Uplift - Brightness Reef Part 41

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Yet there was also much to fear. If the star-G.o.ds did plan on wiping out all witnesses, it would surely start at the Glade. Above all, Sara worried that she might be taking the Stranger into the hands of his enemies. The dark, ever-cheerful man seemed eager to go, but did he really understand what was involved?

A whistling sigh fluted from Pzora's corrugated cone, as the traeki siphoned water from the pond, fatigued despite having ridden all the way in a donkey-drawn chariot. A new rewq draped across Pzora's sensor ring, one of two Sara had bought from the fresh supply at Kandu Landing, to help the traeki pharmacist treat the wounded alien, even though she wasn't keen on the symbionts herself.

A chain of bubbles broke the surface near Sara's foot. By Loocen's silver light, she made out Blade, from Dolo Village, resting underwater. The hasty trek had been hard on red qheuens, and blues like Blade, as well as those humans too big to burden a donkey. Sara had been allowed to mount every even-numbered midura. Even so, her body ached. Serves me right for leading a bookish, cloistered life, she thought.

A raucous cheer rose up where urrish donkey-drivers piled gra.s.s and dung to make a campfire. Simla blood was drained into a tureen, followed by chopped meat, and soon they were slurping tepid sanguinary stew, lifting their long necks to swallow, then bending for more-sinuous silhouettes whose rise and fall was eerily accompanied by the Stranger's plinking dulcimer. Meanwhile a hoon cook, proud of her multirace cuisine, banged pots and sprinkled powders until spicy aromas finally overcame the stench of roast simla, restoring even Sara's queasy appet.i.te.

A little while later, full dawn revealed stunning tan-and-green mountains towering across the eastern horizon. The Stranger laughed as he worked s.h.i.+rtless, helping Sara and the other humans do a typical camp-ch.o.r.e a.s.signed to Earthlings-erecting shelters of g'Kek blur cloth, to shade travelers and beasts through the blazing day. The star-man's muteness seemed no handicap at working with others. His pleasure at being alive affected all those around him, as he taught the others a wordless song to help pa.s.s the time.

Two more days, Sara thought, glancing up toward the pa.s.s. We're almost there.

The oasis was named for a nomad warrior who had lived soon after urrish settlement on Jijo, when their numbers were still small, and their planet-bound crafts pitifully crude. In those olden times, Uryutta fled east from the rich grazing lands of Znunir, where her tribal chiefs had vowed fealty to mighty Gray Queens. Uryutta led her fellow rebels to this wadi in the vast dry plain, to nurse their wounds and plot a struggle for freedom from qheuen dominance.

Or so went the legend Sara heard that afternoon, after sleeping through the hottest part of the day-a slumber during which she had dreamed vaguely of water, cool and clear, raising a terrible thirst. She slaked it at the spring, then rejoined the other travelers under the big tent for another meal.

With a few hours still to go before dusk, and a leaden heat still pressing outside, tinkers and pack-handlers gathered around a storyteller, accompanying her recital with foot-stamps and switched braided tails. Even after gaining books and printing, urs still loved the oral tradition, its extravagance and impromptu variations. When the bard's chant reached the Battle of Znunir Trading Post, elongated heads swayed together. Triplet eyes stared past the poet toward times gone by.

So the traitor cavalry scattered Willing slaves, the cowards were driven Into the trap Uryutta had fas.h.i.+oned Tumbling screaming through Deep Stink There to mix sulfurous death smells With their own dry-pouch, death-fearing rankness.

Listeners hissed contempt for gutless renegades. Sara pulled out her notebook and took notes on the antiquated storytelling dialect, already devolved from GalTwo, long before humans came.

Then wheeled Uryutta, ready to confront The dread footmen of gray qheuen matrons Males in armor, males with weapons Of sharp-edged hardwood, flas.h.i.+ng so brightly And clattering claws, keen to tear hide, Poised now to flay us in shreds for their mothers.

This time the urs listeners vented repeated low grunts, marking respect for a tough foe, a sound humans first heard the third generation after arriving, when Earthlings won their own place in the pre-Commons chaos.

Now is the time! Our chief gives the signal.

Bring forth the weapons, tools newly fas.h.i.+oned.

Bring forth the longsticks, come forth you strongbacks.

Stab now to miss, but stab hard below!

Bear now the burden. Bear it, you strongbacks!

Heave! Claws a-flas.h.i.+ng, over they go!

At first Sara had trouble following the action. Then she understood Uryutta's combat innovation-using "long-sticks," or rods of boo, to tip over the invincible qheuen infantry. Urrish volunteers served as living fulcrums, braving snapping" claws and crus.h.i.+ng weight while their fellows heaved, toppling one qheuen after another.

Despite the ecstatic song of vengeful slaughter, Sara knew the historical Uryutta's victories had been shortlived, as qheuens adjusted their tactics. It took a later breed of heroes-the warrior smiths of Blaze Mountain-to finally drive gray tyrants off the high plains. And still the queens thwarted the rising Commons, until humans brought new-old skills to the art of war.

Not all the urs were celebrating past glories. The caravan chief and her aides knelt on a peko-skin rug, planning the next trek. From their gestures over a map, they clearly meant to skip the next oasis and make a hard dash for the foothills by sunrise.

Oh, my aching feet, Sara thought.

The chief raised her conical head, hissing as one human pilgrim neared a tent flap.

"Got to go," explained Jop, the Dolo tree farmer.

"What, leaking again? Are you ill?"

Jop had spent most of the journey immersed in a copy of the Scroll of Exile, but now he seemed affable. He laughed. "Oh, no. I jest drank too much lovely spring water. Time to give it back to Jijo. That's all."

While the flap was briefly up, Sara glimpsed bubbles in the pond again. Blade was back under, soaking for the next hard march. Was he also blocking out the storyteller's victory paean over defeated qheuens?

The flap fell, and Sara looked around the pavilion-shelter.

Kurt the Exploser used a compa.s.s to draw loopy arcs on sheets of graph paper, growling over his labors, making a papermaker's daughter wince as he crumpled one sheet after another in frustration. Nearer to Sara, Prity also drew abstract figures, more economically, in a patch of sand. Pulling at her furry chin, she consulted a topology text Sara had brought from Biblos.

My, what an intellectual caravan, Sara observed sardonically. A would-be priest, a designer of things that go bang, a geometrical chimpanzee, and a fallen mathematician, all hurrying toward possible destruction. And that just begins our list of oddities.

Over to the left, the Stranger had set aside his dulcimer to watch Kurt's nephew, young Jomah, play a game of Tower of Haiphong with a red-qheuen salt peddler, a pair of Biblos librarians, and three hoonish pilgrims. The contest involved moving colored rings over a hexagonal array of posts, stuck in the sand. The goal was to pile a stack of rings on your Home Post in the right order, largest at the bottom, smallest on top. In the advanced game, where ring colors and patterns signified traeki attributes, one must wed various traits to form an ideal traeki.

Pzora seemed more entranced by the storyteller than the game. Sara had never heard of a traeki taking offense at Tower of Haiphong, even though it mimicked their unique mode of reproduction.

"See here?" the boy explained the game to the Stranger. "So far I got swamp flippers, a mulching core, two memory rings, a Sniffer, a Thinker, and a Looker."

The star-human showed no sign of frustration by Jomah's rapid speech. He watched the apprentice ex-ploser with an expression of intelligent interest-perhaps he heard Jomah's warbling voice as something like musical notes.

"I'm hoping for a better base, to let my traeki move around on land. But Horm-tuwoa s.n.a.t.c.hed a walker torus I had my eye on, so it looks like I'm stuck with flippers."

The hoon to the boy's left crooned a low umble of gratification. You had to think fast, playing Tower of Haiphong.

"Build me a dream house, oh my dear, fourteen stories high.

Bas.e.m.e.nt, kitchen, bedroom, bath, I'll love you till I die."

Jomah and the others all stopped what they were doing to stare at the Stranger, who rocked back and laughed.

He's getting better at this, Sara thought. Still, it seemed eerie whenever the star-man came up with the verse to some song, perfectly apropos to what was going on at the time.

With a glitter in his eye, the Stranger waited till the other players were engrossed once more in their own stacks. Then he nudged Jomah, covertly pointing out a game piece ready to draw from the reserve box. The boy stared at the rare torus called Runner, trying so hard to stifle a yelp of joy that he coughed, while the dark alien patted him on the back.

Now how did he know that? Do they play Tower of Haiphong, among the stars? She had pictured s.p.a.ce-G.o.ds doing-well, G.o.dlike things. It was encouraging to think they might use games with simple pieces-hard, durable symbols of life.

Of course, most games are based on there being winners . . . and losers.

The audience hissed appreciatively as the bard finished her epic and left the low platform to accept her reward, a steaming cup of blood. Too bad I missed the end, Sara thought. But she would likely hear it again, if the world lasted beyond this year.

When no one else seemed about to take the stage, several urs stretched and started drifting toward the nearest tent flap, to go outside and check their animals, preparing for tonight's trek. But they stopped when a fresh volunteer abruptly leaped up, clattering hooves on the dais. The new storyteller was Ulgor, the tinker who had accompanied Sara ever since the night the aliens pa.s.sed above Dolo Village. Listeners regathered around as Ulgor commenced reciting her tale in a dialect even older than the one before.

s.h.i.+ps fill your thoughts right now, Fierce, roaming silently.

s.h.i.+ps fill your dreams right now, Far from all watery seas.

s.h.i.+ps cloud your mind-scape now, Numberless hordes of them.

s.h.i.+ps dwarf your mind-scape now, Than mountains, vaster far.

A mutter of consternation. The caravan chief corkscrewed her long neck. This was a rare topic, widely thought in poor taste, among mixed-races. Several hoon-ish pilgrims turned to watch.

s.h.i.+ps of the Urrish-ka Clan of strong reverence.

s.h.i.+ps of the Urrish host.

Clan bound for vengeance!

Bad taste or no, a tale under way was sacrosanct till complete. The commander flared her nostril to show she had no part in this breach, while Ulgor went on evoking an era long before urs colonists ever set hoof on Jijo. To a time of s.p.a.ce armadas, when G.o.d-fleets fought over incomprehensible doctrines, using weapons of unthinkable power.

Stars fill your thoughts right now.

s.h.i.+ps large as mountain peaks, Setting stars quivering, With planet-sized lightings.

Sara wondered-why is she doing this? Ulgor had always been tactful, for a young urs. Now she seemed out to provoke a reaction.

Hoon sauntered closer, air sacs puffing, still more curious than angry. It wasn't yet clear that Ulgor meant to dredge up archaic vendettas-grudges so old they made later, Jijo-based quarrels with qheuens and men seem like tiffs over this morning's breakfast.

On Jijo, urs and boon share no habitats and few desires. No basis for conflict. It's hard to picture their ancestors slaughtering each other in s.p.a.ce.

Even the Tower of Haiphong game was abandoned. The Stranger watched Ulgor's undulating neck movements, keeping tempo with his right hand.

Oh ye, native listeners So-smugly ignorant, Planet-bound minds, dare you Try to conceive?

Of planet-like holes in s.p.a.ce, In which dwell ent.i.ties, That planet-bound minds like yours Cannot perceive?

Several hoon umbled relief. Perhaps this wasn't about archaic struggles between their forebears and the urs. Some s.p.a.ce-epics told of awesome vistas, or sights baffling to modern listeners, reminders of what the Six had lost, but might regain someday-ironically, by forgetting.

Cast back your dread-filled thoughts, To those s.h.i.+ps, frigidly, Cruising toward glory's gate, Knowing not destiny.

If the first bard had been ardent, chanting b.l.o.o.d.y glory, Ulgor was coolly charismatic, entrancing listeners with her bobbing head and singsong whistle, evoking pure essences of color, frost, and fear. Sara put her notebook down, spellbound by vistas of glare and shadow, by vast reaches of s.p.a.cetime, and s.h.i.+ning vessels more numerous than stars. No doubt the yarn had grown in retelling, countless times. Even so, it filled Sara's heart with sudden jealousy.

We humans never climbed so high before our fall. Even at our greatest, we never possessed fleets of mighty stars.h.i.+ps. We were wolflings. Crude by comparison.

But that thought slipped away as Ulgor spun her rhythmic chant, drawing out glimpses of infinity. A portrait took shape, of a great armada bound for glorious war, which fate lured near a dark region of s.p.a.ce. A niche, mysterious and deadly, like the bitter hollows of a mule-spider's lair. A place wise travelers skirted, but not the admiral of this fleet. Steeped in her own invincibility, she plotted a course to fall on her foes, dismissing all thought of detour.

Now from one black kernel, Spirals out fortune's bane, Casting its trap across, Throngs of uneasy stars . . .

Several hoon umbled relief. Perhaps this wasn't about archaic struggles between their forebears and the urs.

With a sudden jerk, Sara's attention was yanked back to the present by a hard tug on her right arm. She blinked.

Prity gripped her elbow, tight enough to grow painful-until Sara asked-"What is it?"

Letting go, her chim consort signed.

Listen. Now!

Sara was about to complain-That's what I was doing, listening-then realized Prity did not mean the story. So she tried to sift past Ulgor's mesmerizing drone . . . and finally picked up a low mutter coming from outside the pavilion.

The animals. Something's upsetting them.

The simlas and donkeys had their own camouflaged shelter, a short distance away. Judging from a slowly rising murmur, the beasts weren't exactly frightened, but they weren't happy, either.

The Stranger also noticed, along with a couple of librarians and a red qheuen, all of them backing away, looking around nervously.

By now the caravan chief had joined the crowd of rising-falling urrish heads, lost in a distant place and time. Sara moved forward to nudge the expedition leader-carefully, since startled urs were known to snap-but all at once the chiefs neck went rigid of its own accord, anxious tremors rippling her tawny mane. With a hiss, the urs matron roused two a.s.sistants, yanking a third back to reality with a sharp nip to the flank. All four stood and began trotting toward the tent flap- then skittered to a halt as phantom shapes began rising along the shelter's western edge-shadowy centauroid outlines, creeping stealthily, bearing spiky tools. A dismayed screech escaped one of the caravan-lieutenants, just before chaos exploded on all sides.

The audience burst into confusion. Grunts and whistling cries spilled from stunned pilgrims as the tent was ripped in a dozen places by flas.h.i.+ng blades. War-painted fighters stepped through the gaps, leveling swords, pikes, and arbalests, all tipped with bronze-colored Buyur metal, driving the churned ma.s.s of frightened travelers back toward the ash pit at the center.

Prity's arms clasped Sara's waist while young Jomah clung to her other side. She wrapped an arm around the boy, for whatever comfort it might offer.

Urrish militia? she wondered. These warriors looked nothing like the dun-colored cavalry that performed showy maneuvers for Landing Day festivals. Slashes of sooty color streaked their flanks and withers. Their weaving, nodding heads conveyed crazed resolve.

A caravan-lieutenant bolted toward the stand where weapons were kept, mostly to ward off liggers, khoo-bras, or the occasional small band of thieves. The trail boss shouted in vain as the young urs dove for a loaded arbalest-and kept going, toppling through the stand and skidding along a trail of sizzling blood. She tumbled to a stop, riddled with darts, at the feet of a painted raider.

The expedition leader cursed the intruders, deriding their courage, their ancestry, and especially her own complacency. Despite rumors about trouble in far corners of the plains, peacetime habits were hard to break, especially along the main trail. Now her brave young colleague had paid the price.

"What do you want?" she, demanded in GalTwo. "Do you have a leader? Show her (criminal) muzzle, if she dares to speak!"

The tent flap nearest the oasis lifted, and a burly urrish warrior entered, painted in jagged patterns that made it hard to grasp her outline. The raider chieftain high-stepped delicately over the lieutenant's b.l.o.o.d.y trail, cantering to a halt just before the caravan commander. Surprisingly, both of her brood-pouches were full, one with a husband whose slim head peered under the fighter's arm. The other pouch was blue and milk-veined, bulging with unfledged offspring.

A full matron was not usually to violence, unless driven by duty or need.

"You are not one to judge our (praiseworthy) daring, " the raider captain hissed in an old-fas.h.i.+oned, stilted dialect. "You, who serve (unworthy) client/masters with too-many or too-few legs, you are not fit to valuate this band of sisters. Your sole choice is to submit (obsequiously), according to the (much revered) Code of the Plains."

The caravan chief stared with all three eyes. "Code? Surely you do not mean the (archaic, irrelevant) rituals that old-time (barbaric) tribes used, back when-"

"The code of war and faith among (n.o.ble, true-to-their-nature) tribes. Confirmed! The way of our (much revered) aunts, going back generations before (recent, despicable) corruption set in. Confirmed! Once again, I ask/demand-do you submit?"

Confused and alarmed, the caravan chief shook her head, human style, blowing air uncertainly like a hoon. With a low aspiration, she muttered in Anglic, "Hr-r-r. Such jeekee nonsense for a grownuf adult to kill over-"

The raider sprang upon the merchant trader, wrapping their necks, shoving and twining forelegs till the caravan chief toppled with a groan of agony, wheezing in shock. Any Earthly vertebrate might have had her spine snapped.

The raider turned to the pilgrims with her head stretched far forward, as if to snap anyone in reach. Frightened prisoners pressed close together. Sara tightened her grip on Jomah, pus.h.i.+ng the boy behind her.

"Again I ask/demand-who will (unreservedly) submit, in the name of this (miserable excuse for a) tribe?"

A dura pa.s.sed. Then out of the circle staggered a surviving lieutenant-perhaps pushed from behind. Her neck coiled tightly, and her single nostril flared with dread as she stumbled toward the painted harlequin. Trembling, the young urs crouched and slowly pushed her head along the ground till it rested between the raider's forehooves.

"Well done," the corsair commented. "We shall make a (barely acceptable) plainsman of you.

"As for the rest, I am called UrKachu. In recent (foolish) days I was known as Lord High Aunt of Salty Hoof Clan, a useless, honorary t.i.tle, bereft of (real) power or glory. Now banished from that (ungrateful) band, I co-lead this new company of cousin-comrades. United, we resurrect one of the (great, lamented) warrior societies-the Urunthai!"

The other raiders raised their weapons, bellowing a piercing cry.

Sara blinked surprise. Few humans grew up ignorant of that name, fearsome from bygone days.

"This we have done because (so-called) aunts and sages have betrayed our glory race, falling into a (reviled) human trap. A scheme of extermination, planned by alien criminals."

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Uplift - Brightness Reef Part 41 summary

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