Demon From The Dark Part 16

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He was about to blow. If he lost control, he might hurt her again, but with a couple of quick strokes, the demon would be done. Time to "wash" between his legs.

With light kisses over his back, she reached down to gently soap his heavy from behind. He jerked, uneasy. Had no woman ever touched him there? Or had it simply been so long ago? She felt sadness to think of him being exiled here by himself for ages.

Tonight she would give him pleasure like he'd never known. Something to remember you by, Carrow? Something to remember you by, Carrow?

Tamping down the thought, she slipped her hand around his waist, seeking his shaft. She wrapped her fingers around it as best as she could, biting back a moan at the feel of those piercings against her palm.

At her first touch, he jerked again, moving his legs out wider. Then he froze. Tension shot through him, and his erection faltered.

Something was very wrong, his emotions growing chaotic chaotic. She even detected ... rage?

Just as she was releasing him to retreat, he swirled around, knocking her hold loose, his clenched hand hitting her bad wrist.

"Demon! You almost rebroke ..." Words vanished when she glimpsed his face.

His expression was menacing, his fangs sharp. He snarled down at her.

As she backed away, eyes tearing at the pain, he shook his head hard, as if he were coming out of a trance.

Good for you, but I'm still bailing. She turned and hurried toward the side of the pool-- She turned and hurried toward the side of the pool-- He looped his arm around her waist, dragging her against him. "Ara ... Carrow, ... Carrow, no, no," he rasped brokenly. He buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent. Now his erection came raring back to life, the crown prodding the bottom of her a.s.s.

"Put me down!" The more she struggled, the more she rubbed the tip. "Don't say I didn't warn you." She flooded her body with power, shocking him like an electric fence.

"Carrow!" he bellowed, forced to release her.

Yet she'd barely taken two steps before he swooped her up again.

"You must like pain. However, I-do-not." She shocked him again with even more juice. "Wish I could see the look on your face. ..." She realized he was simply taking taking it, refusing to release her, so she turned up the volume to high. His forehead fell against her shoulder as he quaked with pain, but he wouldn't let her go. it, refusing to release her, so she turned up the volume to high. His forehead fell against her shoulder as he quaked with pain, but he wouldn't let her go.

Soon she she was defeated, left without power, and still he was standing. was defeated, left without power, and still he was standing. The next time I set out to hurt him, I'm going full guns, The next time I set out to hurt him, I'm going full guns, she vowed. She she vowed. She would would put him down. put him down.

He turned her in his arms until they were facing each other, their chests pressed tightly together, his forearm under her a.s.s.

"Let me go now now!" she all but screamed.

After a hesitation, he let her body slowly slide down his.

The contact of their slippery skin, the gradual descent, the sound of their breaths...

Against her will, she felt a spike of desire. And she knew he could tell. He inhaled deeply, his nostrils flaring. Then he hissed out a ragged breath, as if the scent of her were too much to resist. His p.e.n.i.s pulsed between them.

When her nipples dragged down his chest, one rubbed directly over his piercing. He shuddered anew. By the time he set her on her feet, he was subtly rocking his hips.

With his jaw clenched until the muscles bulged at the sides, he squeezed his eyes shut-just as hers went wide.

"Oh, my G.o.ds! You're about to come?" Earlier, as she'd all but given him a hand job, he hadn't been able to stay erect. Now he was about to blow? "I don't get get you, demon. Ugh! Just let me go." you, demon. Ugh! Just let me go."

His shaking palms covering her shoulders, he set her away. Appearing to gain a modic.u.m of control, he released her and opened his eyes. Whatever he saw in her expression made his gaze dip to her wrist, then to her bite mark.

He parted his lips to speak, then closed them, eyes darting as he so clearly wanted to communicate with her. To explain why he'd hurt her-again?

She was done "listening." Carrow didn't like dirty guys, and she didn't like damaged ones either. She turned and walked away.

With agitated movements, his female donned one of the large s.h.i.+rts from a pack, then stormed away.

Alone. Once more. Malkom punched the wall to keep from yelling with frustration. Malkom punched the wall to keep from yelling with frustration. Am I destined to be solitary? Am I destined to be solitary?

What he wouldn't give to be able to speak to her. He wanted to tell her that he was willing to relearn her language and go without s.e.x or biting for now. He was even considering giving up his revenge.

All this he would do for her, but he needed her to give him new memories to drown out the old....

So many things about this night had reminded Malkom of his past-the water, the scent of the soap, her palm closing over him from behind. Her touch was gentle, completely different from what he'd experienced. Yet even the way she'd steered him had called the master to mind.

Malkom clasped his forehead, grappling to pull his thoughts from the past, realizing that he he needed to be in control of what happened between him and his female. needed to be in control of what happened between him and his female. He He wanted to guide wanted to guide her her.

Which was a problem, since he didn't know how.

If only he could have more time with her, a few hours to learn her form, he could get them back to where they'd been just before he'd lost control. And then this night could be what he remembered whenever he thought of s.e.x in the future.

He stalked after her, readying to touch her tender skin.

'Tis not the end.

As she hastened away, she refused to think about that lost look on the demon's face. Refused to think about it-at all.

Some inner torment had just been dredged up. Considering that he'd been a slave, she could imagine the nature nature of the torment. Especially when taken with his reaction to her unwitting touches. of the torment. Especially when taken with his reaction to her unwitting touches.

Carrow truly felt bad for him, but she had to protect herself. Luckily, she was resolved. So why am I glancing back? So why am I glancing back?

She'd only get more of the same if she returned. To be bitten and battered? Just hours ago, her sternum had felt like the landing site of a wrecking ball. And yes, he'd shoved her to protect her, but it was yet another example of how little control he had.

Totally out of control. Like if he were a dog, he'd be the angry-eyed mongrel at the pound, the one that was sure to attack. So why did she have the urge to claim him?

Such a wild, lost male. Another glance back, this time with some lip nibbling. Eyes forward, slore Eyes forward, slore.

d.a.m.n it, she was still woefully aroused. It'd been weeks since she'd had an o.r.g.a.s.m. As she strode down the mine with no bra on, her aching b.r.e.a.s.t.s bounced, her nipples hypersensitive. Each step was agony to her still-throbbing s.e.x.

Strangely, her hurting wrist was nearly forgotten- Without warning, he seized her, tucking her under his arm against his hip, and headed back for the pool.

"Drop me, demon! Now!"

Instead, he carted her right back into the water, setting her on her feet beneath one of the cascades. As she sputtered, he ripped free the T-s.h.i.+rt she wore.

"This is your bright idea?" Surprisingly unafraid of him, she struck his chest with the bottom of one fist. "Way to get back in my good graces, a.s.shole!"

Without even acknowledging her useless. .h.i.ts, he patiently held up his finger. His eyes were flickering back to the steady blue.

"One moment? Forget it, don't wanna stay." At his unbending look, she said, "Listen, I'm sorry for whatever happened to you, because evidently, damage was done. But I'm not your spank moppet or whipping girl, or anything like that-" She squinted at his hand. "Um, where are your claws?" He'd bitten them away. How thoroughly was he planning on touching her?

He bent to drag down her thong.

Carrow's rebellion? Chin raised, she said, "I'm not stepping out of it."

Not a problem for Slaine; he briefly lifted her and removed it, tossing it by her bra.

Then he took one of the cloths, lathering it with the soap, his mien resolute.

"I-I haven't said yes to any-" haven't said yes to any-"

He pressed the cloth to her chest, softly rubbing her with easy strokes. Despite herself she was intrigued by this unexpected side of him. Amazingly, she found herself relaxing.

With one hand, he unhurriedly scrubbed. With his other he covered one shoulder, his palm warm over her skin. So lightly, he pressed his thumb against her muscle there, ma.s.saging.

When she moaned, he must have taken this as a sign of her surrender, because masculine satisfaction surged through him-fueling her power once more.

The cloth was momentarily forgotten as he used the backs of his fingers to skim her cheek, her jawline, then the length of her neck and lower.

With decisive action, he'd hunted, he'd warred, and he'd protected her. Now he was tentative as he traced the lines of her shoulders, his eyes following his every movement. No man had ever looked at her as he did-like she was the best thing in the world.

He caressed the pads of his fingers over her collarbone so tenderly that she was staggered by his gentleness. Such a killer, such a warrior, yet look at what he was capable of.

He murmured to her in Demonish. She didn't understand the words, but she recognized the tone-wonderment. For the first time in her life, Carrow felt treasured treasured. And, G.o.ds, that was a heady feeling. I could get addicted to this. I could get addicted to this.

From her collarbone, he smoothed his forefinger down ... down. Just as he was about to reach her nipple, when she was trembling for that contact, he let out a shuddering breath and circled the peak.

She bit her lip. No, touch me there, demon! No, touch me there, demon!

Instead he returned the cloth to her chest, seeming determined to wash her as she'd done him.

But when she arched her back while whispering, "Please, demon," "Please, demon," he groaned, dipping the cloth over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, across her achy nipples. he groaned, dipping the cloth over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, across her achy nipples.

She gave a cry, earning another lash of satisfaction from him, power pouring from him to her, enabling her magic again.

As her eyes slid shut, she hazily debated: Heal my wrist, or force the demon to release me? Heal my wrist, or force the demon to release me?

Beneath the cloth, his sneaky thumb swept over her nipple. "Oh, Malkom, yes. yes."

Her wrist? Good as new.

Chapter 18

Determined to wash all of her body, Malkom somehow dragged his hands away from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

He would minister to her for as long as she had to him. Even if this meant denying his swollen shaft or ignoring the b.r.e.a.s.t.s that she offered up.

When she arched her back ... and they begged for his attention.

So he ran the cloth from her chest to one of her shoulders, rubbing and ma.s.saging down to her fingertips. Her other arm received the same attention. He paused at both of her hands, fascinated by how small and fragile they were, comparing their size to his own hands.

Everything about her body was utterly feminine. Her thighs were shapely, her backside generous, her hips flaring out from a tiny waist. He marveled at every sweep of creamy skin, every womanly swell and dip.

He was exploring her-and for some reason, she was allowing him to fully.

Among all his other discoveries, he'd noticed that she had no hair on her legs or under her arms. Aside from her long mane atop her head, and the intriguing patch betwixt her legs, her body was bare.

But he loved how smooth her skin was, how her body was so different from his.

Next came her back. He turned her around, tugging her hair forward over one shoulder. He was tempted to press his mouth against her nape but feared he would alarm her after his earlier bites.

Instead, he worked both the cloth and his bare hand in circular motions from her neck down to the curves of her backside, as if polis.h.i.+ng a treasure.

He turned her to face him once more, laying a palm over one of her generous hips to pin her as he ran the cloth upward from her knees. She was shaking under his hand.

"Do not stop me, Carrow," he told her in Demonish, his voice rough. "I will not hurt you again."

The demon certainly had been thorough, was.h.i.+ng every inch of her from the navel up-and occasionally lower. He'd even slipped the side of his hand between her cheeks, making her start in alarm, but he'd merely continued his task.

Now he steadily rubbed up her thighs, inch by agonizing inch as he murmured to her in a husky voice. She was s.h.i.+vering, holding her breath, antic.i.p.ating his "was.h.i.+ng" her.

But it wasn't a cloth that touched her there-he'd cupped her in his hot, callused palm.


Shuddering with pleasure, he rasped, "Sife ara." "Sife ara." Soft female. Soft female.

With his other hand clamped over her hip, he held her steady as his forefinger began to investigate her s.e.x, tickling her as it tentatively roved. Between his lean hips, his shaft pulsed with excitement, his piercings glinting across his taut flesh.

Soon, she couldn't comprehend how he'd controlled himself for as long as he had when she'd washed him. Already, she was on the verge, wanting his mouth on hers as she climaxed. "Kiss me."


Caught up in the moment, she stood on her toes. Holding his face between her hands, she pressed her lips against his.

He froze, clearly not knowing what to do.

"Did I freak you out again?" she asked against his lips, their breaths mingling. His eyes were still open, his expression confounded. d.a.m.n it, she'd made a point to let him drive the boat. "Got too excited. Sorry." She began to draw away, afraid he'd start throwing fists. "Won't happen again-"

Like a shot, he wrapped his free palm over her nape, tugging her till their lips met.

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Demon From The Dark Part 16 summary

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