Waylander - In The Realm Of The Wolf Part 15

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Her hands were trembling as she carved the cold meat. She felt confused, uncertain. Angel's strength was prodigious, and she knew he was no coward. So why was he pandering to this man?

Was he frightened?

The two men were sitting at the table when she returned. Senta stood as she entered. 'You really are a vision!' he said. Her reply was short and obscene. Senta's eyes widened. 'Such language from a lady?'

Furious and embarra.s.sed, Miriel laid down the tray of food and bit back an angry retort.

'Seen anything of Morak?' asked Angel, breaking the bread and pa.s.sing a section to Senta.

'Not yet - but I sent him a message. He's got Belash with him, did you know?'

'It doesn't surprise me. What does is that you and Morak do not travel together,' said Angel. 'You are two of a kind - the same easy smiles, the same sly wit.'

'And there the resemblance ends,' said Senta. 'His heart is rotten, Angel, and his desires are vile.

It hurts me that you would link us so.' He glanced at Miriel. 'This is very fine bread. My compliments.'

Miriel ignored him, but he seemed not to notice. 'Lovely area this,' he went on. 'Close to the sea, and not yet plagued by people and their filth. One day I must find myself such a home in the mountains.' He looked around him. 'Well-built, too. A lot of love and effort.' His eyes were drawn to the weapons on the wall. 'That's Kreeg's crossbow, isn't it? Well, well! His wh.o.r.e was missing him in Kasyra. Something tells me he won't be going back to her.'

'He was like you,' said Miriel softly. 'He thought it would be easy, but when you face Waylander the only easy part is the dying.'

Senta laughed. 'Everyone dies, beauty. Everyone. And if he is useful with a sword it might be me.'

Now it was Angel who chuckled. 'You are a strange man, Senta. What on earth makes you think Waylander will face you blade to blade? You won't even see him. All you'll feel is the bolt that cleaves into your heart. And you won't feel that for very long.'

'Well, that wouldn't be very sporting, would it?' countered Senta, his smile fading.

'I don't think he regards this as sport,' said Angel.

'How disappointing. Perhaps I misjudged him. From all I've heard he doesn't seem to be a coward.' He shrugged. 'But then these stories do tend to become exaggerated, don't they?'

'You have a curious sense of what denotes cowardice,' said Miriel. 'When a snake comes into the house a man does not lie down on his belly to fight it fang to fang. He just stamps on its head, then throws the useless carca.s.s out into the night. One does not deal with vermin in the way one deals with men!'

Senta clapped his hands, slowly and theatrically, but anger showed in his blue eyes.

'Finish your breakfast,' said Angel softly.

'And then I am to leave, I suppose?' Senta responded, slicing a section of meat then lancing it with his knife and raising it towards his mouth.

'No, Senta, then you will die.'

The knife froze. Senta shook his head. 'I'm not being paid to kill you, old man.'

'Just as well,' said Angel. 'You wouldn't be there to collect it. I'll wait for you outside.'

The former gladiator stood and left the room. Senta glanced up at Miriel. 'It's a good breakfast.

May I stay on for supper?'

'Don't kill him!'

'What?' Senta seemed genuinely surprised. 'I have no choice, beauty. He has challenged me.' He stared at her. 'Are you and he ...? No, surely not.' He stood. 'I'm sorry. Truly. I quite like the old boy.'

'He's not that old.'

'He's twice my age, Miriel, and as a swordsman that makes him older than the mountains.'

'If you kill him you'll have to kill me. I'll come for you. I swear it.'

Senta sighed, then bowed. There was no hint of mockery in his eyes. Swinging on his heel the stepped out into the light. Angel was standing some thirty feet from the door, sword in hand.

'Arena rules?' called Senta.

'As you like.'

'Are you sure about this, Angel? There is no need for us to fight. And you know well enough you will lose.'

'Don't tell me, boy, show me!'

Senta drew his sabre and advanced.

Waylander emerged from the trees and saw the two swordsmen circling one another.

'Ho Angel!' he called. The two warriors paused, glancing up towards him as he made his way down the slope, the stocky Nadir following. From Kalis' description Waylander guessed the swordsman was Senta.

'Leave him to me!' said Angel, as the gap closed.

'No one fights for me,' replied Waylander, his eyes fixed on Senta, noting the man's balance and his condescending smile. There was no fear here, only a cold confidence bordering on the arrogant.

Waylander came closer. Still he had not drawn a weapon and he saw Senta's eyes glance down at the scabbarded sword. 'You are hunting me?' asked Waylander, moving ever closer. Only a few paces separated them.

'I have a commission from the Guild,' replied Senta, taking a step back.

Waylander kept moving. Senta was tense now, for Waylander had halted immediately before him. 'Arena rules?' enquired the

Waylander smiled. His head snapped forward, b.u.t.ting the blond swordsman on the bridge of the nose. Senta staggered back. Waylander stepped in and hammered his elbow into the man's jaw.

Senta hit the ground hard, his sword falling from his fingers. Waylander grabbed the man's long golden hair, hauling him to his knees. 'I don't duel,' he said, drawing a razor-sharp knife from his baldric.

'Don't kill him!' shouted Angel.

'As you wish,' answered Waylander, releasing his hold on the half-conscious swordsman. Senta slumped back to the ground. Waylander sheathed his knife and walked into the cabin.

'Welcome back, Father,' said Miriel, stepping into his embrace. His arms swept round her, stroking her back, his face pressed against her hair.

'We have to leave,' he whispered, his voice trembling. 'We're going north.'

'What has happened?' she asked him.

He shook his head. 'We'll talk later. Prepare two packs -food for three days, winter clothing. You know what is needed.' She nodded and looked past him. He glanced back to see the Nadir warrior standing in the doorway. 'We met in the mountains,' said Waylander. 'This is Belash.'


'Yes, he was. But Morak betrayed him. Left him to die.' Waylander waved the man forward.

'This is my daughter, Miriel.' Belash's face showed no expression, but his eyes were drawn to the weapons she wore. The Nadir said nothing, but walked into the kitchen where he helped himself to a hunk of bread and some cheese.

'Can you trust him?' whispered Miriel.

Waylander's smile was broad. 'Of course not. But he will be valuable where we are going.'

'Into Gothir?'


'What changed your mind?'

'There's a man there I must find. Now prepare the packs.'

She half-turned, then looked back at him. 'Why did you spare Senta?'

He shrugged. 'Angel asked me to.'

'Hardly a good reason.'

'It's as good as any other.'

Miriel walked away. Waylander moved to the dead fire and sat down in the broad leather chair.

Angel entered, half-carrying Senta. Blood was streaming from the man's broken nose, and his eyes were swollen half-shut. Angel lowered him to the bench-seat at the table. Senta sagged forward, blood dripping to the wood. Angel found a cloth, which he pa.s.sed to the man. Senta held it to his face.

Angel moved in close to Waylander and whispered, 'Why is Belash still among the living?'

'A whim,' answered Waylander.

'Whims like that can kill you. They're not like people, they're savages sp.a.w.ned by demons. I think you have made a bad mistake.'

'I've made mistakes before. Time will tell about this one.' He stepped alongside Senta. 'Lie back along the bench,' he ordered. 'The blood will stop faster that way.'

'I thank you for your concern,' muttered the swordsman thickly.

Waylander sat beside him. 'Be advised. Do not come against me again.'

Senta dropped the blood-covered cloth and sniffed loudly. 'You taught me a valuable lesson,' he said, forcing a smile. 'I shall not forget it.'

Waylander stood and strode from the cabin. Angel followed him. 'You have not asked me why I wanted him alive.'

'I don't care,' replied Waylander, kneeling and patting the hound, which had stretched out in the shade. The dog gave a low growl and arched its neck. Waylander rubbed its muzzle. 'It is not important, Angel.'

'It is to me. I am in your debt.'

'How is Miriel progressing?'

'Better than she was. And I don't want your ten thousand.'

Waylander shrugged. 'Take it. I won't miss it.'

'That's not the point, d.a.m.n you!'

'Why so angry?'

'Where are you going from here?' countered Angel.


'May I come with you?'

'Why?' asked Waylander, genuinely surprised.

'I have nowhere else to go. And I can still train Miriel.'

Waylander nodded, and was silent for several moments. 'Did anything happen while I was away - between the two of you, I mean?'

Angel reddened. 'Nothing! G.o.ds, man, my boots are older than her!'

'She could do worse, Angel. And I must find her a husband.'

'That won't take long. She's a lovely girl, and I guess it will be good to know she's safe like her sister.'

'Her sister is dead,' said Waylander, fighting to remain calm, his voice barely above a whisper.

Once more Krylla's face came back to him, and he felt a cold, berserk rage building. 'That's why they are hunting me,' he went on. 'Karnak's son killed her. The Lord Protector paid the because he fears I'll hunt down the boy.'

'G.o.ds of Mercy! I didn't know it was Krylla,' said Angel. 'There was a trial, but the victim was not even named. Bodalen was exiled for a year.'

'A harsh punishment indeed.'

'But you're not going after him?'

Waylander took a deep calming breath. 'I am heading north,' he answered. 'Travelling to Gothir.'

'It's probably wise,' agreed Angel. 'You cannot go against the whole Drenai army. But you do surprise me -1 thought you would have put vengeance above everything else.'

'Perhaps age is making me mellow.'

Angel grinned. 'You didn't look too mellow when you downed Senta. And where in h.e.l.l's name did you find that dog? It's the ugliest beast I've ever seen. Look at those scars!'

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Waylander - In The Realm Of The Wolf Part 15 summary

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