Waylander - In The Realm Of The Wolf Part 36

Waylander - In The Realm Of The Wolf -

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'Aye, he could. But there's nothing I can do about that.'

'What do you need?'

'I need a plan of the palace, and an estimate of the numbers of guards and their placements.'

Matze sighed. 'You are asking a great deal, my friend. If I aid you and you are captured - and confess - then my life would be forfeit.'

'Indeed it would.'

Twenty-five thousand Raq,' said Matze Chai.

'Drenai or Gothir?' countered the newcomer.

'Gothir. The Drenai Raq has suffered in recent months.'

'That is close to the sum I have invested with you.'

'No, my friend, that is exactly the sum you have invested with me.'

'Your friends.h.i.+p carries a high price, Matze Chai.'

'I know of a man who was once a member of the Brotherhood, but he became overly addicted to Lora.s.sium. He is a former captain of Zhu Chao's guard. And there are two others who once served the man we speak of and will be helpful with information as to his habits.'

'Send for them in the morning,' said Waylander, rising. 'And now I shall take the bath - and the ma.s.sage. Oh, one small point. Before I visited you I went to another merchant who invests for me. I left him with sealed instructions. If I do not collect them tomorrow by noon he will open them and act upon the contents.'

'I take it,' said Matze, with a tight smile, 'we are talking about a contract for my death?'

'I have always liked you, Matze. You have a sharp mind.'

This speaks of a certain lack of trust,' said Matze Chai, aggrieved.

'I trust you with my money, my friend. Let that be sufficient.'

The Gothir attacked three times in the night, twice trying to scale the walls but the third time launching their a.s.sault on the portcullis. The Nadir sent volley after volley of arrows into the attackers, but to little effect. Hundreds of soldiers cl.u.s.tered around the portcullis making a wall of s.h.i.+elds against the rusted iron, while other men hacked and sawed at the metal bars.

Orsa Khan, the tall half-breed, threw lantern-oil over the barricade of carts and wagons and set fire to the base. Thick black smoke swirled around the gateway, and the attackers were driven back.

On the walls Dardalion and the last of the Thirty battled alongside Nadir warriors, repelling a.s.saults.

By dawn the last of the attacks had ceased and Dardalion made his way back through the hall, leaving Vishna and the others on the ramparts. He tried to commune with Ekodas, but could not break through the wall of power emanating from below the castle. He found Kesa Khan alone in his high room, the old shaman standing by the crooked window staring out over the valley.

'Three more days is all we have,' said Dardalion.

Kesa Khan shrugged. 'Much can happen in three days, Drenai.'

Dardalion unbuckled his silver breastplate, pulling it clear. Removing his helm he sat down on the rug by the glowing brazier.

Kesa Khan joined him. 'You are tired, priest.'

'I am,' admitted Dardalion. "The paths of the future drained me.'

'As they have me on many occasions. But it was worth it to see the days of Ulric.'


'The Uniter,' said Kesa Khan.

'Ah yes, the First Uniter. I am afraid I spent little time observing him. I was more interested in the Second. An unusual man, don't you think? Despite his mixed blood and his torn loyalties he still drew the Nadir together and accomplished all that Ulric failed to do.'

Kesa Khan said nothing for a moment. 'Can you show me this man?'

Dardalion's eyes narrowed. 'But you have seen him, surely? He is the Uniter you spoke of.'

'No, he is not.'

Dardalion sighed. 'Take my hand, Kesa Khan, and share my memories.' The shaman reached out, gripping hard to Dardalion's palm. He shuddered, and his mind swam. Dardalion summoned his concentration, and together they witnessed the rise of Ulric Khan, the merging of the tribes, the great hordes sweeping across the steppes, the sacking of Gulgothir and the first siege of Dros Delnoch.

They watched the Earl of Bronze turn back the Nadir host, and saw the signing of the peace treaty, and the honouring of the terms; the marriage between the Earl's son and one of Ulric's daughters, and the birth of the child, Tenaka Khan, the Prince of Shadows, the King Beyond the Gate.

Dardalion felt Kesa Khan's pride swell, followed immediately by a sense of despair. The separation was swift, and brought a groan from the Drenai. He opened his eyes and saw the fear on Kesa Khan's face. 'What is it? What is wrong?'

'The woman, Miriel. From her will come the line of men leading to this Earl of Bronze?'

'Yes -1 thought you understood that? You knew that a child would be conceived here.'

'But not to her, Drenai! I did not know about her! The line of Ulric begins here also.'


Kesa Khan's breathing was shallow, his face distorted. 'I ... I believed Ulric was the Uniter. And that Miriel's descendants would seek to thwart him. I. . she ...'

'Out with it, man!'

'There are beasts guarding the crystal. There were three, but their hunger was great and they turned upon one another. Now there is only one. They were men sent by Zhu Chao to kill me.

Karnak's son, Bodalen, was one of them. The crystal merged them.'

'You could breach the power all along! What treachery is this?' stormed Dardalion.

'The girl will die down there. It is written!' The shaman's face was pale and stricken. 'I have destroyed the line of the Uniter.'

'Not yet,' said Dardalion, surging to his feet.

Kesa Khan lunged out, grabbing the priest's arm. 'You don't understand! I have made a pact with Shemak. She will die. Nothing can alter it now.'

Dardalion tore himself clear of Kesa Khan's grip. 'Nothing is inalterable. And no demon will hold sway over me!'

'If I could change it I would,' wailed Kesa Khan. 'The Uniter is everything to me! But there must be a death. You cannot stop it!'

Dardalion ran from the room, down the winding stair to the hall, and on to the deep stairwell leading to the subterranean chambers. Just as he was entering the darkness Vishna pulsed to him from the ramparts. 'The Brotherhood are attacking, brother. We need you!'

'I cannot!'

'Without you we are lost! The castle will fall!'

Dardalion reeled back from the doorway, his mind whirling. Hundreds of women and children would be slain if he deserted his post. Yet if he did not, then Miriel was doomed. He fell to his knees in the doorway, desperately seeking the path of prayer, but his mind was lost in thoughts of the coming chaos. A hand touched his shoulder. He looked up. It was the scarred, ugly gladiator.

'Are you ill?' asked the man. Dardalion rose and took a deep breath. Then he told all to Angel.

The man's face was grim as he listened. 'A death, you say? But not necessarily Miriel's?'

'I don't know. But I am needed on the wall. I cannot go to her.'

'I can,' said Angel, drawing his sword.


Zhu Chao stood on the balcony, leaning on the gilded rail and staring at the battlements of his palace. There were no vulgar crenellations here, but sweeping flutes and curves as befitted a Chiatze n.o.bleman. The gardens below were filled with fragrant flowers and trees, with elaborate walkways curving around ponds and artificial streams. It was a place of quiet, tranquil beauty.

Yet it was still strong. Twenty men, armed with bow and sword, walked the four walls, while four others- keen-eyed and watchful - manned the mock towers at each corner. The gates were barred, and six savage hounds patrolled the gardens. He could see one of them now, lying on all fours beside an ornate path. Its black fur made it almost invisible.

I am safe, thought Zhu Chao. Nothing can harm me.

Why then am I so afraid?

He s.h.i.+vered and drew his sheepskin-lined robe of purple wool more closely about his slender frame.

Kar-Barzac was becoming a disaster. Kesa Khan still lived, and the Nadir were defending the walls like men possessed. Innicas was dead, the Brotherhood all but destroyed. And Galen had been inexplicably murdered upon his return to the Drenai forces. He had walked into the tent of General Asten, and told the man about the tragic betrayal that had seen the death of Karnak. Asten had listened quietly, then stood and approached the Brotherhood warrior. Suddenly he reached out, grabbing Galen by the hair and wrenching back his head. A knife-blade flashed. Blood gouted from Galen's throat. Zhu Chao had seen it all, the dying warrior falling to the floor, the stocky General looming above him.

Zhu Chao s.h.i.+vered. It was all going wrong.

And where was Waylander?

Three times he had cast the search spell. Three times it had failed. But tonight all will be made well, he a.s.sured himself. Midwinter's Eve, and the great sacrifice. Power will flow into me, the gift of Chaos will be mine. Then I shall demand Kesa Khan's death. Tomorrow the Ventrian King will be dead. His troops will turn to the Brotherhood for leaders.h.i.+p, as will the Drenai soldiers. Galen was not the only loyal knight among them. Asten would die, as the Emperor would die.

Three empires become one.

Not for me the petty t.i.tles of King or Emperor. With the crystal in my hands I shall be the Divine Zhu Chao, Lord of All, King of Kings. The thought pleased him. He glanced at the nearest wall, watching the soldiers marching along the parapet. Strong men. Faithful. Loyal. I am safe, he told himself once more.

He glanced up at the mock tower to the left. The soldier there was sitting with his back to the outside. Sleeping! Irritation flared. Zhu Chao pulsed a command to him, but the man did not move.

The sorcerer mentally summoned Casta, the Captain of the Guard.

'Yes, Lord,' came the response.

"The guard on the eastern tower. Have him brought to the courtyard and flogged. He is sleeping.'

'At once, Lord.'

Safe? How safe can I be with men such as these guarding me? 'And Casta!'

'Yes, Lord.'

'After he is flogged, cut his throat.' Turning on his heel Zhu Chao returned to his apartments, his good mood in tatters. He felt the need of wine, but held back. Tonight the sacrifice must be conducted without error. He thought of Karnak in chains, the curved sacrificial knife slowly slicing into the Drenai's chest. His mood brightened.

This is my last day as the servant of others, he thought. From tomorrow's dawn I shall be the Lord of Three Empires.

No, not until the crystal is in your power. For only then will you know immortality. Only then will you be whole again. A muscle at his jaw twitched and he saw again the unholy fire and the sharp little dagger in Kesa Khan's hand. Hate suffused him, and shame rose like acid in his throat.

'You will watch your people die, Kesa Khan,' he hissed. 'Every man, woman and babe. And you will know who is to blame. That is the price for what you stole from me!'

His memories echoed the remembered pain, and the months of terrible suffering that followed the mutilation. But the crystal would change everything. The Third Grimoire told of it. An ancient knight had been carried into the chamber, his arm cut away by a weapon of light. They had laid him upon a bed, and unleashed the power of the crystal. Within two days a new arm had sprouted from the severed limb.

But better even than this, according to the Fourth Grimoire, leaders of the Elder Races had been transformed by the crystal, their aging bodies made young again. Zhu Chao's throat was dry, and this time he succ.u.mbed to a small goblet of wine.

'Lord! Lord!' pulsed Casta, fear radiating in his spirit voice.

'What is it?'

'The sentry is dead, Lord! A crossbow bolt through the heart. And there is the mark of a grappling hook on the turret.'

'He's here!' screamed Zhu Chao, aloud. 'Waylander is here!'

'I cannot hear you, Lord,' pulsed Casta.

Zhu Chao fought for calm. 'Get the men from the walls. Search the gardens. Find the!'

The oil-dipped torch sent crazed shadows across the rippled walls of the stairwell, and black smoke swirled in Angel's nostrils as he descended the stairs. There was a fear in him greater than any he had experienced. It was a fear of death. Not his own - that he was prepared for. But his terror grew as he considered Miriel and the monster, her young body broken, her dead eyes staring up, seeing nothing.

Angel swallowed hard, and moved on. He could not afford the security of stealth, but blundered on down the stairs, ever down. Dardalion had said the crystal chamber was on the sixth level, but the beast could be anywhere. Angel hawked and spat, vainly trying to dampen his dry mouth. And he prayed to any G.o.d that might be listening, Dark or Light, or any shade in between.

Let her live!

Take me instead. I've had a life, a good life. He missed a step and stumbled against the wall, sparks showering down from the torch, burning his bare forearm. 'Concentrate, you fool!' he told himself, his words echoing along the silent corridors.

Where now, he wondered as the stairwell joined a long, flat hallway. There was a dim light here, glowing from panels in the walls. He gazed around him. Everything was made of metal - walls, ceiling, floor. s.h.i.+ning and rust-free, the metal everywhere was crumpled and ripped, as if it had no more strength than rotted linen.

Angel s.h.i.+vered. The corridors were damp and cold and his muscles ached with it. Ekodas had pointed out how tired he was, and he felt it now. His limbs seemed leaden, his energy waning.

Drawing in a deep breath he thought of Miriel and pushed on.

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Waylander - In The Realm Of The Wolf Part 36 summary

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