Double Montana Treats Part 15

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"That's right, baby. Come on my tongue."

Marshall laughed and pinched both of her nipples until she was bucking into Jeb's face.

Jeb pulled back after one last long lick and stood up. He opened the bedside table and pulled out two condoms and the lube. He tossed one of the condoms to Marshall.

He lost no time rolling it on his d.i.c.k and lying back on the bed. He rolled Drew over on top of him and laughed when she tried to curl up and go to sleep on his chest.

"Whoa, baby. We're not finished with you yet." Marshall lifted her up and lined up his d.i.c.k with her hot, wet slit. When he slowly let her down, she perked up and groaned. Once her p.u.s.s.y was flush against his pelvis, she began to move.

Jeb laid a hand on her back and pushed her forward until Marshall could get his arms around her. He held her down, telling her how beautiful she was and how hot she was. Jeb prepared her back hole for his c.o.c.k.

"I can't wait to get in this tight a.s.s, Drew. You're going to squeeze me to death, baby."

"Please f.u.c.k me, Marshall. I can't stand it. I need something." Drew was crying now, trying to move on him.

Marshall cursed. Being still was about to get to him as well. "Jeb?"

"Just about, Marshall. I don't want to hurt her."

"Please, Jeb. It won't hurt. Please."

Marshall knew the second that Jeb began pus.h.i.+ng his big c.o.c.k into Drew's a.s.s. She stilled and hissed out a breath.

"That's it, baby. Push out for me," Jeb leaned over and whispered.

Marshall felt Jeb's c.o.c.k finally pop through the tight ring and move against his d.i.c.k. The thin layer of skin that separated them didn't prevent him from feeling him rub across him as he pushed deeper into Drew's a.s.s.

"Yes! More, please, more." She kept trying to f.u.c.k back on Jeb's c.o.c.k.

Jeb slapped her a.s.s. "Be still, Drew. Let us take care of you."

She stopped moving but didn't stop squeezing her inner muscles around them. Marshall nearly lost it when she s.h.i.+vered and squeezed tight around his d.i.c.k.

"f.u.c.k her, Jeb. She's driving me crazy down here."

Jeb chuckled and began pulling out as Marshall pushed in, and then pushed forward as Marshall retreated. They worked out their rhythm, slowly increasing it. Between Drew's tight c.u.n.t and Jeb's d.i.c.k sliding back and forth across his, Marshall's b.a.l.l.s drew up and fire shot down his spine and heated his blood. Within seconds, he shot c.u.m, filling the condom until he was worried he was overfilling it.

Not long after that, Jeb shouted and came as well. Both men all but collapsed. Drew wasn't moving or saying anything. Marshall felt embarra.s.sed that he hadn't made sure she'd come. He'd never been so caught up in coming that he'd forgotten to take care of his partner.


"I think she pa.s.sed out," Jeb said in a whispery voice. He continued to pant.

"s.h.i.+t. Off, Jeb. I'm afraid I'm going to leak."

Jeb groaned and carefully pulled out of Drew before moving to the side of the bed.

Marshall rolled over with Drew and slowly pulled out of her. He went and disposed of the condom, praying he hadn't leaked. After he cleaned up, he cleaned Drew up as Jeb disposed of his.

They settled her in the bed and covered her with the blankets, making sure the electric blanket was on. Jeb crawled over and set the alarm before slipping between the covers and spooning her from behind. Marshall climbed in on the other side and backed up to her, pulling one of her arms over his waist where he could clasp it in his.

"Are you sure we don't have a chance with her, Jeb?"

"I don't know, Marshall. I just can't see putting her through the c.r.a.p that Kenny and Robert go through, because that would be what she would have to deal with."

"h.e.l.l, Jeb. She's already having to deal with it because she hired us."

"I think the best we can hope for is to make enough money we can buy some land close by. I don't see any other way."

Marshall closed his eyes and wished for something he didn't have the right to. Drew's love.

The sound of her alarm ringing pulled Drew from a deep sleep. She felt the bed dip on either side of her, and then the d.a.m.n thing cut off. She managed to get one eye opened to see a cute a.s.s disappear into the bathroom. She opened the other eye and found Jeb grinning down at her.

"Why don't you stay in bed until we get back? No need for you to get up, too."

"Hmmm, I'm getting up though. I want to be able to sleep tonight. Besides, I'm thirsty." She rolled over and climbed out of the bed about the same time Marshall walked out of the bathroom. He grabbed her and kissed her.

Jeb took the opportunity to steal the bathroom from her. She pouted up at Marshall.

"You did that on purpose to let him get the bathroom next."

"Hey, we have to stick up for one another."

"Who sticks up for me?"

"I do." He wrapped her hand around his hard-as-steel d.i.c.k.

"Funny." Drew shook her head and pulled out of his arms to locate her clothing.

She pulled on her thermals then climbed into her jeans. She was pulling on her boots when Jeb emerged from the bathroom fully dressed.

"Hold up you two, I'm going with you. I want to see how the cows are doing."

Jeb and Marshall waited on her to finish getting her s.h.i.+rt on then followed her down the stairs. Kenny was already dressed and dragging on his coat when they entered the kitchen.

"Where's Robert?" she asked.

"I left him sleeping."

"See, you could still be sleeping, too," Jeb pointed out.

"Not today. I want to see what's left of my herd."

They donned their coats and gloves before walking outside in the blowing snow. Everyone grabbed the rope and followed it over to the fence line where the water troughs were. The blowing snow made it hard to make out a lot of things unless you were right there at them.

"Heaters are working fine on the water," Jeb yelled.

"Let's put out the hay," Kenny said.

Marshall and Kenny disappeared in the snow to load up one of the trucks with hay to put out for the herd.

"They look like they're doing okay. I think bringing them up close to the house was the best idea. Soon as this is over with, we'll go look for the others. Kenny's right, they're probably over on the government land. You get a strong enough cow it might lead a few others off with him."

The truck backed up to the gate, and Kenny jumped out with Marshall to pitch the hay over the fence. Jeb and Drew stood and watched them for a few seconds.

"I'm going to check the horses," Drew yelled.

"I'll go with you. Don't want you by yourself at all, Drew. I mean it."

Jeb grabbed the rope, and they followed it to the barn. It took Jeb a few seconds to get the door opened since the snow had piled up against it. Once inside, they stomped off the snow and began to check the horses.

"We're going to need to do some shoveling," Jeb said.

Drew added hay to each of the horse's stalls and made sure the water wasn't frozen before turning back to where Jeb was standing.

"Shovels are on the back porch. We can each take a turn keeping the path open. I'll shovel first."

"Like h.e.l.l, you will." Jeb frowned at her. "There are enough of us to handle the harder work. You're not shoveling snow. I mean it, Drew."

"I was shoveling before you got here, Jeb. I'll be shoveling when you leave." She stuck her hands on her hips and glared at him.

"But you're not shoveling while I am here. Get over it." He stomped to the door and threw it open. Snow and wind poured in.

Drew cursed and followed him out so he could close the door. They walked back over to the fence line to see that Marshall and Kenny had finished with the hay and were gone. They followed the rope back to the porch and ran into them shoveling the snow.

"I'll be back out in a minute to help you guys. I need to have a talk with Drew." Jeb opened the kitchen door and all but shoved Drew inside.

"Stop pus.h.i.+ng me around," she said with a growl.

"Don't argue with me about everything. You are not going to shovel snow or anything else on this ranch that you don't have to do. Not while Marshall and I are here to help you. If you want to go back to doing that c.r.a.p when we're gone, then that's up to you."

"I don't like being told what I can and can't do on my own ranch." Drew stood toe-to-toe with him.

"Get used to it. As long as I'm the foreman, I call the shots."

Drew was so mad she almost told him to get his s.h.i.+t together and leave, but she knew better than to speak in haste. She swallowed and let out a long breath.

"This is still my ranch." She turned around and walked out of the kitchen before she said something she would regret.

Chapter Fifteen.

"What in the h.e.l.l were you and Drew fighting about? I could hear you outside." Marshall stomped off his boots as he walked inside. Kenny was right behind him with a thoughtful look on his face.

"She wanted to shovel snow, and I told her as long as I was the foreman she wasn't doing any of that sort of stuff. That's what she has us for."

"Aw, h.e.l.l, Jeb. Do we still have jobs?"

Jeb sighed. "Yeah, for now anyway."

"She's proud of her ranch, man. I wouldn't call her on it too much. It's about all she has to her name. That ranch, and Robert, and me." Kenny hung his coat on the rack and walked out of the kitchen.

"d.a.m.n it, Marshall. She shouldn't have to do the heavy or dangerous stuff while we're here. Otherwise, what's the use of us helping her?"

"You have to remember that this is her ranch. Like Kenny said. She doesn't own anything but this place. You said we were going to leave when we have enough money for our own place. Then what will she have?"

Jeb sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Marshall was right, but so was he. He didn't want anything to happen to her, and he was afraid something would. It had scared him to death when he'd seen her lying with her head bleeding.

"We're not leaving until we find out who's bothering her and put a stop to it."

"d.a.m.n straight we're not." Marshall huffed out a breath. "You better go make up with her. Otherwise you're going to be sleeping alone in the other room in the cold."

Jeb grinned. He supposed he had some groveling to do, but he wasn't backing down on her shoveling snow. She could stand out there and watch if she wanted to, but he didn't want her doing the heavy work.

He walked through the living room to the closed door of her office and knocked. There was no answer, so he knocked again.

"What do you want?" He heard her call out in a m.u.f.fled voice.

"Can I come in? I want to talk."

"I think we've done all the talking we can afford to do right now, Jeb."

"I need to apologize for stepping out of bounds, Drew. Let me in."

There was a shuffling sound, and then he heard the lock click and the door open a few inches. He waited, and when it didn't open any farther, he pushed it open and walked in. Drew sat behind her desk with reddened eyes and a blotchy face. She was wiping her face with a tissue, and he felt like a total heel.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you, Drew. I had no right."

"Fine." She didn't look at him.

"I know the ranch is yours, and you have every right to do whatever you want to on it. I care about you, Drew, and don't like that you've had to do some of the things you've had to do. I want to take care of you while I'm here. Marshall and I both do."

She looked up and Jeb saw so much in her face, pain, worry, and a very deep sadness. Had he put all that there?

"It's okay, Jeb. I know." She stood up and walked around the desk.

When she got to him, he enfolded her in his arms and hugged her. She held on to him as if she thought he was going to disappear. When she finally let go, she smiled and laid her head against his chest.

"I'm tired, Jeb. I'm going to bed now."

"Want me to tuck you in?"

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Double Montana Treats Part 15 summary

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