House Of Obsidian: Flawed Love Part 5

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"I'm Jack."

"I know," I blurt, then my cheeks begin to burn.

G.o.d, I'm way cooler than this. What the h.e.l.l is wrong with me?

Jack flashes a killer grin, dimples and all. Gosh he's good looking.

"I was just wondering if you might like to go out with me?"

Say what? Is he serious? He wants to go out with me? He could have any girl here. Why the h.e.l.l would he want to go out with me?

"Ah, is this a joke?" I say, narrowing my eyes.

He crosses his arms, actually looking offended. "Why would it be a joke?"

"Have you seen yourself? And have you seen me?"

"Yes, and yes."

"I . . . you could have anyone," I protest, a little lamely.

"I'm askin' for a date." He smiles warmly. "Not marriage."

I laugh nervously. "Well, yeah, okay then."

His smile gets bigger. "You got a phone number I can have?"

I swing my backpack around, nearly hitting him in the face. I laugh nervously again, and pull out my cell phone. I recite the number and he gives me his.

"I'll call you. We'll work something out."

"Okay," I breathe.

"Later, Emily."

Emily. No one calls me Emily. My name is either shortened to Emy or left as Emalie, but never spelled differently. It's kind of nice. I flush.



I smile down at my phone as my fingers glide across the keys in response to Jack's latest text. We've been texting for the last week, and the more I talk to him, the more I like him. He's funny, and smart, and so easy to talk to. We're going on a date tomorrow night, and I'm over-excited about it. I can't wait.

"Who the f.u.c.k do you keep texting?"

I look up from my phone and over to Rainer, who's driving me home. He's glaring at me, but he can't do it for long as he focuses back on the road.


"Seriously?" he grunts. "I warned you about him."

"He's a nice guy, Rainer."

"He's a jerk."

I sigh and look over to him. "We're friends, right? We've been friends for a lot of years. I'm not your girlfriend, but I do respect what we have enough to listen to you. However, this time you're wrong. Can you drop it, please?"

"Whatever. And what the f.u.c.k are you wearing?"

I glance down at the new pair of skinny jeans I begged Mom to buy me. I don't know, I guess I want to look nice for Jack. Though I'm still sporting a semi-baggy tee. And my chucks. Always my chucks.

"These are jeans. Get with the new age, dude."

"They're painted on."

I throw my phone into my purse and turn, crossing my arms. "What the h.e.l.l, Rai? You're being a d.i.c.khead. Can we not do this? I'll date whoever the f.u.c.k I want."

He pulls the truck over suddenly and turns to me. "I'm your friend. I've known you longer than any of those f.u.c.k knuckles. I'm not going to let some douchebag f.u.c.k you and leave you with a broken heart."

"And I love you for that," I say, my voice softer now. "But I'm seventeen, Rainer. I know what's right and wrong. I'm not just going to let him dive in on the first date."

His brown eyes narrow. "He's bad news."

"So is Missy, but I'm not telling you to stop."

He grunts. "I'm a man. I can look after myself."

"Yeah, well, I can look after myself too. Believe it or not. I know you'd rather I shack up with someone like Kenny, but I deserve better, and I like Jack."

"I didn't mean what I said the other night." He sighs. "I was only tryin' to look out for you."

"By saying the best I can get is a greasy, nerdy geek? And don't get me wrong, I adore Kenny, but that hurts, Rai."

He runs a hand through his hair. "f.u.c.k. Look, just be careful, okay? And don't change who you are."

"Who I am will never change."

He points to the jeans.

"I'm allowed to care about how I look."

"Yeah," he says, pulling back onto the road. "Right."

He's angry with me, and I truly don't know why. I say nothing as he pulls up to my house and stares straight ahead as I swing the door open and climb out. "You want to hang tonight?" I ask.

"No," he grunts.

I sigh. "Okay, Rai."

Then I shut the door and he speeds off.


Now I feel bad . . . and I don't even know why.



"This is it?" Rainer asks, nodding at my apartment.

"Yeah," I whisper, staring out the window.

I'm still drunk; I won't lie. If I weren't, I'd be scrambling out of this car right now. I turn and glance at Rainer, who has his eyes on my neck. Oh. My. G.o.d. He's looking at me as if he wants to . . . he couldn't . . . could he? His eyes slowly move up and meet mine, and I swallow the thick lump forming. Rainer is looking at me right now as if he wants to f.u.c.k me.

f.u.c.k me.

My body breaks out in little tingles as I stare at his lips, and I decide I'm too drunk to care if he wants to f.u.c.k me or doesn't. I want to f.u.c.k him. I'd do anything to taste those lips, to slide my mouth over that neck, to feel his c.o.c.k inside me again. It's been so long, and I was just a teenager back then. I'm a woman now, and he's everything I need. He's everything I've always needed.

"You should get out," he says, his voice husky. "I'm not the good kind of man, Mali."

I bite my bottom lip.

We sit in silence for a few minutes.

"How do you mean?" I finally say.

"I don't do relations.h.i.+ps; I do one-night stands. I f.u.c.k. I don't ask names. If you keep looking at me like that, you'll be on that list, and you're too d.a.m.ned sweet to be someone's f.u.c.k for a night."

He's wrong.

I want to be his f.u.c.k for a night.

"What makes you think I'm any different to you?" I say, unclipping my seatbelt and leaning over the chair. "What makes you think I don't just want a one-night stand?"

His eyes flash and he reaches up, curling his fist into my hair. He jerks softly and I whimper. A low, throaty growl escapes his lips. "Out of the car. Now, kid."

"No," I breathe, sliding over the seat and straddling his lap.

He's huge, so much bigger than I ever remember. His c.o.c.k is pressing between my legs, rubbing against my heat just enough to cause the perfect friction. I meet his eyes and I can see he doesn't want to fight.

"I'm not a good man. You hear me?"

"And I'm not a good woman."

He makes a pained, throaty sound and presses his forehead against mine.

"I just want a night of fun, Rainer. If you're willing to give it, I'm willing to take it."

"I f.u.c.kin' hate doing this."

"No," I say, reaching between us and grabbing the top b.u.t.ton of his jeans. "You don't. You offered me a ride home for a reason, and we both know what that reason is."

"You're beautiful," he says, studying my face. "f.u.c.k, I feel like I know you somehow."

I freeze and turn my eyes away. He does know me; he just doesn't recall it. Maybe something tragic really did happen to him, and that would explain his lack of memory. Or maybe I just never meant as much to him as I thought I did.

"Why did you look away?" he asks.

"I just want to f.u.c.k. Can we not make it any more complicated?" I say, my voice slightly shaky.

I reach into his jeans and curl my fingers around his c.o.c.k. He hisses out through his teeth and his hand goes over, reaching into the glove compartment to pull out a condom. He holds my eyes as he takes his c.o.c.k from my hand and slowly rolls it on. He's big, thick and perfect. Just like he always was. I know how amazing this c.o.c.k feels inside me.

I'll never forget.

He reaches over to me and slides my dress up, his rough fingers grazing my thighs as the dress moves. Then he reaches for my panties. It's not going to be easy to pull them off, considering I'm straddling him. He stares at them, then me, and with one hard jerk, the material tears and I'm pantiless. I gasp, but it's quickly smothered when his fingers find my p.u.s.s.y.

I lean forward, wanting to taste him, wanting to remember how soft his lips are, but he turns his head away. "I don't kiss, kid."

"Have you got an infection or something?" I squeak.

"No, I just don't do it."

Okay. Well. Awkward.

I turn my face back and focus instead on his fingers sliding through my p.u.s.s.y. He's soft, slow and delicate. His fingers, while rough, are working me over with such ease. He swirls my moisture around my c.l.i.t, making it hard, making it ache. Then he uses his free hand to lift my hip so he can position his c.o.c.k at my entrance.

I hold my breath.

He starts sliding me down over him. A gasp leaves my lips and quickly turns into a throaty moan as he fills me, stretching me, opening me to him. I've only had a few men since Rainer, and most were one-night stands. It's been a good long time since I've been filled liked this. Rainer notices and lets out a low, raspy moan.

"You're f.u.c.king tight," he grunts. "Jesus."

"It's been a while," I whisper, arching into him.

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House Of Obsidian: Flawed Love Part 5 summary

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