Behind The Tears Part 3

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Corey covered his eyes. "I wanna move out."

Sledge went still. "What? Why?"

"This ain't working."

"Yes, it is."

Corey pulled his beanie completely down, hiding half of his face, only his lips visible.

"s.h.i.+t, don't get upset." Sledge reached out for Corey, pulling him into a hug.

His mate stiffened for a moment, then leaned into Sledge. "I'm scared."

"'Bout the radiotherapy?"

Corey hesitated, then nodded.

Sledge placed his cheek on Corey's head and tightened his grip. He was scared about that too. No, he was terrified; he couldn't take it if Corey died. "You'll be alright."

A female voice cut through the room. "What the h.e.l.l?"

Sledge let go of Corey fast. He glanced over at Juliet who was staring at him in disbelief. "Corey wuz upset," Sledge said, feeling awkward, like he'd been caught doing something wrong. Juliet continued to stare. "What?" Sledge said. "Guys are allowed to hug too."

"Not like that."

"Yes, they do, so f.u.c.k off!"

Juliet jolted, then disappeared around the corner.

Refocusing on Corey, Sledge lifted up his mate's beanie. Corey kept his gaze down, his cheeks bright red. "I've gotta get ready for the job interview," Sledge said. "Will ya promise to be here when I get back?"

Corey nodded.

Sledge patted Corey's cheek softly. "Things will work out, Corey. I promise." Sledge turned and walked out of the room, not sure what just happened.


Beth Ash lay on their bed, still s.h.i.+vering from the shower, his dark eyes staring into nothing. It was freaking Beth out, because no matter what she said he didn't respond. She'd seen him act like this before, but he'd had an excuse then, he'd self-medicated after a nasty fight, the drugs causing him to s.p.a.ce out.

Beth pulled the blanket further over him. "Please tell me why Sledge being at the hearing upset you."

He remained silent.

"I wanna help, Ash, but I can't if you keep shutting me out." When he didn't reply, she prodded him. "Say sumpthin', anything." She waited a few seconds then jumped off the bed. "I don't understand why you can't talk to me! It makes me feel useless, like I'm nuthin' to you."

"I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely audible.

She went still, surprised he'd answered her, then she lowered herself back down to the bed. "What did Sledge do?"


"Ash, don't fob me off." She waited for a moment then spoke again. "Please tell me."

"It's personal."

"Then you should be able to tell me."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Just leave me alone."

"Not until you tell me."

He turned over, facing away from her.

"Ash, stop ignoring me."

He pulled the blanket over his head.

"G.o.d, you frustrate me!" She got up and stormed out of the room, too angry to deal with him anymore. As she entered the dining-room, Dante glanced up from his mug of coffee. He was seated at the white Formica table, tapping one of the packages in front of him. He dropped his gaze, giving her the impression he was ignoring her too.

She tightened the belt on her kimono, yanking it so hard she thought it might snap. "You two are always hiding things from me. Well, stuff you both." She stalked into the kitchen and poured herself some coffee, her hand shaking badly. She felt guilty for getting mad at them when they were both upset, but she was just so... Gah! It was like Ash and Dante lived in their own world, which she wasn't a part of, just a guest overstaying her welcome.

Coffee spilt on her hand, scolding it. She cursed and stuck it under the tap. She didn't normally lose her cool, but it seemed to be one thing after the other with Ash. And he thought she was the dramatic one. It would've been laughable if it didn't make her want to cry, because she couldn't do anything right with him.

Dante coughed. Beth looked over the breakfast bar at the back of his head, his hair the same messy waves as Ash's. Tension ran across his shoulders, his back ram-rod straight. He was tapping the table now, the tempo getting more and more agitated.

She finished rinsing her hand and wiped it on a towel, then picked up her mug and took it to the other end of the table. She sat down, and looked across at Dante. He was staring at the pa.s.sage doorway as though he was willing Ash to walk through it. Her eyes wandered over his face, so similar to his brother's, the age difference not noticeable. It was probably because Dante lived life harder; always at one party or another, snorting drugs or downing beer like it was soft drink.

Dante turned to look at Beth. She quickly dropped her gaze, hoping he didn't think she'd been staring. Usually she was more careful when she observed him, but her emotions were all over the place at the moment, unguarded and strung out. Still, she shouldn't be looking at him-at all, and especially not at a time like this. But she couldn't help it! Lately, she'd been wondering what things would've been like if she'd asked him out instead of Ash, because he also fascinated her-which was driving her insane. She could be furious with him, but still find herself wanting to touch his hair ... his lips ... his body... She dug her nails into her legs to stop her thoughts.

The slamming of a door made her jump. Ash entered the dining-room, leathered up and with his dark on, looking ready for work as though nothing had happened. He s.n.a.t.c.hed the packages off the table and grabbed the keys off the breakfast bar, muttering to Dante, "Gotta use your car, mine c.r.a.pped out last night." Before she knew it, he'd disappeared out the front door.

Resisting the urge to cry, Beth covered her eyes. But it was her own fault for getting involved with him, because he'd always been slightly removed from everyone, preferring his own company over others. Plus, her brothers had warned her not to hook up with him, Corey being the most vocal of the two, saying that Ash was a thug and a few other unmentionables. She knew Corey hated Ash because of how he treated Sledge, but Ash wasn't always harsh on Sledge, and when he did completely lose his rag it was only over something serious. In the time she'd been with him that had only happened twice. She frowned, knowing she was making excuses again, because whatever Ash's reasons for hurting Sledge were, they still didn't make his behaviour right.

Her curtain of hair was brushed aside, startling her. She glanced up to find Dante leaning over the table. His hand ran down her cheek, his expression concerned. "You alright?"

She stared at him, totally taken aback. No guy had ever looked at her in that way, like they truly cared-and especially not Ash.


Dante's voice snapped her back to reality. "Don't touch me," she said, smacking his hand away.

"Sorry. You looked upset."

She glared at him, willing herself to ignore his wounded expression. "Why couldn't you do the delivery today?"

"You know why I can't go to the Jones's house."

Yeah, she d.a.m.n well knew why Dante couldn't deliver there. "Then you shouldn't have slept with Deano's wife."

"Why do ya always hafta bring that up? It happened ages ago, and I told ja enough times that I don't remember nuthin' 'bout that night."

"Cos you were off your face-as usual."

"It's none of your business what I do-"

"-or who you do," she finished his sentence. "I don't need reminding, and you're wrong, cos it is my business when Ash has to clean up after you."

Looking sullen, Dante leaned back in his chair. "I wouldn't have done Carly if I wuzn't s.h.i.+tfaced."

"Another pathetic excuse." Her eyes widened at Dante's furious expression, his change from apologetic to angry far too sudden.

"I shouldn't hafta make excuses to you!" he yelled. "You're not my girlfriend."


He sneered. "You're the pathetic one, hanging around Ash when he obviously doesn't want you."

Anger grasped Beth so tight it felt like Dante was squeezing her throat, making her want to scream at him for release, because he was right, she knew it deep down inside that Ash didn't want her. "What would you know?! You don't have a clue 'bout my relations.h.i.+p with Ash or about relations.h.i.+ps full stop. All you do is have s.e.x, and when you're not doin' some floozy, then you're off drinking, snorting or doin' the lot. You're a b.l.o.o.d.y loser, leeching off your brother!"

Dante got to his feet, pus.h.i.+ng his chair backwards, the crash resounding through the room. "I'm not a loser! I pull my weight round this place. For f.u.c.k's sake, ever since Nike quit working for us, I've been the one dealing with the c.o.keheads." He pointed a finger at her. "And I can f.u.c.k whoever I d.a.m.n well please, it has got nuthin' to do with you. And why the h.e.l.l would you care anyway?"

"I-I don't," she said, shocked by his reaction. His right hand was fisting as though he wanted to slam into her face, her chest, her heart... She got up and moved around the table, using it as a barrier between them. He followed, making her back up into the gla.s.s sliding door. She lifted her hands instinctively. He pushed them down and moved in close-too close, and not like she wanted, his intimidating stance far from erotic. She'd seen him do this to people he wanted to scare, and right now, she knew it worked.

He bared his teeth. "Just cos you think I'm s.h.i.+t, doesn't mean other females do."

"I di-didn't mean..." She flinched as he raised a hand.

He placed it on the gla.s.s door. "And you think I'm vulgar? At least I don't scream my head off so the whole neighbourhood can hear me f.u.c.king."

Feeling ashamed, Beth dropped her gaze. She'd wanted Dante to hear her having s.e.x-wanted to turn him on. She didn't know how she could do that to Ash, even more so because she loved him, but ... she loved Dante too. She'd never loved two guys at the same time before, didn't think it was possible until she'd met the Ratas.

"Look at me," Dante growled.

Beth shook her head.

"Am I that repulsive?" he said, running a finger between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, parting her kimono.

Beth breathed in sharply, shocked that he was touching her so intimately.

His thumb brushed her hard nipple. "Looks like that's a no."

A thrill ran through her body, her reaction to his touch terrifying her just as much as his expression. "Don't touch me!" she said, pus.h.i.+ng his hand away.

A mean smile played across his lips. "I don't believe it, you're actually turned on." His hand moved to her other nipple.

She slapped it away. "It's cold, you arrogant jerk."

His eyes danced with amus.e.m.e.nt. "You remind me of a chick I used to know. She insulted me all the time. You wanna know how I got her to stop?" When Beth didn't reply, he lowered his head, so close that she thought he was going to kiss her. He stopped within a breath of her mouth. "I f.u.c.ked her. Is that why you insult me? You want me to f.u.c.k you?"

"No," she said, her voice barely a squeak.

"Say it with more feeling."

She shoved at his chest, desperate to get distance between them. "I wouldn't have s.e.x with you."

"I didn't say you would, just that you want to."

I do! f.u.c.k, I do! Please go away...

He ran a hand down her leg.

Go away!

"No answer?" he said as his fingers delved under her kimono. "So, how do you want it? Hard or brutal? Yeah, brutal, cos you're a screamer."

"Don't touch me," she said too softly, his hand distracting her.

"Don't touch me," he mimicked as his hand parted her thighs. "Say it with more feeling, s.l.u.t."

"I'm not a s.l.u.t!"

"Then don't call me one either!" he yelled into her face.

No longer able to take it, she shoved at his chest again, screaming out when it made no difference, "You are a s.l.u.t!"

"Takes one to know one."

"Liar! I don't screw everyone in sight, not caring if they belong to someone else."

He flinched. "I'm not a cheat."

"Did I hit a nerve?" she said, feeling triumph she'd found something that upset him.


"Say it with more feeling, s.l.u.t," she said, flinging his words back at him.

"I'm not a s.l.u.t!"

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Behind The Tears Part 3 summary

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