Double Montana Treats Part 14

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"We're missing about twenty head of cattle. We've looked everywhere except over on the government's land. Jeb didn't think we had time to go over there and get back before the worst of the storm hit."

"Jeb, was there any sign someone had been there? Any more cut fences?"

"None that we found. We rode all over the ranch trying to find them and couldn't see anything for all the snow. As fast as it's falling, we never would find prints, but the fences all seem intact."

"Where's Marshall?" Drew just realized he wasn't with them.

"He's seeing to the horses. I'm going back out to help him, but we wanted to tell you about the missing cows," Jeb said.

"I'll go out and help him. You and Kenny get warmed up," she told them.

"There's no use in you getting cold, Drew. Let us take care of things out there." Kenny resettled his hat on his head.

She frowned and stuck her hands on her hips. "I'm the boss, and I want to go out and check on the horses myself."

"Kenny, let her go play in the snow. You know that's what she really wants to do," Jeb teased.

Robert burst out laughing across the room. Kenny grinned but quickly hid it when Drew turned to glare at him.

"I ought to dock both of you for being insubordinate." She grabbed her coat and scarf and bundled up before pulling on her gloves.

Jeb pinched her a.s.s on the way by, but it didn't hurt since she had on thermals underneath her jeans. She stuck her tongue out before quickly opening the door and running out into the snow.

So what if she wanted to play in the snow. She felt so much lighter than she ever had before. She knew it was because of Jeb and Marshall. They not only took some of the pressure of the ranch off of her, but they had opened her heart as well. She felt years younger, and even after they left, she would always be thankful for the time she had with them. As much as she wished they wouldn't, she knew they would. They wanted their own place.

Drew held no illusions where they were involved. She was a warm body in a comfortable bed who didn't mind being shared. She truly believed they cared about her and would do anything in the world they could for her, but sticking around just wasn't in their plans. It would hurt like h.e.l.l when they moved on, but she would survive. She'd survived before they showed up, and she would keep going after they left.

It was so silent outside with the snow blanketing everything. She could hear the m.u.f.fled moos of the cows off to the right but not much else. It was one of the many things she loved about the snow, the absolute quiet of a clear night with all the stars s.h.i.+ning in the sky. She would have to come back out tonight and see if the clouds cleared enough she could see. She couldn't wait until it cleared off in a day or two, and she would have her clear, starry skies.

The barn loomed ahead of her as she tromped through the white powder. The door opened easily enough despite the snow. She stomped off her boots and called out to Marshall as she closed the door behind her.

"Marshall? Need some help?"

"Sure, baby. Come on over here, and keep me company."

Drew found him in the last stall, combing out Crooner. He had taken his coat off and draped it over the stall door. No doubt he was sweaty from all the work.

"Who haven't you worked on, and I'll help."

"You don't have to get dirty. I'll get them. With you out here, it won't take nearly as long."

"Really?" She walked into the stall and wrapped her arms around him from behind.

"I don't mind one bit, baby. You just keep me company." He stood up and turned around in her arms, setting the curry brush on the edge of the stall door.

"You're going to get a lot of work done like this," she said.

"I want a little kiss first. That's all. Just one kiss." He grinned at her and pulled her up toward him.

When his lips touched hers, she opened to him. Immediately his tongue plunged in and slid along hers to tease it. She sucked his back into her mouth before he caught hers. He pulled back a little bit, then nipped at her lower lip when she let him go.

"f.u.c.k, I want you so badly right now." He took her hand and rubbed it up and down his hardened c.o.c.k.

"Hmmm, how about I keep your c.o.c.k warm in my mouth for you. Think you can handle that?"

"Aw, h.e.l.l yes." He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, letting his ma.s.sive c.o.c.k spring out and into her eager hands. "Suck it, baby. I want to feel that hot mouth around it."

Drew wrapped her hand as far around his d.i.c.k at the base as she could get then planted a kiss right on top. He gritted his teeth and held her head still as he rubbed the head of his c.o.c.k against her lips.

"It's freezing out here, Drew. Suck my d.i.c.k."

She opened her mouth wide and let his flesh fill her mouth. She could feel her lips stretching to fit him inside of her. Her tongue licked along the underside of him as he pushed his c.o.c.k deep into her throat. She relaxed and let it slide deeper until she swallowed around him in reflex. He cursed and jerked in her hand.

Marshall's jeans were in her way. She shoved them back farther so she could get her other hand between his legs to cup his swollen b.a.l.l.s. She rolled them gently around in her hand then scratched lightly along them. He growled low in his throat as she took him deep again and swallowed. Over and over she pumped her mouth over his c.o.c.k until he began to move his hips in rhythm with her.

Finally, he grabbed her head with his hands and held her still as he pumped his d.i.c.k in and out of her mouth. She felt his b.a.l.l.s draw up and knew he was about to come. She squeezed them at the same time she shoved her head down on his c.o.c.k and swallowed harder than she ever had. He exploded in her mouth, coming up on his tiptoes as he did. His c.u.m filled her throat and dripped from her mouth. She ran her tongue around her lips to gather it all up then licked his c.o.c.k until it was clean.

"f.u.c.k, Drew. d.a.m.n. That was so f.u.c.king hot."

"Did I keep you warm enough?" she asked with a mischievous smile.

"h.e.l.l, yeah. If I'd gotten any hotter, I would have been on fire." Marshall helped her to her feet and wrapped her in his arms.

"Better zip it up before you lose all that heat we generated, cowboy." She backed up and let him finish dressing.

"If you want to help me, check the feed for everyone while I finish up."

Drew smiled and winked at him before walking to the back of the barn and going through the feed bags. All of them were still factory sealed except the one they were using. She dipped her pan in and found only clean grain. She smiled and filled each of the bins for the horses. Then she forked over fresh hay into each stall, making sure to dump some on Marshall by accident.

"I'll get you for that, baby. Just wait."

"Are you going to spank me?" she asked with a pout.

"Count on it."

Chapter Fourteen.

By the time they made it inside the house, the snow had picked up and added several inches to the ground. It wouldn't be long before they would need the ropes to find their way in the blowing snow.

"d.a.m.n, something smells good."

"Homemade chili from scratch, with cornbread," Jeb supplied.

"Let's get cleaned up," Drew said. "I'm hungry." She peeled out of her outerwear and shed her boots to run sock-footed up the stairs with Marshall right behind her.

They fought over the sink and finally managed to get the counter soaked as well as their s.h.i.+rts.

"We're going to freeze if we go outside like this," Marshall pointed out.

"No need to go out for a while longer. You'll dry by then." She dried off her hands and threw the towel to him.

When she turned around to leave, she ran right into Jeb. He caught her to him and pulled her up for a kiss. Then he squeezed her tight and turned her toward the door.

"Go dip up some chili for us, woman. We'll be right down." Jeb popped her on the a.s.s as she headed out.

She wondered why Jeb wanted to talk to Marshall without her there. It bugged her, but they had a right to their own thoughts and lives. Still, she couldn't stop wondering if they were keeping something from her.

When they came back down a few seconds later, she studied them but couldn't tell if there was anything going on or not. They sat down and ate their chili, teasing and talking as usual. Robert seemed more relaxed around them now. She was glad of that. Kenny was definitely in a better frame of mind.

This is what she wanted. A family. Right now, this was her family, but she knew it wouldn't last. One day, Robert and Kenny would make a home for themselves, she hoped. They would always be friends, but it wouldn't be the same. She looked around the table and felt tears p.r.i.c.k her eyes. To cover them, she got up to grab another gla.s.s of iced tea.

"Anyone else need some?"

"As good as this is? You might as well leave the pitcher on the table," Marshall told her.

"I have more cornbread mixed up if I need to pop it in the oven," Robert told them.

"I'm full, so none for me," she said.

"I think there's plenty here, Robert." Kenny took a drink of his tea and nodded at the three pieces on the plate in the middle of the table.

They finished up, and Kenny helped Robert in the kitchen. Marshall, Jeb, and Drew all walked into the living room and turned on the TV. Half way through the weather, the cable went off.

"We'll, that's just the beginning. Next will be electricity," Drew told them.

"Report said we could get up to two feet of snow with this one. What do you think?" Jeb asked.

"Clouds are pretty d.a.m.n heavy looking, and the front looked to be a slow-moving one, so I wouldn't be surprised at all."

"I checked out the generator for the house. It cranked right up and is full. We can run it for short periods of time," Marshall said.

"We might as well take a nap now. We'll have to check on the herd again before dark." Jeb moved to add more wood to the fire in the fireplace.

Robert and Kenny walked into the living room.

"Kenny, we're going to take a nap. Have to check on the herd before dark. Why don't you and Robert take a nap, too? I'll set my alarm to wake us up in, say, three hours." Jeb punched him in the arm and climbed the stairs behind Drew.

She could just imagine his eyes on her a.s.s and put an extra sway into it just for him. He must have noticed, because he cleared his throat.

As soon as she walked into the room, Marshall grabbed her and started unfastening her clothes.

"Hey! Are you in a hurry or something?"

"I promised you I would get you back. I owe you a spanking."

Jeb chuckled. "What did she do?"

"Dumped hay all over me when I was taking care of the horses."

"That's not all I did. You got the best d.a.m.n BJ you've had in your life."

"Yep, there is that. But it isn't going to get you out of your spanking."

With that, Marshall shoved her backward on the bed and started pulling off her boots followed by her jeans. Then he hauled her over his lap and smacked her a.s.s when she wouldn't be still.

"Hey, you can't spank me for throwing hay on you," Drew complained.

"Keep it up, and you'll get more than the five you've got coming." He really wanted ten.

Ten would make her a.s.s a nice shade of pink, and he bet she would be wet and ready for them after a good spanking.

"She's wiggling, Marshall. I think she needs two more." Jeb sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off his boots.

"Shut up, Jeb."

"That's three more. That makes an even ten, Drew," Marshall said.

"I swear..."

"Do you want to make it twelve?"

She opened her mouth, then closed it again and pouted. He loved seeing her puffy red lips pucker like that. He could still remember the look of them stretched tight across his c.o.c.k earlier. Her a.s.s was the prettiest pale that would light up a gorgeous pink when he finished spanking her. He rubbed his hand lightly over the rounded globes, then raised his hand and spanked first one side then the other before rubbing them.

"Ow! That hurt."

"It's supposed to, baby, or it wouldn't be punishment." Jeb pulled her hair from her face and held it back.

Marshall popped her twice more, then rubbed the offended areas. Drew growled. He smiled and spanked her twice more. This time she whined, and there were tears in her eyes, but she was wiggling her a.s.s at him. When he checked, there was the unmistakable glide of wetness between her thighs. She was loving it.

Jeb grabbed Marshall's fingers and brought them to his nose. His friend was hungry for p.u.s.s.y. He'd have a delicious meal tonight. He spanked Drew twice more. Drew's tears fell this time, and she promised to be good. She wiggled her a.s.s at him, begging for more.

He gave her the last two licks then stood her up and kissed away her tears before running his hand between her legs. Marshall used two fingers to test her readiness for them. She was soaking his fingers with her sweet juice.

"I want to taste that pretty p.u.s.s.y," Jeb said.

Marshall smiled and handed her over to Jeb. His friend picked her up and laid her back on the bed, where he dove between her legs and began licking her slit in earnest. Marshall could see how good it felt to her. Her eyes were beginning to glaze over.

He watched Jeb's tongue lick and f.u.c.k her c.u.n.t over and over as he slipped out of his clothes. He couldn't wait to get in that hot p.u.s.s.y. She'd squeeze the c.u.m out of him. He leaned over and began licking her breast. He tugged on the other nipple as his mouth sucked and nipped at that one. She moaned and shoved her b.r.e.a.s.t.s higher.

Marshall began sucking harder on her nipple, not able to get enough of it in his mouth. He continued to nip at it and tug at the other one until he felt her begin the shake as her climax overtook her.

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Double Montana Treats Part 14 summary

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