My Girlfriend is a Zombie Chapter 645 – A Tight Squeeze is Healthier

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Chapter 645 – A Tight Squeeze is Healthier


“You’d better be of use to me, or else…”

After issuing a pointless threat to the “jellyfish,” Ling Mo took a deep breath and lifted it in front of himself.

It wasn’t for the sake of any trans-species consciousness exchange, although Ling Mo did indeed extend a mental Tentacle…

As soon as the Tentacle reached the “jellyfish,” it twitched as if electrified, then began to pulsate cheerfully.

With its “breathing,” the mental energy from Ling Mo was immediately absorbed into its body.

Following that, the white specks inside it gradually took on a faint red hue…

“Sure enough, the mental energy it absorbs turns pure, but even when purified, mine carries the traits of zombies,” Ling Mo mumbled to himself with some consternation.

It seemed that though his mind was still human, his “hardware” had been irrevocably branded with the mark of zombies… there was no turning back.

The “jellyfish” was absorbing contentedly when suddenly it felt its body being pinched by those hands.

Ling Mo’s gaze locked onto it, and then his hands exerted force simultaneously—


It was like a transparent rubber ball filled with water suddenly being squeezed, the specks of light within the “jellyfish” burst out from its body.

It now resembled a small whale; each time Ling Mo squeezed, a stream of light would follow…

“Stop resisting, a tight squeeze is healthier.”

The “gurgle, gurgle” sound accompanied Ling Mo’s actions, each squeeze eliciting a noise…

“Where have you hidden?”

Ai Feng charged down the stairs, suddenly hearing the sound of shattering gla.s.s.

He came to an abrupt halt, a strange smile on his face, and charged into the mall on that level: “Are you here?”

Upon entering, he was confronted by a dark, gloomy s.p.a.ce.

Discarded waste everywhere, shelves in disarray…

Ai Feng’s wild eyes darted left and right, he gently lifted a foot, stepped forward a distance, then slowly set it down on the ground.


Ai Feng paused, his expression turning slightly bizarre.

His eyes were fixated on something ahead, as if he saw nothing, yet through his other “eyes,” the scene was entirely different.

The same dark mall, but filled with numerous points of light, flickering in and out of visibility.

The mental energy viewed through these “eyes” was colorless, yet the intensity was clear.

And these points of light were almost indistinguishable…

It wasn’t that Ling Mo had disappeared; he was everywhere!

Ai Feng stood frozen, pondering which of these points was the real Ling Mo.

“It should buy me some time,” thought Ling Mo, hiding in a corner, working hard to control his mental activity.

He casually stuffed the deflated “jellyfish” back into his bag, peering through the gaps of the shelves in front of him, watching the dark expanse of the mall.

An opportunity… In times like this, one could only wait for an opportunity…


Just then, a chilling sensation suddenly crept up the back of Ling Mo’s neck.

He s.h.i.+vered instantly, his eyes widening in alarm.

“What’s that?”

Ling Mo’s eyes slowly s.h.i.+fted left, catching a glimpse of a figure in his peripheral vision.

He had just managed to control his mental activity and was stealthily approached, but that was because his attention was elsewhere.

The figure was pressed against the outside of a floor-to-ceiling window, hair whipping wildly in the wind, high up in the building…

“What are you doing here!”

Ling Mo, with a look of fury, mouthed at the figure against the window.

The person outside c.o.c.ked their head, leaned in closer, their entire form pressing against the gla.s.s.

“Ah? What did you say?”


Yu s.h.i.+ran opened her mouth, but her words were drowned out by the wind.

Still, she pressed her curiosity against the window, observing Ling Mo squatting in the corner, frantically waving at her.

“What is this human doing now?” Yu s.h.i.+ran wondered with interest.

“I… never mind!” Ling Mo didn’t expect the little zombie to understand his lip movements. With a reverse grab, he accurately caught a nearly invisible silver thread in mid-air.

With a flick of his wrist, a faint silver glow flashed through the darkness.

Ling Mo pulled on the silver thread, and with a soft “bang”, the zombie loli was suddenly plastered against the window.


Yu s.h.i.+ran, with her face and chest flattened, let out a m.u.f.fled whimper and knocked on the gla.s.s with difficulty.

Several silver threads extended silently from the scarf around her neck, slicing through the gla.s.s without a sound.

As Yu s.h.i.+ran fell into the room, Ling Mo quickly caught the whole piece of cut gla.s.s and gently placed it to the side.

The mall was quite large, but any more commotion could ruin all the preparations he had made.

“What are you doing flying around out there!” Ling Mo asked in a low voice.

“Reporting…” Yu s.h.i.+ran grabbed at her messy hair, blown about by the wind, and replied.

This response gave Ling Mo a headache. Couldn’t be worse timing…

“No, wait…” Ling Mo suddenly paused and looked at Yu s.h.i.+ran differently.

Yu s.h.i.+ran brushed the hair away from her eyes and asked with wide eyes, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Heh, yes, how did I not think of that! There’s no direct mental link between you and me!” Ling Mo said, seemingly out of the blue.

Yu s.h.i.+ran looked confused. She didn’t understand what he was talking about at all!

“Come here… huh, why are you so heavy?” Ling Mo tugged on Yu s.h.i.+ran’s slender arm but nearly toppled over himself, prompting him to look behind her with confusion.

After sticking his head out and looking down, Ling Mo’s expression became extremely conflicted…

Below the window, a huge grey and white furball was scratching at the gla.s.s, and as he poked his head out, the furry head immediately looked up. The red eyes beneath the black circles were filled with surprise and pleading: “MeGu!”


Ling Mo silently retracted his head and then tugged at the silver thread, asking, “This doesn’t affect your movement, does it?”

“It doesn’t affect me…” Yu s.h.i.+ran nodded.

However, in her mind, she was wondering, what does this human want to know that for?


The mutated panda outside continued to wave its stubby little legs, but its cries were drowned out by the wind.

“Just hide here and run if anyone comes,” Ling Mo instructed Yu s.h.i.+ran, then pressed down on the zombie loli’s shoulder.

“Why… why?” Yu s.h.i.+ran struggled as she asked.

“Shh!” Ling Mo quickly covered her mouth with his hand and said, “Behave and you’ll get three extra gels as a reward!”

Yu s.h.i.+ran’s eyes widened, then she shook her head: “Mmph mmph!”

“Alright then…” Ling Mo said with a pained expression, “Two, can’t give you any more!”


“One!” Ling Mo patted Yu s.h.i.+ran’s shoulder, “That’s the deal. Remember, don’t make a sound!”

The little zombie obediently squatted in the corner, looking up at Ling Mo.

She felt that something was off just now, but as soon as Ling Mo covered her mouth, her tongue touched the delicious taste of humanity, and she forgot everything else…

Ling Mo quickly disappeared into the darkness, giving her an “OK” sign before vanis.h.i.+ng.

Yu s.h.i.+ran paused, then attempted to mimic Ling Mo’s gesture, raising her hand.

But her attempt was far from perfect; her little hand looked more like it was balled up in a fist.

“Tch, boring humans,” the zombie loli tried a few times, then pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, flicking her wrist and muttering.

She couldn’t resist licking the corner of her mouth again, then covered her mouth with both hands, deeply inhaling with delight: “Flesh…”


A foot stepped on a broken toy, producing a sharp, clear sound. In the darkness, the noise sounded particularly jarring.

Yu s.h.i.+ran, who was still savoring the moment, immediately lifted her head, recoiled in caution, and then stealthily poked her head out.

Through the crack in front of her, she could only see a small clearing ahead.


Another sharp sound came through, this time even closer to her.

Yu s.h.i.+ran held her breath instantly, the silver threads behind her trembling slightly before silently retracting to her side.


A piece of shattered gla.s.s in her view was suddenly stepped on. With only a few meters separating them, Yu s.h.i.+ran felt she could be discovered at any moment.

“There really is something different over here…”

A man’s voice, talking to himself, reached her, and Yu s.h.i.+ran had to fight the urge to move.

But Ling Mo’s instructions were “run if anyone comes,” not “fight if anyone comes.” So, Yu s.h.i.+ran continued to endure.

As a zombie, her ability to hide was far superior to Ling Mo’s. However, due to the connection between Black Silk and Ling Mo, Ai Feng’s attention was inevitably aroused.

But Black Silk was also a being of strong mental power and had a strong propensity for concealment, so Ai Feng only noticed something amiss. He couldn’t determine the exact location of his target in a short time.

“Must be around here, right? Hehehe, how long can you hide? Wouldn’t it be better to merge with me and become stronger? Instead of struggling, isn’t it better to become a monster that can crush others, to be feared? Hehehe…”

Ai Feng looked around with a sinister gaze, taunting with a sneer.

“Come out!”

“Hehe, come out.”

“Come on out!”

The voice coming from his mouth was the same, but the tone kept changing. At one moment it resembled a whimpering man’s voice, the next it was a woman’s shrill laugh, and occasionally it was interspersed with what sounded like a baby’s sob.

Hearing such voices in this setting, one couldn’t help but feel a sense of eeriness.

However, Yu s.h.i.+ran was just curiously peering at this human through the crevice, her eyes full of wonder.

A silver thread quivered gently beside her cheek, as if communicating with her in silence.

Meanwhile, behind Ai Feng, behind a cabinet, a pair of eyes was also watching him through the obstacles, observing him with a cold and steady gaze.

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My Girlfriend is a Zombie Chapter 645 – A Tight Squeeze is Healthier summary

You're reading My Girlfriend is a Zombie. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Dark Litchi, 黑暗荔枝, Dark Lychee. Already has 14 views.

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