Behind The Tears Part 26

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"I don't find you disgusting."

"Yes, you do. You basically said it at the hospital." Corey pushed off the bed. "Or you will soon. Do ya know what I wuz thinking 'bout while Tyler f.u.c.ked me?"

Sledge covered his ears. "Don't say that!"

Corey yanked one of Sledge's hands down. "You! Tyler's f.u.c.kin' gorgeous, but all I could think about wuz you. It took everything to hold myself together so I didn't shout out your name again."

Sledge wrenched his wrist free. He couldn't understand why Corey wanted him. Corey was right, Tyler was gorgeous, and he was f.u.c.king ugly like Juliet.

Corey grabbed Sledge's T-s.h.i.+rt and lifted it up, placing a hand on his stomach. "Do you know how much I've wanted to touch you?"

Sledge froze, not sure what to do. Corey was staring up at him with a slight smile, his expression unsettling.

"So f.u.c.kin' bad it hurts," Corey said. "I've been jacking off most nights picturing you wearing nuthin' and with your big c.o.c.k hard for me. And you're right; I did set up that threesome so I could watch you. I still daydream 'bout you ramming that chick and wis.h.i.+ng it was me," Corey said, brus.h.i.+ng a hand over Sledge's crotch.

Sledge jumped backwards.

Corey moved forward, backing him against the window. "What? Is my touch that repulsive?"

Sledge breathed out. Corey could never be repulsive. He was... For f.u.c.k's sake, he shouldn't be looking at his mate like this, shouldn't like Corey's touch or be imagining what it would be like to take him from behind. It was sick. Girls did it for him, not guys. But Corey was ... different. Yeah, and if anything Corey was a lot cuter than some of the chicks he'd done, and right now he looked so d.a.m.ned f.u.c.kable. Maybe it would be alright, just as long as no one found out... No! He was his mate, nothing more.

Corey smiled. "Why're you lookin' scared, Sledge? You should smack me over cos I'm just the same as Tyler."

Sledge opened his mouth, then closed it. Corey wasn't the same, he wasn't girly like Tyler, but he wasn't masculine either. He didn't know how to describe him. Other than he was just Corey: the person who was always there, who smoked weed with him, laughed at his stupid jokes, watched p.o.r.n with him... Oh G.o.d, that's why Corey had said it was alright to w.a.n.k next to him, that other guys did it too. Man, he was a moron, how could he not have known Corey was gay?

"What will it take for you to hit me?" Corey said, moving his body closer.

Sledge shook his head. "Don't."

Corey grabbed Sledge's head.

Sledge pushed Corey's hands away. "I don't wanna hurt you."

Corey grimaced. "You already have."

"You threw the bottle first."

"No, your words, you idiot." Corey placed a hand on Sledge's cheek. Sledge jerked his head to the side. "Go on, hit me," Corey said.


Corey grabbed Sledge's crotch.

Sledge smacked Corey's hand away. "Don't touch me!"

Corey moved up against Sledge, his whole body pressing against Sledge's. Sledge shoved him away, causing Corey to yelp.

"s.h.i.+t! You alright?" Sledge said.

"No." Corey grabbed Sledge's head and yanked it down, planting a kiss on his lips.

Sledge stood still, the kiss taking him by surprise.

Corey let go. "You wanna hit me now, don't cha?"

f.u.c.k, he did, his mind screaming at him to pound the little b.a.s.t.a.r.d, to prove that he didn't like what Corey had done. Sledge grabbed Corey and pushed him against the window, grinding his thumbs into his mate's shoulders. "You wanna kiss me so bad that you're willing to get a beating? Or do you just want an excuse to leave me?"

Looking pained, Corey bit his bottom lip. "I don't care anymore."

Sledge's gaze moved to Corey's mouth. His grip slackened, then before he could stop himself, he leaned down and kissed him.


Corey Corey went stiff, and not just in one place, because, G.o.d, he'd never thought this could ever happen. Sledge's hands moved to Corey's face, cupping it gently as he continued to kiss him oh so f.u.c.king perfectly. Corey snapped out of his shock and kissed him back with all he had. His excitement ramped up a hundred fold as Sledge began to harden against his stomach.

Still kissing Sledge, Corey inched his boxers down and dropped them. Trying to control his shaking hands, he started fumbling with Sledge's belt. He unzipped Sledge's pants and grabbed his c.o.c.k, ready to explode from just holding it.

Sledge pulled back from the kiss and hit Corey's arm, making him let go. "Don't touch me!"

"Ouch, whatcha do that for?" Corey said, shaking out his arm. "You grabbed me first."

"No, I didn't, and I didn't touch your c.o.c.k."

Corey's hand moved to his own. "Then b.l.o.o.d.y return the favour."

Sledge's eyes widened. He quickly turned to face the wardrobe and started doing up his zipper. Corey reached around Sledge's waist.

Sledge spun around. "I said, no. Get dressed, we're goin'."

Corey stepped closer, backing Sledge into the wardrobe door. "I'm not leaving until you accept that you wanted me just now."

Sledge spluttered. "No, I didn't. I'm into chicks."

Corey looked down at Sledge's pants. "Well, your hard-on says it wants to be in me."

Blus.h.i.+ng, Sledge covered himself with his hands.

"You were just as turned on as I wuz, but you're too 'chicken s.h.i.+t'," Corey said, using Sledge's words from the hospital, "to admit it."

"Am not, I already said I like chicks."

"I didn't say you didn't, but you also get a ma.s.sive b.o.n.e.r for my 'girly a.r.s.e'." He grinned as Sledge's face turned even redder. He'd never seen his mate blush before today, and was enjoying it, especially since it meant that Sledge liked him in ways he never thought possible. And if he kept on pus.h.i.+ng, then maybe he could get Sledge to react the same way as before.

Corey reached for Sledge's pants again.

Sledge swatted Corey's hand away. "Stop touching me! And I only like you as a mate."

"Mates, eh? Would ja stick your tongue down my bro's or Tama's throat like you did mine?"


"Then we're more than mates."

"Okay! I got carried away, but it wuz a mistake."

Corey shoved Sledge in the chest. "No, it wuzn't!"

"Stop pus.h.i.+ng me."

Corey shoved harder. "f.u.c.kin' admit it! You wanted me."

"Only as a mate."

"Bulls.h.i.+t! Admit it!" Corey clenched a fist, willing to pummel it out of Sledge.

"Christ, Corey, calm down, man. I'm sorry, it wuz my fault. Can't we just forget 'bout it?"

"No f.u.c.kin' way! And if ya don't admit it, I'm gonna stay with Tyler, and you can p.i.s.s off."

"Stop being stupid, Corey."

"I'm not being stupid, you are! I'm not the one too scared to admit I wanna make love with you, and I know you want it, cos you don't kiss someone like that and don't mean it."

"I got carried away, okay, but there's no way in h.e.l.l I'm gonna f.u.c.k you. It just ain't right two guys together."

"You don't even believe in h.e.l.l, you're an atheist."

"Don't be a smart c.u.n.t, you know what I mean."

"I'm not a smart c.u.n.t; all I wanna be is your c.u.n.t."

"Stoppit! I'm not gay!"

"Then you're bi."

"No, I'm not!"

"You're a liar, you got hard."

"You made me."

Corey screamed, "That's the point, you moron!"

"You're twisting my words," Sledge said, covering his face with his hands.

Corey grabbed Sledge's wrists. "Look at me."

Sledge shook his head.

"Please, Sledge."

Sledge lowered his hands, his expression devastated.

Corey continued to hold him, encouraged that at least Sledge wasn't shaking him off. "I know it's tough admitting you feel sumpthin' for me, I went through this too, cos I really didn't want to feel these things for you, especially since I didn't think you'd ever return 'em. And I didn't want to like guys either, all I wanted wuz to fit in. But I wuz wrong, cos that's not how G.o.d made me, cos I do believe in Him no matter how much I pretend I don't. I'm sick of hiding who I am from you. This is me; I'm a stupid G.o.d-bothering gay who loves you more than anything in this world and the next."

Sledge pulled a face. "I love you too, but only as a friend."

"Stop lying, cos you know we're more than friends now. You can't take that kiss back."

"I can't give ya anything more than that. I just can't. What will our mates say? Our families? Oh s.h.i.+t, Ash... He wouldn't be able to handle me doin' a dude."

"Why the f.u.c.k should I care what he thinks? You shouldn't either, cos he's an a.r.s.ehole to you. And I don't give a toss 'bout what anyone else says either. If they can't handle it, they can take a flying leap for all I care."

"But, what about kids? You can't give me them."

Corey exhaled loudly. "Now you're just looking for excuses, cos I know you don't like kids."

"But, I-"

Corey shook Sledge's arms. "I love you, and all I care 'bout is being with you. You must care 'bout me too, otherwise why do you keep coming after me? And s.h.i.+t, what happens if the radiotherapy fails?" Because if Sledge would have him he was definitely getting it. "So, I'm gonna take what I can get now, cos I might be dead in a few months."

"Don't say that. Your treatment's goin' better than expected."

"For now it is, but I feel sick all the time. It's just..." Corey looked down at Sledge's hand then brought it to his lips and kissed the ring finger. "...your friends.h.i.+p isn't enough anymore. I need your love to get through this."

Sledge turned his head away from Corey, his mate's reaction feeling worse than a kick to the gut. He stared at Sledge, shocked by his cruelty. No, he was f.u.c.king fooling himself, because he'd always known that Sledge was a selfish c.u.n.t, he just didn't want to see it, or more likely, he didn't care about it up until now.

"What? You're gonna ignore me now?" Corey glared at him. "Well, deal with it, cos I know you feel sumpthin'..."

Someone sniffed on his right. Corey stopped talking and looked in the same direction as Sledge. Tyler stood in the doorway, wiping his nose and crying.

Corey's heart dropped. "Oh G.o.d, Tyler, I'm so sorry," he said, letting go of Sledge.

"My uncle's dead 'cause of his brother!" Tyler shouted. "And you bring him into my home?"

"What the h.e.l.l are you talking 'bout?" Sledge said. "My brother wuz attacked by your uncle, not the other way round."

Tyler wiped his eyes. "The cops found my uncle with his throat slit on your brothers' property."

"You're a liar!" Sledge rushed Tyler, knocking him to the floor.

"No, Sledge!" Corey grabbed Sledge's arm.

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Behind The Tears Part 26 summary

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