him apart.

"Stop yelling at Naf!" Juliet shouted.

"Eh? I'm not yelling at-" Aroha hung up.

Juliet stared at the phone speechless, then re-pocketed it, doing her best to push the horrible woman out of her mind, because Aroha wasn't going to ruin her day after seeing Ash and Tiana together again. She got to her feet. "I'll get a bag for all that confetti you're making," she said to Angelo, who was also making a right mess, his hands covered in mud and gra.s.s, along with his trackpants.

He jumped up and grabbed his crotch. "I needa go for a mimi," he said, using the Mori word for pee.

"Lemme check if your mum and dad have stopped kissing first."

He started jogging on the spot. "But I needa go. Now!"

"Just wait a mo." Juliet headed inside, and peered through the s.p.a.ce in between the cupboards and the gla.s.s cabinet. Ash had Tiana pinned to the couch as he basically mauled the poor woman.

Juliet cleared her throat.

Ash shot upright. He looked over his shoulder, his worried expression turning into a cheeky grin when he spotted Juliet. She hadn't seen him smile like that in ages, the expression more a.s.sociated with Dante.

"Needa make it PG," Juliet said. "The li'l boy has to go for a mimi."

Next second Angelo flashed past, squealing for the toilet.

Ash laughed, his happy expression making Juliet smile. She walked into the lounge. "So, what's new, p.u.s.s.ycat?" she asked him.

He continued to grin, his eyes sparkling.

Looking fl.u.s.tered, Tiana smoothed down her top and skirt. "Ash is moving in until they catch that creature."

Juliet nodded, thinking that Ash wasn't as unforgiving as he thought he was. "Cool, Angelo will be happy, and by the way, he's making confetti out of gra.s.s for your wedding."

Ash's smile dropped. "That ain't ever gonna happen."

Tiana made a huffing sound.

Ash turned back to her. "You know my views on marriage."

"It doesn't mean I agree with them."

"For chrissake, we've only just gotten back together, and marriage is being brought up? For all I know you could dump my sorry a.r.s.e tomorrow."

She exhaled. "Look who's jumping the shotgun. I didn't mention marriage; I just disagree with the way you look at it like a death knell."

"It wuz for my mum with both her marriages, the second one literally." He slumped back into the couch, his spark of happiness gone.

"You're not your mother, Ash, so you needa stop relating her life to yours and live your own."

"I am, which is why marriage is not for me."

"What would change your mind 'bout marrying someone then? Cos obviously love doesn't come into the equation with you."

"Just cos I didn't marry you doesn't mean I don't love you, it's cos I love you so much that I don't want to."

Tiana's face went still. "You really mean that?"

Ash fidgeted, looking intensely uncomfortable. "Yeah, though f.u.c.k knows why after the way you treated me."

Juliet kicked Ash's leg. "Don't ruin the moment, you sod."

He pulled a face at her, then looked back at Tiana. "And I don't see what a ring would do to change how I feel."

"Exactly. Marriage wouldn't change my feelings towards you either."

"I didn't mean it like that; I meant there's no point in marriage."

"What about your son? Doesn't he deserve us to be married?"

"You're wheedling me into a corner, twisting everything. Didja put Juliet up to mentioning marriage?"

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Behind The Tears Part 21 summary

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