Behind The Tears Part 4

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"Yes, you are! You screwed Deano's wife right in front of me, on the same b.l.o.o.d.y bed!"

He jerked back. "What?"

She swallowed down her fear, the memory still humiliating her. "I wuz at that party. I felt sick, so I went to lie down. I woke up to find you having s.e.x with that horrible woman right next to me."

A whoosh of air left his mouth, like she'd punched him in the gut-or shot him in the heart. He took a step back and shook his head, his eyes pleading with her to tell him it wasn't true. They stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, neither one of them saying a word. Beth finally broke the silence, her discomfort growing with every breath.

"I thought you did it on purpose to upset me," she said.

"Why would I do that for?" His face dropped. "Jesus, I didn't do you too, did I?"


"Is that why you hate me?" he said, his voice breaking.

No, it's why I want you. Ever since that night; she day-dreamed about Dante being with her instead of Carly, waking up to him on top of her-naked. She would fight against him, but he'd overpower her, forcing her to do what he wanted. She'd even asked Ash to take her roughly while she fought back, trying to stop him in the same way she'd fantasised about Dante. Ash had looked at her horrified, like she was disturbed, so she never asked again.

Dante raised his hands to his head. "Stop lookin' at me like that, I didn't do it on purpose. Jesus!" He glanced up at the ceiling, his expression pained. "I just... I don't wanna remember things, so I get off my face, and when I'm off my face, I usually end up in someone's bed. I tell myself not to take that s.h.i.+t, but I can't stop myself." He dropped his gaze. "You're right, I am repulsive, a s.l.u.t, and whatever other names you wanna call me."

Beth stared at him, not knowing how to handle his hurt reaction.

His jaw clenched. "All the good females treat me like sc.u.m. Like you, Lavinia and Kara. Kara..." He shook his head. "I actually thought she wanted me for more than a s.h.a.g, but nope, she went off with some lawyer. She lives in Remuera now. It figures she'd find someone rich with her looks."

Beth didn't know who Kara or Lavinia were, and she didn't want to either, instead she was more interested in what he'd said about her. "You think I'm good?"

His brows furrowed. "Yeah, that's why Ash is with you. He always gets the good females. Me, I drive them away."

She wanted to hug him, to tell him those women weren't worth his time since they were too stupid to see how wonderful he was.

He continued talking, like he was purging his soul. "I don't understand what I do wrong. They tell me they're fine with me being rough, then they get all upset when I follow through. And it's not like they don't know what I'm like to start with. Is that why you didn't ask me out? Cos of my rep?"

"Why do ya think I would've asked you out?" Although I did seriously consider it, but kept changing my mind, not sure whether I wanted you or Ash more. But G.o.d, I want you more than anything now.

"Me and Ash look the same, but you still chose him over me. Why? You're my age, not his."

"My friends said you're a player," and that Ash was a one woman man. But was that 'one' woman me or his ex?

"Only cos I don't have a chick like you. Even though you treat me like s.h.i.+t, I wished you'd asked me instead of Ash." He pulled a face, like he'd said something he shouldn't have. "I just want..." He swore, then grabbed her face.

Beth went still, too shocked to move, his mouth practically devouring hers, his kissing much rougher than Ash's. And he tasted different too, a hint of mochaccino ghosting his breath, and... Oh G.o.d... His hand slipped under her kimono and grasped her breast, no teasing involved, just raw desire as he kneaded it and plucked at her nipple so hard she wanted to come.

"I would treat you right," he murmured against her lips.

Beth remained still, too scared and excited to stop him, and not wanting to either. He took a hold of her kimono and yanked it down to her waist, the belt the only thing stopping it from falling to the floor. Beth s.h.i.+vered as he kissed down her neck and over her collarbone, then sucked in a breath as his mouth latched onto her bare breast, momentarily forgetting where she was.

He tore at her belt, dropping her kimono to the floor. Now completely naked, her dazed eyes s.h.i.+fted to the picture on the wall. A photo of a teenage Ash stood dressed in rugby gear, his frown a contradiction to the winning trophy in his hands. She closed her eyes, guilt hitting her hard. Ash didn't deserve this, but...

She gasped as Dante's fingers touched her below, one entering as he continued to suckle on her breast. She opened her eyes and looked down at his wavy hair, like she was looking at Ash. Dante let go of her breast and lifted her, propping her at the edge of the table. He grabbed her head with one hand and kissed her hard, his tongue delving inside her mouth. Something clunked on the lino. Breaking their kiss, he lowered her onto the cold surface of the table and lifted one of her legs. The touch of his c.o.c.k at her entrance startled her, making her lift her head. He paused for a moment, staring at her intensely, then slowly entered her, not taking his eyes off her face. Wanting it faster, she pushed her pelvis at him, impaling herself further, the sudden movement causing her pain, but she groaned into it, loving the feeling.

He lifted her legs over his shoulders and started to piston in and out. Her hands reached for him, needing him closer. He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers, then stopped his thrusting completely as his mouth wandered down to her breast again. She grabbed his head and arched upwards, keening as he suckled her, his tongue, mouth and teeth working overtime, driving so much need down her body that she was desperate for release.

He bit her nipple, making her scream, a mixture of pain and pleasure thras.h.i.+ng through her. He let go of her breast and started pumping her hard, shunting the table back and forth, and taking her over the edge in more ways than one. With her head hanging over the table, she cried out, "I love you!" her body finally getting the release she needed.

He went rigid, then pulled out so suddenly it startled her. Still feeling the afterglow of the o.r.g.a.s.m, she lay on her back in a daze, watching him as he stared at the wall behind her. He muttered something in a language she didn't understand, then raised his hands to his head, his expression pained.

Concerned he'd hurt himself, she pushed up. "What's wrong?" she said, reaching for him.

"Don't touch me!" He stepped back and fell over the chair, then tugged up his pants and took off down the pa.s.sage.

Beth went to follow, but stopped, her gaze moving to the picture he'd been staring at. Within the metal frame, a teenage Ash held a pre-teen Dante in a headlock, the smiles on their faces showing they were having fun-a loving relations.h.i.+p between brothers.

The full realisation of what she'd done finally hit Beth.


Dante Beth banged on his bedroom door, pleading with him to let her in.

"Oprosti mi!" Dante shouted the Croatian words he used for apologising, something he said when he'd done something so bad that English was inadequate. And he was always sorry for something, because he found it hard to control himself, constantly doing whatever he wanted whether it hurt people or not. He saw, he took, and d.a.m.n the consequences. But this time he'd gone too far, Ash's woman not someone he should've touched, no matter how much he wanted to.

"Please don't tell As.h.!.+" Beth shouted.

As if he would. He didn't want to hurt his brother, plus he couldn't handle it if Ash stopped talking to him. He didn't mind taking a beating-he deserved it, but Ash was the type to totally cut people off if they betrayed him. That scared him more than anything, because he needed Ash in his life.

"Dante, I-I..."

Love me? Did she mean what she'd said earlier? It wasn't something he thought was possible, yet he'd never thought she'd respond to his touch either. But now, after hearing her words...

"I didn't mean for this to happen," Beth said, snapping him out of his thoughts. "It wuz a mistake."

He went still for a second, then grabbed a model car off the bedside table and threw it at the door, rage taking over. "I already know I'm a big f.u.c.kin' mistake, so f.u.c.k off!" He flopped back onto his bed, p.i.s.sed off for being so gullible, and believing for a second that she actually loved him. No female really wanted him, their words of love never leading to anything. They only came over for s.e.x, because that was all he was good for. He was just something to brag about to their mates; a naked picture on a phone to laugh at or a dirty li'l secret to hide from their husband or boyfriend.

"I didn't say you were a mistake," Beth said.

"Yes, you did."

"Just unlock the door, so we can sort this out."

"It's sorted: you love Ash, no one loves me."

"Stop it, Dante, please lemme in."

"Why? So you can f.u.c.k me over again."

"Don't be like this."

He lifted his right arm, focusing on the faded number scrawled across his flesh. The female who'd put it there last night wanted to screw him too. She'd been all over him, even shoving her mate out of the way when the other chick tried to make a move. And she'd had a smoking hot bod that he wanted to pump so hard she snapped, but he'd decided not to go with her, because he was sick of being told after he'd done the deed they had someone else. Yeah, he'd noticed the pale line on her wedding finger. That wouldn't have bothered him when he was a teenager, he just did any hot chick he could, but now... he wanted more, wanted an actual relations.h.i.+p, someone who loved him. He knew it was pathetic-G.o.d, how Beth was right, but he couldn't do the one-night stands anymore, because... f.u.c.k! He was turning into a sap, and a whiny b.i.t.c.h at that.

"Dante, I'm sorry," Beth called out. "I lost control, but Ash doesn't needa know 'bout this. It's not like you love me or anything."

"I already told ja I won't tell him." And I do love you. b.l.o.o.d.y cla.s.sic that he fell for his brother's woman, a real walking cliche. The banging on the door continued. He needed a distraction, something to take his mind of her. He reached for the leather jacket hanging off the desk chair and pulled out his phone, scrolling down his contacts to look for Tiana's number. Unlike Beth, Ash's ex never talked to him like he was worthless. Oh, she would tell him off at times, but it wasn't demeaning. Instead, it was more like a sister scolding a brother, just in a respectful manner. And he did love her like a sister. He missed living with her, and missed his nephew even more, the house not the same without the li'l fella.

He hit the number, hoping Tiana was home. After a few seconds a female voice answered, "Dante?"


"How's it goin'?"

"Not too good."

"Why, what's wrong? Is Ash alright?"

Dante smiled sadly. No matter what Ash said, there was no doubt in his mind that Tiana still loved his brother. If anything, he thought those two were idiots for not sorting their s.h.i.+t out, because if he was ever lucky enough to find love like that, he would fight for it with all he had. Mutual love, that is. He looked over at the door as Beth continued to knock, wis.h.i.+ng she loved him.

"Dante?" Tiana said, her voice sounding even more concerned. "You there?"

"Yeah, sorry. Ash is just upset. Chaz's hearing went badly."

"Oh, G.o.d, did that creature get parole?"

"I dunno, I lost my rag and had to leave."

"Oh, Dante, I'm sorry. Did Ash go?"


"Good, he shouldn't hafta see that horrible creature ever again. And what's that banging?"

Dante glanced at the door as Beth called out again. Jesus, that woman never gave in. "Ash's girlfriend is mad at me."

Tiana exhaled loudly.

"Sorry," he said. "I shouldn't have mentioned her. And Ash is only with her cos you left him."

"I didn't have a choice."

"Don't gimme that bull," Dante said, suddenly angry at her excuse. "You did have a choice, and you broke him when you walked out with his son."

Tiana stifled a sob, then the phone went silent.

Dante swore under his breath. Why couldn't he f.u.c.king control himself? He could go from being perfectly polite to biting someone's head off in a second. He didn't mean to, s.h.i.+t just flew out of his mouth before he could think.

"I'm sorry, T," he said. "I shouldn't have said that. I'm just really strung out."

She sniffled. "I can't talk right now."

"No, no, please don't hang up on me; I didn't ring to upset you."

"I know."

"So, you'll forgive me?"

"Nuthin' to forgive when it's the truth."

"Oh, sweetness, don't cry," Dante said, feeling like utter dog t.u.r.d.

She breathed out, the sound shaky. "Don't worry 'bout it."

"I s'pose you won't want me coming over now?"

"You wanna come over?"

"Yeah, I'd love to see Angelo. I bought him those rugby cards he likes," Dante said, the last part a lie, although he fully intended on picking them up on the way.

She went silent again.

"Please, T, I really needa get outta the house, Beth is driving me insane."

"Okay, you can come over," she answered way too fast, his mention of Beth no doubt the motivating factor.

Relieved, Dante stood up. "Cheers, I'll see ya in thirty minutes, and tell Angelo his Uncle Dumbte's coming."

Tiana laughed softly, the sound making Dante feel a bit better. "You shouldn't encourage him," she said. "He's not three anymore, he can say your name properly now."

"But I think it's adorable."

"Yeah, it is, Dante," she accentuated his name.

"Okay, Tiana, see ya soon." Smiling, he pocketed the phone, then grabbed his leather jacket and headed for the door, hoping that the silence meant Beth had left. He opened it, and looked down. Beth was sitting on the floor, wearing her colourful kimono. Her face was flushed, and she looked like she'd been crying.

She scrambled to her feet. "Are ya gonna tell Ash?"

"How many times do I hafta tell ya I won't? Why the h.e.l.l would I wanna hurt him? I feel like sc.u.m as it is."

She raised a hand to her forehead. "I'm sorry too; I didn't mean for things to happen."

His gaze lowered to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as the kimono parted from the movement. He closed his eyes. "It's not your fault, it's mine. I shouldn't have touched you."

"Dante ..." Her hand brushed his arm.

Jesus, he couldn't do this. Opening his eyes, he moved her aside, and strode through the pa.s.sage. He didn't want to be near her-to be tempted. He pulled out his phone and scrolled down to find the number of a taxi.

Footsteps followed him. "Dante, where are ya goin'?"

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Behind The Tears Part 4 summary

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