Behind The Tears Part 22

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"Then stop harping on 'bout it then. Only yesterday I wuz with Beth, and I still don't know where you and me are with things. For all I know you could pack up and leave me hanging again. You haven't exactly earned my trust."

"Sorry, it's just a sore point when you get all defensive over marriage."

"With me too."

Tiana took his hand. "I won't talk about it again; I'm just happy... No, ecstatic we're dating."

"Ecstatic?" His smile resurfaced. "And dating sounds teenagerous."

"Teenagerous isn't even a word."

"What? You saying I don't speak good England?"

"You always say that!" She pounced on him, making him laugh and squirm as she tickled him.

"You two are like teenagers," Juliet said. "Mad one second, happy the next. Anyway, I hafta go to work soon. You need a lift to get any clothes, Ash?"

Ash grabbed Tiana's arms and pushed her flat on the couch. "Don't need my PJs, that's for sure."

Tiana laughed. "You don't wear PJs."

He grinned. "Oh yeah."

Juliet rolled her eyes. "PG, people, PG. The boy could walk in and be scarred for life. h.e.l.l, you're scarring me."

"Guess I should go back and grab some stuff," Ash said, getting to his feet. "I'll just say bye to Angelo and then we can take off, cos I wanna get back quick. Tiana's promised me a full roast dinner along with Pavlova and s.e.x."

"I did not, you rude man," Tiana said.

He smirked. "Okay, but I still want the Pavlova and s.e.x."

Tiana stood up, a shy smile now on her face. "If you put Angelo to bed tonight we'll see."

Juliet covered her ears. "Stoppit, my ears are bleeding."

Ash gave Tiana a kiss, then walked towards the door as Angelo came out. "He grabbed his son and lifted him up, his nose wrinkling. "Boy, do you even know what toilet-paper's for?"

Angelo squealed. "Lemme down!"

Ash put him down and gave him a hug. "I'm gonna go get some stuff, then I'll be back. Okay?"

"Can I come?"

Ash glanced over at Tiana, who shook her head. He grimaced.

"Sorry, Ash, let's take it one step at a time, aye? Plus, he really does stink." Tiana steered Angelo towards the bathroom. "Righto, Skidmarks, bath-time." She glanced over her shoulder. "Bye, Juliet. And see ya soon, Ash. Lock the door on the way out," she shouted as she disappeared into the bathroom with Angelo.

Juliet patted Ash's back. "Looks like things might work out."

"We'll see."


Beth Beth drove towards her old home in a daze. She couldn't believe what had happened, all because she'd been stupid enough to tell Josie. She should never have taken that d.a.m.ned photo in the first place, not only because it was wrong, but because she'd violated Dante's trust. G.o.d, the look on his face when he realised what she'd done broke her. She wiped a stray tear as she turned onto Pleasant Parade, knowing she was an idiot for approaching him so soon, but she had to make things right straight away, because she had a bad feeling he was going to skip town.

A white van pulled away from the kerb as she neared the house, driving off in the opposite direction. She parked a few properties down, working up the courage to go inside. But then again, he might not even be home, because once she'd sc.r.a.ped herself together, she'd driven straight over while he had to walk.

Her gaze brushed over Ash's green Chevy, then flicked back to it. Oh, h.e.l.l no! She couldn't face him too. With everything that had happened with Dante she'd completely forgotten Ash was getting out of hospital today.

She lowered her forehead onto the steering wheel, breathing in and out to stop from hyperventilating. She didn't know how long she stayed like that for, but a car driving past made her look up. The vehicle stopped in Dante's driveway, letting him out, then reversed and drove off, the driver one of his mates who lived not far from Josie. Dante stood for a while, staring up the road at her car. She wanted to go to him, but knew it was a bad idea to do so in public, especially with their busybody neighbour mowing his front lawn two doors down.

Beth gripped the steering wheel as Dante disappeared inside the house. "You can do this," she muttered. No, you can't, her mind countered. She put her forehead back onto the steering wheel, fighting with herself, then jumped when someone rapped on the car bonnet. She looked up to see old man Murphy and his wrinkles staring at her through the window. She wound it down and forced a smile. "h.e.l.lo, Mr. Murphy."

"You alright, dear?" he said, looking concerned.

"Yes, I'm just tired."

"Then why did you park all the way down here?"

She shrugged, not knowing what to say.

"You can tell me, dear," he said. "Because I've been rather concerned over what's been happening at your place lately, especially with that ambulance turning up last night."

"Ash hurt his head, but he's alright now."

"Did he have a fight with his brothers again?"

"No, they didn't cause it."

"Well, you really should consider finding someone else, because those Rata boys are ruffians. You're far too sweet to be a.s.sociating with the likes of them."

Beth smiled. The man may be overly nosey, but he was a sweetheart. "I should go in now. I need to speak to Dante."

"Okay, then you take care and pop in for a visit anytime you want a chat."

"Thank you, Mr. Murphy."

"My pleasure." With a wave, he was off. Although he was an old fella, he was a very active one, the type she couldn't imagine ever going into a retirement home.

She got out of the car and willed herself forward, waving at Mr. Murphy as he restarted his lawnmower. She entered the Rata property through the driveway, then came to a standstill at the front door, fear again making her hesitate. "Do it," she said, now getting annoyed with herself. She unlocked the door and slipped inside.

Shaking, she headed for hers and Ash's bedroom, relieved that at least he wasn't there, then moved onto Dante's. She poked her head through the doorway, taken aback by the state of the room. It was like a tornado had ripped through it, scattering CDs and clothes all over the place, along with cardboard boxes. And in the middle of the mess stood Dante. He had his back to her, swearing as he picked up a suitcase, which he threw at the wall.

"Dante!" she blurted out.

He jolted, then slowly turned around. He looked like a wild man with his bare chest, tattoos, messy hair and dark eyes. She wondered whether he'd shot up on cocaine, because he didn't look completely sane.

"Get out!" he hollered.

His words ran through her like a bolt of electricity, making her muscles jump and twitch with fear. "P-Please lemme explain."


He started advancing on her. She stumbled out of the room and down the pa.s.sage, his body language screaming at her to get the h.e.l.l out of there, because he looked like he wanted to wrap his hands around her neck and snap it. She squealed as he reached out, but his hand moved past, pulling the pa.s.sage door shut behind her.

Her back hit the door. "I-I didn't mean f-for this to happen," she said, her words broken by crying.

"Don't you dare cry." He hit the door behind her, the reverberations running down her spine.

"You're scaring me."

"Then f.u.c.k off!"

"B-But, you're holding the door shut."

His lips twitched, then he took a step backwards. When she didn't make a move, he narrowed his eyes. "What're you waiting for?"

"I wanna make things right."

"You can't."

"But I have to. I love you."

"No, you f.u.c.kin' don't!" He spun around and headed back into his room, slamming the door behind him.

Beth stood rooted to the spot, both wanting and not wanting to leave, because if she did, she knew there wouldn't be a way back into his life. She was right: he was going to take off, because he'd been packing.

She jumped at the sound of a crash. Loud swearing followed. He had a right to be angry, and to chew her up and spit her out; she just wished he didn't look so scary while doing it.

She headed for his room again, terrified yet determined as she opened the door.

He spun around, his eyes wide. "You're unbelievable."

"I can't leave until you understand why I texted your picture," she blurted out, before she tripped over her words and fell into a blubbering mess.

"Cos you f.u.c.kin' hate me, that's why."

"No, I said love you, which is why I did it."

"You're f.u.c.ked in the head even worse than I am if ya think that."

"But I had to stop you from seeing Carly."

"You were with my brother!"

"I should've been with you! I love you more!"

"Bulls.h.i.+t. You're a lying b.i.t.c.h."

"I'm not lying!" She was upset over Ash leaving her, but when Dante walked out she was devastated. "I love you so much that I'm even willing to risk gettin' hurt."

He stormed over to her, making her jump backwards. "Do you think I'm gonna beat you up? That I'm some lowlife piece of sc.u.m like Deano Jones?"


"Then say it without flinching!"

"You wouldn't hurt me," she said, although she didn't believe it.

"But YOU hurt me. You ripped my heart out and spat on it." He grabbed the neck of her blouse and tore it open, then placed a hand on her heart and pushed her against the wall. "Do you have a heart in there or are you just a stone-cold b.i.t.c.h who enjoys s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g with people's lives?"

"I-I didn't m-mean to hurt you."

"I f.u.c.kin' love-d you!"

She flinched, the pain in his voice raw. She was wrong; he did hurt her, because he'd accentuated the "d" at the end of "loved." Past tense, present tears, he didn't want her anymore, it was as clear as that.

Her heart thumped against his hand. "I still love you," she said, now unable to hold back the tears.

He let go of her and covered his ears. "Stop saying that!"

She grabbed his arms and pulled them down, desperate for him to hear her out. "Then explain why I always run to you when you end up in jail, or why I get torn apart every time I see you with another woman. And if I didn't love you I'd still be with Ash and I wouldn't be standing here crying and scared out of my wits that you won't forgive me."

He stared at her for a moment before speaking, his expression now uncertain. "If you loved me you wouldn't have risked my life."

"I didn't know Deano would order a hit."

"But you know he's violent. What do you think he wuz gonna do? Congratulate me on f.u.c.king his wife?"

"I didn't think about him at all, all I saw wuz you on top of another woman, and all I wanted wuz that woman to be me."

He jerked his arms away from her. "How do you think I felt when Ash kissed you? But I didn't go humiliating him or risking his life like you did to Carly."

"I didn't think!" she screamed, frustration now taking over. "And he's your brother, you love him, whereas I HATE Carly for goin' anywhere near you!" She pulled off her blouse and threw it at him, her hands shaking badly. She needed to shock him into silence, because she couldn't handle much more of his venom, plus she was willing to do anything to get him, to make him want her as much as she wanted him, and if it meant stripping down to nothing then she'd do it, because he was already stripping her nerves raw.

His eyes widened as she started unhooking her bra. "What the h.e.l.l're you doin'?"

"Proving I love you."

"By stripping?"

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Behind The Tears Part 22 summary

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