Behind The Tears Part 27

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Sledge yanked free and turned on Corey, his face furious. "He's spewing s.h.i.+t 'bout my family and you're defending him?"

"He doesn't deserve to be attacked," Corey said.

Sledge turned back to Tyler. "Well, if what you say is true, then it's 'bout time your p.r.i.c.k of an uncle got what he deserved."

Tyler jumped up and went for Sledge. Sledge knocked Tyler onto the bed, then raised another fist. Corey pushed himself in between them. "Leave him alone!"

Sledge shoved Corey into Tyler. "Some f.u.c.kin' friend you are! All that bulls.h.i.+t 'bout loving me, then this f.a.ggot turns up and you instantly side with him. Well, if you care more 'bout him then stay here, cos I don't ever wanna see you again!" He took off out of the room.

Corey went to follow, but stopped in the doorway, Tyler's sobbing catching his attention. He stood for a moment, not sure who to go to, then turned back to Tyler, knowing Sledge was wrong about who he cared more for. But he couldn't leave Tyler like this, not when the guy had helped him, got bashed for him, and was now crying so hard it was making Corey want to protect him.

Corey sat down on the bed and wrapped his arms around Tyler, whispering, "I'll look after you." Tyler leaned into him, making him melt. He lay down, pulling Tyler along with him, knowing he wasn't leaving anytime soon, no matter how much he wanted to run after Sledge.


Ash Ash was sitting next to his brother in the doctor's waiting room, while Juliet was on Dante's other side, quiet as a mouse, probably still shocked from having seen Dante stark raving mad as well as naked. Dante had calmed down about five minutes after Beth had left, to the point that Ash was able to get him dressed and to the doctors without much trouble.

"When were you diagnosed as bipolar?" Ash asked, making Dante jump in his seat. They hadn't spoken much since leaving the house. Ash wondered whether Dante was embarra.s.sed, because his brother was doing everything to avoid looking at him.

"When I wuz thirteen. I had a major meltdown, so Dad took me to the doctor's." Dante started fidgeting with the hem on his hoodie. Ash watched Dante's hands shake, feeling bad he hadn't known, but then again, after their mother had been killed they'd gone to live with different people: Ash with their cousin, Dante with their father, while their grandparents had taken in the twins. Chaz had torn their family apart in more ways than one.

"What caused the meltdown?" Ash said.


"As in Tiana's best friend?"

"Yeah, I thought I loved her, but like every female she left me."

"She wuz sixteen, you were thirteen, it wuz gonna happen. It wuz amazing you even got her in the first place."

Dante shrugged, still picking at his hoodie. "I didn't see it that way."

"Still, that wuz ten years ago. How come you didn't tell me you were bipolar? It's not exactly a surprise with the old man being it."

"I didn't want cha thinking I wuz a nut-job."

"I wouldn't think that."

"Well, it's how you treat Dad."

Ash exhaled. "I don't mean too, plus he's so f.u.c.kin' agro."

Dante made a derisive sound. "And we're not?"

"Father's more so."

"I hate it when you call him that. Why can't you just say Dad?"

"That t.i.tle is earned."

Dante let go off his hoodie and looked up, annoyance creasing his brow. "He really tried to make things up to you, but you never forgive s.h.i.+t."

"That's easy for you to say, cos he didn't used to beat the c.r.a.p out of you."

"He never hurt you after he got treatment and that wuz over ten years ago."

"Which is why I'm polite to him."

"More like cold."

"You call it whatever you like, but as far as I'm concerned Hunter's my dad."

"No, he's not, he's just a cousin."

"He's way more than a cousin; he treated me more like a son than Father ever did."

"Stop calling him Father!"

The waiting room went quiet, making Ash feel uncomfortable. "Look, I understand you're close to..." Father, "him, and I'm sorry I can't connect in the same way, but it's just how things are."

"But it hurts him."

"Oh, boo-f.u.c.kin'-hoo. What he did to me wuz child abuse, he's lucky I even look at him."

"And you beating the c.r.a.p outta Sledge wuzn't abuse?"

Ash raised a finger. "I wuz an innocent kid when Father beat me up, Sledge wuz a fully grown s.h.i.+thead who got returned what he dealt to my mate. Big difference."

"What Sledge did wuz wrong, but what you did made things worse. He barely talks to you now, like you barely talk to Dad. Do ya like him looking at you the same way you used to look at Dad?"

Ash clenched his hands. No, he b.l.o.o.d.y hated seeing fear in Sledge's eyes, but it still wasn't the same, Sledge wasn't an innocent kid. "You keep your f.u.c.kin' opinions to yourself, cos you're lucky I'm even speaking to you after what you did, let alone breathing the same air."

Dante's face twitched. He lowered his gaze and started pulling at the loose threads again, mumbling he was sorry in Croatian.

Ash loosened his hands, then looked over as the doctor called out Dante's name. Ash got to his feet, along with Dante and Juliet.

"Stay here, Juliet," Ash said, following Dante into the doctor's room.

The doctor closed the door as Ash settled into the seat next to Dante. "How can I help you?"

"My brother lost his medication, he needs more," Ash answered.

"I didn't lose it, someone stole it," Dante said.

The doctor sat down behind the desk and focused on the computer screen. "Sorry, I'm not his regular doctor, so give me a second or two to check what he's on. Oh, okay, here it is, looks like he's due for a visit next week anyway, so I'll do a check-up first, then the prescription. Dante, can you please hop up onto the bed."

Dante kicked off his boots and did as instructed. After the doctor had finished doing the check-up, Dante slumped back into his chair, looking embarra.s.sed. "Can we get my prescription now?" he asked.

"Yes, just give me a moment." The doctor typed away on his computer, then retrieved the prescription from the printer and held it out to Dante. "You should also report the person who stole your medication to the police."

Shaking his head, Dante took the prescription. "I don't like the police, they're p.r.i.c.ks. They'll pro'bly arrest me just for looking at them funny."

The doctor smiled. "That's your condition talking."

"No, he really does hate the police," Ash said. "The Claydon station is like a second home for him, cos he's always gettin' drunk and causing trouble."

"Alcohol and medication don't go well together," the doctor said.

Dante shrugged. "Booze relaxes me."

"Still, it's not recommended."

"Whatever, I'll do what I like." Dante got to his feet and headed out the door.

Ash followed Dante, his brother's words p.i.s.sing him off. Juliet jumped up and ran after them as they exited the building. Ash swiped the prescription out of Dante's hand and entered the pharmacy, sick of Dante's att.i.tude.

"Oi!" Dante grabbed his arm. "Gimme my prescription."

Ash spun around in the middle of the store and jabbed a finger at Dante. "I'll do what I like," he said, mimicking Dante's words. "That's your f.u.c.kin' motto isn't it? You see Carly, stuff the fact she's married, bang, you do her, then you decide you wanna do Beth. Who's next? Tiana?"

"f.u.c.k off! She's like a sister to me."

"When you're drunk you don't know who you f.u.c.k."

"I wuzn't drunk with Beth."

Ash clenched his right hand, feeling like planting it in Dante's face.

Juliet stepped between them. "Dante, let Ash get the prescription while we look at"

Dante eyeballed Ash for a moment, then spun around and headed for the' stand with Juliet. Ash watched his brother's back, wondering whether he would ever trust him again. He sighed, then went to get the prescription.

A forty-something shop a.s.sistant with huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s watched him as he neared the counter. He ignored her smile and pa.s.sed over the prescription. She scanned it, then handed it onto the pharmacist, quickly returning to Ash.

"You two Rata men look so much alike," she said.

Yeah, like he hadn't hurt that before. "He's dumber looking."

She giggled. "Are you Ash or Dante?"


She angled her head to look at Dante, then returned her gaze to Ash, her expression puzzled. "But I thought the text was off Dante, not you."

Ash rolled his eyes, realising she was talking about Dante's nude photo. He was sick of explaining to chicks that it wasn't him. "It is of him."

"But the guy in the pic didn't have a face tattoo."

"Or a neck tattoo," Ash said, pointing to his. "Dante got the face tat a few months after the photo wuz taken."

"Oh, that's why." She smiled. "Still, the photo looks just like you." Her gaze ran down Ash's body. "You free tonight?"

"Sorry, I'm taken."

She glanced at his left hand. "No ring; can't be that taken."

"Just got back with my son's mother."

She pouted. "Lucky woman."

"Nah, I'm the lucky one."

"Is he taken?" she asked, looking over at Dante.

"No, cos he's nuts," Ash said, feeling bad the second the words came out of his mouth. Maybe Dante was right not to tell him.

She grinned wide. "I like nuts."

A smile broke through Ash's foul mood. "Not his kind."

The woman turned to the pharmacist as he approached her, the old fella giving her a dirty look as well as Dante's medication. Taking the box, she slipped it into a paper bag then wrote on the outside. "If you ever wanna pose for a s.e.x-text make sure you send it to this," she said, pa.s.sing the bag over. "Or give it to your brother if you're not interested."

Grinning, Ash glanced down at the name Nina and her phone number. "I'll definitely pa.s.s it onto him."

Her face lit up. "Really? Cool, thanks, Ash. And if you ever come in here again ask for me."

Ash nodded, then headed over to Dante. "Oi, s.h.i.+thead." He held out the medicine, making sure that Dante's noticed Nina's handwriting.

Dante took the package. "Why's there a name and number on here?"

Ash gestured at the shop a.s.sistant, who appeared to be getting a strip torn off her by the irate pharmacist. "She's placed an order for a nude picture of you. Make sure you text it to her phone," he said, then walked out the door, smirking at Dante's shout of "You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

Ash headed for Corey's car, half expecting to get smacked from behind, but not caring. He made it to the car without any injury, turning to find a highly aggravated Dante glaring at him. Juliet unlocked the car and forcibly steered Dante towards the door. Dante flicked Ash the finger, then got into the backseat, kicking Ash's seat when he got in. Ash's smirk stayed in place. He knew he shouldn't be trying to antagonise Dante after his brother's flip-out, but f.u.c.ked if he could bring himself to care after their argument.

His phone started ringing. His smirk changed into a smile when he saw Tiana's number. "Kia ora," he answered.

"Ash..." Tiana said, crying. "You have to come over now."

Ash's smile dropped. "What's wrong? Is Angelo alright?"

Her crying picked up, the line going silent for a few seconds, then she answered, pus.h.i.+ng Ash's heart back down his throat. "He's okay, but you have to come over right away."

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Behind The Tears Part 27 summary

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