The Dare Boys Of 1776 Part 12

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"A friend."

"Advance, friend, and give the countersign," was the command.

d.i.c.k advanced till within a few yards of the sentinel, whose form he could make out, it being outlined against the light background made by the campfires.

"Halt!" ordered the sentinel. "Give the countersign before you come any further."

"I don't know the countersign," replied d.i.c.k, quietly. "But I am a friend, and I wish to see the commander in charge of this army."

"Humph. What do you want to see him for?"

"I want to offer my services to fight for the king."

"Oh, you do, eh?"

"Yes, sir."

"You are a loyal king's man, then, are you?"

"Would I be anxious to join the king's army if I were not?" questioned d.i.c.k. He had decided that there could be no harm in deceiving the enemy. In spy-work it would be absolutely necessary to use this means.

His conscience did not reproach him in the least, for he felt that he was making the pretense of being a king's adherent in a good cause-that of Liberty.

"What is your name?" the soldier asked.

d.i.c.k had decided that it would be best to give a fict.i.tious name, so he gave the first one that came into his mind:

"Harry Fuller," he said.

"Harry Fuller, eh? Well, Harry Fuller, since you are a loyal king's man and wish to join his army, I will see that you have the opportunity. I'll summon the officer of the guard and he will conduct you to the commander of the force."

"This isn't the full army, then?" queried d.i.c.k.

"One division of it," was the curt reply. "There's enough of it here for you to join, I guess, if you really mean business."

The sentinel summoned the officer of the guard, explained matters to him, and then the officer conducted d.i.c.k into the encampment, and to a tent near its center. This was occupied by General Percy, and the officer of the guard entered and exchanged a few words with the general, who was writing at a little, portable desk, by the light of a candle, and then he emerged and said to d.i.c.k:

"The general will see you."

Then he ushered the youth into the tent, at the same time announcing:

"Harry Fuller, General Percy."

The British general looked up, eyed d.i.c.k sharply for a few moments, and then said:

"Well, Harry Fuller, so you wish to join the British army and fight for the king, eh?"

d.i.c.k had met the searching gaze of the officer unflinchingly, and now he answered promptly and firmly:

"Yes, sir; such is my wish."

"Humph. How old are you?"

"Eighteen, sir."

"Rather young, but no matter. You can hold a musket and shoot as good as a man, without doubt, so should make a good soldier. I accept your offer, and will a.s.sign you to Colonel Harker's regiment."

Then he scribbled a brief note, handed it to d.i.c.k and said: "Give that to the colonel. He will take care of you." Lifting his voice, he called out: "Orderly!"

An orderly entered at once, and saluted.

"Conduct this young man to Colonel Harker. That is all. Good-night, young man."

"Good-night, sir," replied d.i.c.k, and followed the orderly from the tent and to the point where Harker's regiment was stationed, and to that officer he handed the note from the general.

"Ah, a new recruit," said the colonel, when he had read the note.

"Very well, Harry Fuller, you are a member of Company H. That is it, yonder. Take your place there." He pointed to the company in question, and d.i.c.k saluted and joined the company, taking a seat with the soldiers of Company H, some of whom greeted him with nods, and many looking at him with a slight show of curiosity, but saying nothing.

One or two said: "How are you, comrade?"

"I'm all right, I guess," d.i.c.k replied to these, smiling.

The soldiers smoked and talked, and d.i.c.k sat quietly there and listened. He had an eager interest in all that was said, for he wished to learn all he possibly could. That indeed was what he had come there for.

d.i.c.k felt that he had been fortunate in getting within the British lines so easily. And, too, he was lucky to have been accepted as a soldier. He naturally had feared that his youth would be against him, and that he would be refused on that account. But such had not been the case, his youth had not counted against him, and he was now in the British camp, playing the part of a British soldier.

Chapter X

In the Enemy's Camp

d.i.c.k Dare had accomplished what had seemed to be the most difficult part of the task that he had come here to accomplish, viz.: Gotten within the British lines, had become, in fact, a member of the British army.

So far so good. Now to secure information that would be of value to General Was.h.i.+ngton and a benefit to the great Cause of Liberty.

"What's your name?" asked one of the British soldiers.

"Harry Fuller," d.i.c.k replied

"Where do you live?"

"Oh, about ten miles from here," replied the youth

"Parents living."

"Yes," replied d.i.c.k.

"And so you have joined the king's army and are going to help make it hot for the rebels, hey" with a chuckle. "Good for you."

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The Dare Boys Of 1776 Part 12 summary

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