Demon From The Dark Part 17

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Now her eyes widened, but when his lids slid shut, so did hers. She grazed her mouth over his, then again. And all the while he lazily fondled her s.e.x.

Light, fleeting kisses, and flicks of her tongue followed. When she pulled back, his hooded gaze was that of a male who'd just gone to heaven.

She drew in once more, licking the seam of his lips. As they eagerly parted, her tongue darted inside to meet his. He groaned in surprise.

Though hesitant at first, he caught on swiftly. Soon his tongue twined against hers, her moans mixed with his stunned growls as his fingers played.

He cautiously pressed one to her opening. As soon as he'd breached her entrance, she gasped from the delicious fullness inside. But he jerked his hand away, breaking from the kiss.

"What? Why'd you stop?"

He was studying her expression. Fearing he'd hurt her?

"Oh, you didn't hurt me." She took his hand, kissing his palm, then easing it back between her legs. "That's it, Malkom. I should have told you it felt so nice."

When he returned his finger to her core, he slipped it farther within. Her sheath clamped down on it, and his eyes widened with astonishment. She could perceive that feeling of wonder emanating from him.

And she knew. He'd never felt a woman like this. In a hazy part of her brain, she recognized that he was a virgin, at least with women.

"Ah, Carrow." The deeper he pushed in his finger, the more the heel of his palm pressed against her c.l.i.toris. The deeper he pushed in his finger, the more the heel of his palm pressed against her c.l.i.toris.

She began to rock against his hand. "Feels so good, demon." Getting closer ... so close. "Just a few seconds more."

But he withdrew his finger, leaning forward to rasp in her ear, "s.e.x." His erection pressed high on her belly, insistent. He gripped it in his fist, as if to position it.

"Malkom, no!"

"Yes! Need Need."

"No!" Don't ruin this, please, don't ruin it. Don't ruin this, please, don't ruin it. "Demon, please." "Demon, please."

Just when she was about to retreat, he said, "Kiss," "Kiss," as he cupped her breast. as he cupped her breast.

She exhaled a shaky breath. "Only k-kiss?"

In answer, he rubbed her nipple and licked his lips.

Carrow gazed at his mouth and had to bite back a moan.

Malkom had always thought that females had more control over their bodies, could master their urges. Males were the more animalistic ones.

G.o.ds almighty. My woman is shaking from her need to come.

Of course he'd attempted to claim her!

She was wet, and that meant she needed him inside her. When his member hardened to take her, her s.e.x would grow damp to better receive it.

He and his ara ara were both there. were both there.

Yet Malkom had agreed to Carrow's terms, so he would respect her wishes in this. Still, his demon instinct screamed within him to satisfy her. He intended to with his mouth, kissing her body.

He'd start with her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s. On his way down to them, he ran his lips along her neck, nuzzling her collar to kiss the bite mark there. Just as his fangs sharpened, he noticed her sudden tension. She fears another bite. She fears another bite.

So he hastened down to one of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, his tongue flicking at the moisture still dripping on them from the ceiling above. With a groan, he took one sweet nipple between his lips to suck, eyes sliding shut as it puckered to the tip of his swirling tongue.

When she moaned low and cupped her breast to his mouth, he commanded himself, Last, Slaine, last! Do not come ... Last, Slaine, last! Do not come ...

Oh, yes, his woman loved this as much as he. Malkom would be at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s any chance he got. She cupped her other one for him to repeat his attentions.

Yet as he suckled, he scented her arousal deepening. Drawn to that part of her, he kissed lower toward her small patch of silky black curls. Her flat belly dipped as he grazed his lips over it.

Before when he'd felt her inside, she'd been wet like water but slippery like cream. Needing to taste her, he knelt between her legs. She let him hook her knee over his shoulder, unabashed. When he saw her s.e.x, he knew why-she was perfect.

For long moments, he stared, awestruck by her pink flesh, by her glistening folds. He wanted to tell her she was beautiful, again felt frustration that he couldn't.

When he caressed her there, she quivered against his fingers. He gazed up at her. "Kiss?" "Kiss?"

Chapter 19

Oh, yes, kiss!

The demon knelt in the water before her, like some wicked G.o.d of virility. His horns had straightened and grown duskier as they flared back from his head. His thick hair was drying to a dark blond threaded with golden strands, as if it'd been lightened by the sun. His body seemed to have grown even larger, his muscles bulging everywhere.

Her brawny demon protector was pierced, tattooed, and sinful sinful.

And he was gazing between her legs with a transfixed expression, until she was squirming. "Malkom, kiss kiss."

He licked his lips in such a feral display of l.u.s.t, she s.h.i.+vered. Though she was convinced he'd never taken a woman with his mouth, he was heading that way now, leaning in. She felt his breath against her, his firm lips following.

When he gave a testing lick, she held her breath. He'd definitely never done this. Would he like- "Carrow!" he ground out, rocking his hips, thrusting into the water. Then he set upon her, hungrily licking her up and down, groaning against her. he ground out, rocking his hips, thrusting into the water. Then he set upon her, hungrily licking her up and down, groaning against her.

"Yes, Malkom! More ..." She knew demon males loved when females guided them by their horns, but when she grasped his, he wrenched his head back with a violent shake, loosing her hands. He cast her a warning look so ominous that she swallowed. "S-sorry, demon."

Still he glowered. Biting her bottom lip, she began petting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s for him. Ah, Hekate, she could tell that pleased him.

Mollified, he settled back in. When his tongue snaked over her throbbing c.l.i.toris, she cried out and he stilled.

"No, more, more more. Keep going!"

Her back arched when he made a second foray there. Another firm flick came, then another. "Oh, yes!" she cried, surrendering completely, wantonly rolling her hips up to the demon's mouth.

When he began thrusting his forefinger as he licked, she mindlessly murmured, "You clever demon. It's so good, it's so ..." Her head fell back. The tension built and built, the coil tightening.

The feel of his thick finger exploring, his wonder, his strong tongue.

"Alton, ara," he grated against her. he grated against her. Come, female. Come, female. But this time the phrase had a completely different meaning. It was a command uttered by a dangerous male who expected her to obey him. But this time the phrase had a completely different meaning. It was a command uttered by a dangerous male who expected her to obey him.

Malkom had planned to feast on her luscious s.e.x until he tasted her coming against his mouth.

She was about to, was undulating to ride his finger and tongue, stealing any control he'd thought he possessed.

Last, Slaine! He feared he'd embarra.s.s himself with her again. He feared he'd embarra.s.s himself with her again.

The bud at her apex was sensitive-working his tongue over it made her squeeze her b.r.e.a.s.t.s more urgently, made her moans louder. So he circled her there over and over, gazing up at her face.

With glittering eyes, she met his gaze, panting as he plunged his finger inside her channel.

Between licks, he said, "Alton, Carrow!" Carrow!"

To see a female coming, my my female ... to taste it. female ... to taste it.

Suddenly, she bucked, her body spasming as she rocked to his tongue. She screamed, "Malkom!" "Malkom!"

He gave a desperate groan when he felt her little sheath gripping his finger again and again, as if sucking it deeper. Once he tasted her o.r.g.a.s.m, he licked in ecstasy, growling with pride and pleasure.

"Ah, demon, yes!"

I wrought this from her. She was so beautiful like this, her body amazing him. She was so beautiful like this, her body amazing him. She was made for me alone. She was made for me alone.

Eventually she pushed his head away though he still laved. Against his will, he surrendered his prize.

When he stood, trapping her body against the wall, his shaft strained between them. He'd never known it could pain him like this. "s.e.x, ara ara!" The water running over his heated skin was somehow arousing him even more.

"N-no, Malkom," she said between breaths.

Why can I not mate her? He'd pleasured her hard. He wanted to seize her b.r.e.a.s.t.s from behind, holding her steady as he planted his c.o.c.k into her, deep where he'd licked her softness-- He'd pleasured her hard. He wanted to seize her b.r.e.a.s.t.s from behind, holding her steady as he planted his c.o.c.k into her, deep where he'd licked her softness-- She pressed her mouth to his chest, her tongue darting against his pierced nipple.

His eyes widened. Would she reciprocate? When she brushed her lips lower, his heart thundered so loud he knew she could hear it.

At last! To know what this felt like....

He turned to lean back against the wall. With her collar in his hand, he guided her to kneel between his legs. "Kiss," "Kiss," he commanded in Anglish. She dutifully nuzzled the hair just below his navel, pressing her lips all around. he commanded in Anglish. She dutifully nuzzled the hair just below his navel, pressing her lips all around.

In Demonish he told her, "Give me this." He fisted his shaft to her mouth. "Take it betwixt your sweet lips."

Peering up at him to gauge his reaction, she daubed her tongue against the crown.

He bucked uncontrollably, nigh coming. Once he'd stilled his hips, inhaling for control, her tongue flicked out again.

His c.o.c.k pulsed and a bead arose. He bit back a groan when she lapped up that hint of the seed. Voice gone hoa.r.s.e, he told her, "I will want this from you, Carrow, every day, every night." He stared down into her bewitching green eyes.

Strange beautiful female. She was a gift, a treasure.

"You belong to me." Never will I be separated from this creature. Never will I be separated from this creature.

When he threaded his fingers into her hair, she cupped her hand round his shaft, drawing him to her lips. He gave a shout when she suckled the head into her hot little mouth.

G.o.ds, he wanted to savor this, but she'd begun masturbating him as she circled her tongue around the tip.

With the water running over his body, her tongue swirling and fist pumping, his eyes rolled back in his head.

Cannot withstand this ... for much longer...

The demon had been so proud at how he'd pleasured her-she could perceive perceive his masculine satisfaction. His pride had emanated as strongly as his wonder. his masculine satisfaction. His pride had emanated as strongly as his wonder.

But on the heels of that, she could sense his agony. Her poor demon was about to explode, his engorged p.e.n.i.s throbbing against her tongue.

Still, she couldn't deny the urge to tease him to a feverpitch, to make sure he would never forget his first time. His reactions told her this was yet another pleasure he'd never received.

So she eased back to drip water over his length, dotting droplets over each of his smooth piercings. His expression anguished, he rested one hand on her head, the other tightly covering her nape, guiding her head back. He grated in English, "More. Be ... good, Be ... good, ara ara." Telling her not to tease him?

"I'll be good, Malkom," she promised, returning her fist to stroke. But he surged forward, grinding into it. He's going to come in my hand, he's going to He's going to come in my hand, he's going to...

When she covered the head with her mouth, his legs quaked. His brows drew together as if with pain. Bested by her mouth and hand, the demon warrior gave a helpless groan as he began to come.

The spasms seized him. His ma.s.sive body jerked. "Carrow, more!" "Carrow, more!" he bellowed to the ceiling, his muscles contracting in a breathtaking display. he bellowed to the ceiling, his muscles contracting in a breathtaking display.

The demon wanted more? She was merciless. Pumping ... licking ... sucking...

He yelled out until his voice was ragged. Finally, he collapsed back against the wall, tugging her off him. Satisfaction soared through him, and she drank it in.

He was euphoric long after he'd come, possessively cupping her head to his thigh, holding her there as she continued to trace his shaft in fascination.

But then he lowered both of his hands to cradle her face, and she detected another emotion. A pure, raw ferocity.

He gazed down at her not with the expression of a man who was happy with his fate, but with the expression of a man who'd slaughter anyone who tried to change that fate....

Chapter 20

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Demon From The Dark Part 17 summary

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