Klepto Cat Mystery - Sleight Of Paw Part 12

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"No, scratched," Savannah said as she dabbed at the wound on her arm.

"Did Rags do that?" he asked, stepping in and closing the door.

Savannah nodded. She looked over at their employee, while holding a tissue against the cat scratch. "Alyce," she said, "I don't know what this is about, but he seems to be upset with you. Maybe you'd better leave." She walked over to the stunned woman. "I'm sorry. I've never seen him behave that way before."

"No problem. I'm outta here-gladly. He's one scary cat!" She said as she hurried out through the door.

"What happened?" Michael asked when he and Savannah were alone in the room.

"I don't know," Savannah said. "He saw Alyce and went crazy."

"Well, that's not like him. I wonder if he's in some sort of pain. Here, let me get him so you can take a look."

"Okay, but just don't let that girl back in here."

Michael took a step toward the cat and then changed his mind. "Savannah, let me see your arm." She held it toward him and he said, "I'm going to send Bud in to clean it and put a dressing on it. Let's do that before you finish with Rags." He looked around her and saw that the cat was still huddled under the chair. "He'll be all right there for a few more minutes."

"Okay," she said. Then, "Oh Michael, don't forget we're having guests in this evening."

"Oh yeah, what time?"

"Around seven."

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you."

"Come on you guys, how many birthday parties is a guy supposed to get?" Michael asked.

"Depends on how well loved he is," Savannah said. "Now just blow out the candles, will you?"

Margaret looked over at Michael. "You've already had a birthday party? And we weren't invited?"

Savannah responded, "Oh we just had an early gift-opening with Adam. He made a present for his dad and wanted to give it to him. We had cake and ice cream last So who wants chocolate cake and rainbow ice cream?"

"Rainbow ice cream?"

"Sorry, that's what the birthday boy wanted," Savannah said apologetically. "Oh wait. I also have a little Oreo cookie ice cream in there."

"I'll just have cake," Max said turning up his nose.

"Cake and Oreo ice cream for me," Margaret said.

About that time, Lexie sidled up to Michael, her nose sniffing toward the cake on the platter Savannah held.

"No chocolate for dogs, girl. Sorry about that." He then said, "Savannah, do you have a treat in there for our oldest daughter?"

"She's not your oldest, is she?" Max asked. "Isn't Buffy more elderly?"

"Yes, I guess she is. Okay then, our largest daughter." He patted Lexie and hugged her to him. "Come on, I'll get you a treat, girl." He got up and headed toward the kitchen. Before he entered, he noticed something sitting on the buffet in the dining room. "What's this?"

"What?" Savannah asked.

"Someone's keys."

"Oh yes," she said. "I found those at the clinic yesterday morning. I forgot all about them until Rags dug them out from between the seats on our way home this afternoon. I'm going to give them to Craig."

"Where is Rags?" Margaret asked. "I haven't seen him tonight."

"Yeah," Savannah winced. "He isn't feeling well-little urinary tract infection."

"Awww, sorry to hear it," Max said. "Is he here? Or at the clinic?"

"Here," she said. "We had him at the clinic today, but he had a meltdown of some sort."

"What?!?" Margaret exclaimed. "Rags? The coolest cat in town?"

"Yes," Michael said. "He went berserk right there in the examining room-caused such a ruckus it could be heard in the waiting room. Not sure how many people took their pets and went home."

"Oh Michael," Savannah said, "n.o.body walked out." She looked over at Margaret. "But it was pretty scary. He even scratched me up some." She held out her bandaged arm for her aunt to see.

"Well, what happened?" Margaret asked.

"I think it had something to do with our new girl, Alyce. He took one look at her and just lost it."

Margaret frowned. "Why? Did she remind him of someone or something? Why do you think he acted that way?"

"I don't know; maybe I ought to contact Caroline-the cat psychic."

"Well, he's okay now," Michael said. "We just won't let her near him, that's all."

"But wouldn't you like to know why he would react to her that way?"

"I guess. But I think I'd rather just keep him away from her."

After Savannah finished serving the dessert in the living room, she walked over and picked up a package off the dining room table. Here Michael. Happy birthday, honey." She bent down and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Well, thank you. Is it something you made?"


"It's not a re-gift, is it? This wrapping paper looks familiar."

"No, Michael," she said a bit impatiently. "It looks familiar because I have a roll of it and I've wrapped several birthday gifts in it already."

"Oh. So what is it?"

"Open it, silly."

Michael began tearing into the colorful paper and quickly uncovered the item. "It's Do we need surveillance cameras?" He looked up at Savannah. "Hey, not a bad idea. I can put one out by the corral and one by the dog run..."

"No, it's not a surveillance camera, it's a camera for your computer."

"For his computer?" Margaret said with a laugh. "Is he going on the dating channel? Will we see his naked b.u.t.t on his Facebook page?"

"Nooooo, you guys. It's so he can talk in real time with Adam. I gave Marci one to hook up for Adam, too, so they can see each other and talk to each other any time."

"Really?" Michael said as if disbelieving such a thing existed. "Did you hear that, Max? Now how cool is that?" He grabbed Savannah and hugged her to him. "And how thoughtful is my wife?"

"So you like it?" she asked.

"I love it. I am absolutely...well, this is the best gift ever. Thank you, honey."

"Open our gift," Margaret said, handing him a gift bag.

He smiled. "A pretty bag. Thank you, guys."

"Open it, Michael," Margaret said, feigning impatience.

"Okay." He looked over at the couple and asked, "It's not a kitten, is it?"

"No," Max said.

"How do you know? You didn't wrap it," Margaret said, good-naturedly.

"Well, if it was a kitten, I would have heard it meowing on the walk over here, wouldn't I? And Lexie would have been nosing around it. No, Michael, there's no kitten in there. All of ours are accounted for."

Michael peered into the bag and removed the tissue paper. He reached in, pulled out the item and stared at it, a puzzled look on his face. "It's a..."

"It's a pencil and pen holder," Margaret said.

"Well, thank you guys. Really. Nice of you."

"Look at it, Michael," Margaret demanded.

He held it up and examined it more closely, and that's when he noticed Adam's smiling face on all four sides of the pencil holder. "Ohhhhhh, it's Adam."

"Yes," Margaret said. "We've been doing photo sessions when he comes to help us with the kitties." She stood and walked over to where Michael sat. Pointing, she said, "Here he is with Big Boy. Here's a shot with him and little JoJo. Those are the golden girls, Molly and Lolly. And here he is holding his kitty, Tiger. He wanted a picture with his kitty on it, too, so I got Marci to email me one."

"I love it, guys. I really do. You are all so thoughtful...all of you."

Savannah put her hand on her husband's arm. "Oh Michael, I think you're going to cry."

"Yes, I just might. I just might. I'm so...touched. Thank you again."

"You act like you've never had a birthday party before," Margaret said after sitting down next to her husband.

Michael was silent for a moment before saying, "Not many, actually. At least not with friends-just a meal of my choice for supper and maybe a new pair of shoes or a s.h.i.+rt for school. Savannah has told me about the celebrations you all had when she and Brianna were growing up. I missed out on all that."

Max leaned forward and stroked Buffy's fur as she walked past. "Well, Michael, I'd say you're getting it now."

"Where are you going to put your pencil box, Michael?" Savannah asked as they prepared for bed that evening. "In the study, in the office?"

"I'm thinking about the study next to the computer. Or near the phone in the kitchen to replace the pencil holder we have in there. What do you think?"

"It's up to you," she said disappearing into the bathroom.

"What are you doing in there?" Michael finally called out. "I'm waiting for my birthday kiss."

"I'm almost ready," she said.

"Ready for what? Are we going out someplace?"

The door to the bathroom opened, the light went out, and Savannah stepped into the dimly lit room wearing a low-cut, slinky, black negligee; her hair was pulled back on one side and hanging partially over one eye in soft layered curls. She stopped and leaned against the door jamb, a sultry look on her beautiful face.

"Wow!" Michael said in a low voice. "You look scrumptious. Come get in bed so I can unwrap you."

"First, you get to unwrap this," she said walking over slowly and handing him a small box wrapped with pretty paper and a bow.

"I'd rather open this," he said reaching up and putting his hands around Savannah's waist and then running them down over her hips.

"Okay. But first you have to open this."

"If you say so," he said impatiently. "What is it? You know, nothing can top what I've already received from you, Adam, Maggie, and Max. Nothing."

She smiled. "I think you'll beg to differ in a few minutes."

"I don't think so," he said while pulling the bow and paper off the little box. He opened the lid, moved some tissue paper aside, and froze in place. As if in a daze, he stared down into the box. Finally, he blurted, "Booties?" He looked up at Savannah, who had a big smile on her face.


He lifted the yellow booties out of the box and held them up. "Booties? Does this mean...?" he started.

"Yes, Michael. It means that I want us to have a baby."


"Yes. As soon as possible. That is, if you still want to..."

"Want to? Absolutely, I want to more than almost anything. Oh, Savannah," he said, reaching up and pulling her down into the bed with him. "Now you have given me everything I could ever ask for. Thank you, honey."

"Sooooo, shall we get started?"

"Get started?" he asked.

"Making that baby, silly."

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Klepto Cat Mystery - Sleight Of Paw Part 12 summary

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